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File: herniated_disc_1.jpg (38 KB, 650x428)
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I have a herniated L4-5. 3 different back surgeons think I can heal it with PT. My plan is to do the PT, run TB500 and BPC157 for 3-4 months, do deep tissue massage, and see a chiropractor. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Welcome to a lifelong struggle brother. Try not to kill yourself. Move somewhere where theres no winter, sit hunched over and just try to survive. I just tell myself god has a plan for me.
strengthen your core
KIll yourself.

Sadly, it's never coming back.

-t MRI tech who sees 5+ new perma cripples a week.
Drop the chiro. At best it will do nothing for you, at worst it will fuck your shit up even further.
so much stuff on youtube man
it's not a big deal
I had suffered terribly and couldn't even stand or sit without extreme pain like 4 years ago
pretty good now, get a lil relapse here and there if I'm being dumb
just learn as much as you can and have a positive mind set, be patient and don't push yourself too hard
don't get surgery
prolotherapy really helped me too
Absolutely. My back was injured by a chiro. They only exist to placate people while they heal naturally, so that the insurance companies don't have to fork out big dough for actual doctors to everyone who gets into a car accident.

Go to a physical therapist.
I've had 4. I'm still alive and kicking.
Just ride it out.
I used to heal these in 2 days. First injury took like 2 weeks though and boy it's a fucking struggle, can't even crawl out of bed. The formula is

>drink water
>take ibuprofen
>gentle yoga stretches
Cobra pose is the most helpful, cat cows but mostly the cat pose, and leg lifts. I've had at least 18 re-inuries so trust me even if these sound stupid, I'd be back up in 1-2 days and can still get it healed in 1-2 days if it re-snaps. As someone has already said you're now in a lifelong struggle against re-injuring yourself and you will pop your back out from time to time even just from doing minor bullshit like standing up too fast or at an awkward angle. I don't advocate deadlifts for anyone, it was a stupid lift dumb millenials got shilled into doing and we all fucked our shit up and suffer from glass backs. I recommend you find a gym with a belt squat machine and stay away from barbell training except for bench press from now on.

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