12-15% bodyfat for a male is peak aesthetic and peak performance.
>>75481448The conventional wisdom is all wrong about sex though. Men can look better at slightly higher bf because it makes arms/chest/shoulders bigger and isn't that bad for the stomach. (Visible abs are overrated by men.)They say women should be like 20% but they must be fat lady physiologists because 12% looks twice as good.
>>75481499Fatcel cope
>>75481499Women like the Apollo's belt, they call it the V. Body fat% for women also doesn't really go to 12%, 15% is the lowest it should reasonably go.
>>75481509>>75481510>conventional wisdomNo shit, I'm disagreeing with it.
>>75481499Women just have higher body fat.For a woman,12% bf is extraordinarily lean.For a man, I'd say the aesthetic and performance peak is closer to 12%, possibly even a tiny bit below.
>>75481536Lean looks good when muscle doesn't make you attractive (Women).For athletic male performance 12% is good, but for aesthetics in most cases I really thin 15 is better. If in a a shirt, 100% of the time.
>>75481587For me it's the face gains when you go below 15%.Your face leans out giving you that chiselled look.Below 10% the face often looks a little too severe.
>>75481599Depends on the face, and the beholder. I got lucky with genetics and my lean mires were more "ooh he's cute" but muscular and much fatter are like "jesus christ slay my puss".
>>75481677Post face
>>7548144820% is ideal for men and women. Skinny and lean people look like aids or cancer patients. It’s disgusting.
>>75481690gigachad with slightly fuller cheeks