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What happens if women inject excess estrogen like men do with roids?
>What happens if women inject excess estrogen like men do with roids?
Breast enlargement and promotion of fat storage. It also softens skin.
On the flip side it exacerbates mood swings and sensitivity and decreases libido
They'll be temporarily infertile. And they do it all the time. In case you didn't know that anti-baby pills are literally estrogen.
idk but I wish their tits and ass would grow like the muscles on men with T
Why would a literally built for xxxxx woman experience decreased libido?
Increase in risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. Increased risk of osteoporosis
PCOS, literally what happens when a woman goes on birth control for a few years.
Direct correlation.

Effectively makes their skin silk smooth, conflicting evidence on breast size women with small boobs grow large boobs, women with large boobs have boob size reduction.
Fertility drops absurdly, women need testosterone to regulate sexuality.

Which is why women who smoke who have slightly higher sex drives.
All in all estrogen is not healthy, it's a pretty fucked hormone.

Only benefit to estrogen that I have ever found is that it helps maintain bone matrix.
Which is a big reason post menopause women suffer from fractures at higher rates than men.
The idea being that testosterone builds stronger bones in men, but as we age the increased estrogen preserves our bone matrix.
>high test man: jacked, confident, aggressive
>high estro woman: bitchy, low sex drive, fat as fuck

Lmao. Lol, even.
Estrogen has almost nothing to do with fertility.
Estrogen is a preservation hormone almost entirely. Women's sex drives are almost exclusively controlled by testosterone levels.
The reason for increased sex drives during their hormone cycles is because their bodies surge with estrogen and as a side effect they soon after have a huge increase in testosterone levels to level out their hormones.
A few days after both hormones return to normal.
Other way around, healthy levels of Testosterone in both men and women is needed for good skin but estrogen on its own ruins skin. That’s why hons look so awful compared to any man with a half decent skin care routine.
This is like saying
>Doggy stuck on the ground: Healthy, fine, normal
>Seal stuck underwater: Drowns without air
>lmao lol even
U sure? Estrogen is definitely important for libido. If you took some strong AI’s and tanked your estrogen to 0, your libido would tank, too. Testosterone is maybe the bigger driver as long as E isn’t too low but are women using exogenous E going to have reduced T?
Test makes men grow bigger stronger muscles and perform better in virtually every aspect of life.
Estrogen makes women's breasts SLIGHTLY larger and massively increases their risk of cancer.
It's not fair. I wish it made women into tittie monsters.
>that anti-baby pills are literally estrogen
I think the main hormone component of the pill is progesterone, which is the hormone the woman's body produces during pregnancy. The pill basically tricks the woman's body into acting like it is pregnant so there is no ovulation and eggs to fertilize and implant in her womb.
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excessive estrogen is poison
women should up their progesterone instead
Estrogen is very beneficial for muscle recovery, low estrogen in men is a rare problem but can happen and is very negative
Excessively low estrogen in men and women will often lead to depression
From my heart and from my hand
That's because estrogens main benefit in the human body is blood flow regulation.
Testosterone is the libido hormone, it's the one that makes you want to have sex.
Estrogen is the one that helps push blood to both genitals types.
When a woman's pussy lips bloat up as you kiss her, that's estrogen. When your dick begins to chub up, once again estrogen.
The actual act of desiring to kiss eachother, that prompts the response of the estrogen dump into the genitals is testosterone.
You're confusing sexual drive for sexual function.

And estrogen is a hormone that is easily saturated, pretty much the only people on the planet that should supplement estrogen are post menopausal women, because their ovaries literally shut off and their adrenal gland greatly declines vs men's testicles and hormone glands just declining at a steady rate.
Testosterone is poison.

Estrogen should be forced on everyone at puberty.
Based, all Indian and African men should be put on estrogen, heard it here folks.
Maybe not the bbc... a girls got needs
>the entire world needs to be put on estrogen
>but not the BBC

reaching peak India hours soon this guys a little early though, guess he had to wake up and masturbate to his cuck porn.
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The kind of tits that can crush your head.
You sound threatened
It's the opposite. Women are horniest when approaching ovulation because their estrogen spikes beforehand which causes their testosterone to increase as well to balance it out. Thus, increasing libido.
It's also one of the reasons why women are more irritable at the time too

The only time when high estrogen would kill your libido is if your hormones cycle is completely fucked.
Obese women have fucked hormone cycles plus very high estrogen levels with their bodyfat. Their body doesn't rebound hormonally with testostrone and prolactin, meaning that their estrogen gets really high and STAYS really high. It causes long and painful periods and decreases libido almost entirely.

If a woman has a functional horemone cycle, then estrogen won't hurt them, but it also won't do them a lot of good, either. High estrogen promotes a more feminine fat distribution and softer skin, but that also makes you bruise more and have longer periods.
That's basically what the pill does.

>Which is why women who smoke who have slightly higher sex drives.
Huh, makes sense.
Well, my estradiol is 43 pg/ml and my test is 3.41 ng/ml. I'm pretty much fucked. It's obviously caused by autoimmune thyroid inflammation but the pills don't do anything, really.

Anyway, high est, low test, what happens to men:
>premature aging
>weird fat distribution (armpit and mid back)

Funnily enough, no reduction in gains or strength levels.
Only works if you believe women hate sex and men are rapists.
>When your dick begins to chub up, once again estrogen.
Bullshit. Men's testosterone spikes early in the morning, which surprise surprise is why he has morning wood.

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