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Why are people so obsessed with these two lifts so much?
I get doing like maybe some light to moderate sets once or twice a month just to stay fresh and shock the muscles but likeā€¦ why the hell are people blasting these exercises like crazy these days?
You have to be ACTUALLY retarded to load your joints up with hundreds of pounds and do an extremely high intensity, high risk, low-moderate reward exercise multiple times a week, and always chasing higher and higher numbers. What the fuck is the reward of these past like 225 and 315lbs?
>why the hell are people blasting these exercises like crazy these days?
i havent been on this board in 8 years and you guys are posting the same jokes still

Don't do it then. Problem solved.
>shock the muscles
your opinion doesn't matter
>225 and 315lbs
none past 135 225 for 99% of us.
Training heavy your biggest muscle group which is legs translates to whole body performance.
Strong legs = good life.
truth. 1/2/1/2 is reasonable for aesthetic ohysique and general health
>Why are people so obsessed with these two lifts so much?
lift heavy rock fun
Mark rippetoe ruined my life.
I could have been swole from a brosplit in school and gotten mires
Instead I developed a giant twink bubble butt and was made fun of /hit on by gay men.
Fuck you Mark Rippetoe.
>You have to be ACTUALLY retarded to load your joints up with hundreds of pounds and do an extremely high intensity, high risk, low-moderate reward exercise multiple times a week
Not really, because it's been proven time and time again that it's completely healthy.
Some people suffer from Sciatica from these lifts, those specific people shouldn't do squats or deadlifts, everyone else benefits.
People who squat have stronger healthier bones and tendons in their older age than those who don't.

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