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Is /fit/ secure enough to have a fairy tea party with their son or daughter?
I'd gladly have one with my daughter
And your son too, right
Only weak cuckolds have daughters
Yea I’m the fucking elf king Oberon
>Yea I’m fucking the elf king Oberon

Yes I would. Its not about anything but play. Adults need to re-learn this and children are the best teachers.
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No. Only faggots say yes.
Enjoy your nursing home, tough guy
i would gladly have one with your daughter, too
Id rather die alone than be a pussy whipped cuckold like you
Having a fairy tea party makes you tough? No. It makes you weak because you give in to your daughters wishes. The tea party doesn't matter. It's the fact you do as your daughter commands that makes you weak. You will spoil her and in turn make her weak and spoiled.
Being a loving parent is now... the same as watching your wife fuck bbc.l?

Your brain is FRIED!
Yes! King!!!
guarantee this staged bullshit was memedad's idea
for faggot clout on faggot social media
Good job you'll never get near a vagina to reproduce then.

Having nice memories with your child is the WHOLE POINT of being a parent
You never finished school
Yes, but posing in a dress and posting it online is peak faggotry.
No. It will teach her agency and comfort to trust her father.

>t. Woman who cherishes father
seethe more cuck
tits or gtfo tranny
So much this. Little cousin is a nightmare to be around because my uncles never whopped her ass and instead gave her an award for every mistake she made. She cant even read words properly at 7 years old.
Inb4 childless Anons retort with "muh role as a provider." If your only worth is as a bank account you'll be very lonely in 18 years.
your penis is 5.25 inches (and brown)
No. I want my kids to be led by my example to only play those games that they are comfortable and never give into something that doesnt feel right or is forced somehow, but rather find a way to have fun together that anybody enjoys.
That said, I would gladly join the party as a troll.
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Your fixation on the dimensions and color of another man's penis is extremely concerning. I'm not going up the reply chain to even find out what the argument is about. You need to get offline.
Wrong, it's tiny, like a pea, hidden by layers of skin, and if you lick it i go crazy

Ask your dad what I mean
>daddy please pretend to be an elephant!
>prrrrruffffff here's my trunk and flappy ears!
>Yay, you're the best daddy

This is woke parenting according to childless men
>manly enough to be a good attentive father
>faggot enough to humble brag about it on social media
You’ve never had sex, why are you so hung about kids you will never have?
Genuine mental illness right here.
Bold of you to assume I'll ever have sex, let alone children.
Show cock first you faggot.

How many children have you raised?
Hell no. She has to know I'm the man of the house and I call the shots. Letting her control you like that at a very early age is how she ends up sleeping over at Tyrone's when she's 15 because even though you told her no hanging out with boys, she feels like she should be able to call the shots.
>but if you're hard on her she'll just rebel
Not if you start in early childhood. Teenage girls rebel when their fathers go easy on them in childhood, and then try to be stricter on them in their teens.
Letting your daughter have fairie tea parties is reinforcing problematic gender roles. She should have a science party instead
You can probably have a tea party if she recognizes you as the king. But putting on a skirt? You’re a faggot, no question about it. Great job teaching her you’re a beta male and shouldn’t be respected
I got fucked twice this month actually, and both of them were hotter than you
Yeah because kids never rebel against asshole, authoritarian parents
>I got fucked twice this month
Fags cant have kids
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>"muh alpha man of the house"
>immediately followed by cuck fantasies about his own hypothetical daughter
I'm sorry you can't have kids
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>fairy tea party with their son
The second my nephew starts acting fruity I'm a heem him through a wall.
this is why white daughters grow up to be the biggest whores
Imagine John Wayne doing this, holy shit.
Is that what happened to you as a kid?

Generational trauma
No, I was raped by his father, who was probably raped by our uncle. I'd rather that boy grows up thinking I'm an asshole and not have his asshole violated.
And so the cycle of pain continues. You need to fucking deal with your own trauma, and not physically abuse children because you were sexually abused.
I hope you're able to get the help you so obviously need. I'm sorry you lived in a country where mental health care isn't more accessible.
no. I'd punch the cunt in the mouth if my trick ass daughter ask me that
>secure enough to have a fairy tea party
>with their son or daughter
>>secure enough to have a fairy tea party
That is hella gay. That is the thing about white people and I am pretty red pilled on white people. No matter how tatted, how muscular, or tanned or conservative and all that manly shit, they are still cucks. I don't know why.
Loving your offspring is a white thing?
kek but for real, ywnbaw
John Wayne would never do that.
Whites have fallen so hard in 50 years.
Shit like this is why daughters grow up to look down on men and the wife WILL look down on the husband if he does shit like this. She will laugh, smile and play a long, but her biology will resent the husband and the daughter is no different.
If he loved her, he shouldn't have put on a dress and acted like a real bitch.
And this is like the equivalent of some straight guy being "so secure in his sexuality" he starts wearing pink.
You are trying to one up me with "loving your daughter" but you are either trying pretend you don't know what I am talking about or you actually don't.
And the amount of cucked out shit I see from white married men on social media is pathetic af. It HAS to be the diet and political environment. Too much soi or estrogen or beer, naggy post-wall skinny-fat(at best) wife and feminized society has fucked up so many 40+ year old men.

So much internalised pain. Its legitimately sad
Is he naked under there?

Is she?
John Wayne literally played pretend for money. Is this a joke?
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>and brown
and your isnt? freak!
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>here's my trunk and flappy ears
This girl's gonna grow up to be a selfish cunt who doesn't think about what anyone other than her wants.
Hell yeah.
Many moons ago when my neice was much younger I would get baked and enjoy playing imaginary with her. The best was playing witches and wizards.
Reminds me when Dad threw a shitfit because I wanted to use toy pots and pans when I was really young... despite him being the primary cook of the house.
High test men have daughters, faggot. It's biology.
Simps will do anything for sex with a little girl.
imagine raising a family of fuckholes

lol, lmao even
This, obviously. Kids have all kinds of weird ideas, and giving in to them is not always a good idea if you don't want to spoil them. Of course I play with my kids a lot, I've spent hundreds of hours building Lego castles and model train tracks with my son and I've spent hundreds of hours drawing pictures and gardening with my daughter, but that doesn't mean I will make a caricature out of myself doing so. I'm not my children's bitch and I'm pretty sure dressing up in a skirt won't exactly make them respect me more. Does anyone honestly think that the well-respected patriarch of a family wears skirts for his daughters? By doing shit like this and giving in to their every demand, you raise spoiled little brats.

t. father of two
your mom
You should be a role model as a father and man, not a caricature that gives in to every whim of your daughter.
Absolutely not, she will think you are a weak faggot. Don't think she won't remember this.
You don't have kids. I'd bet your father wasn't present for you either if this is your idea of fatherhood.
you fundamentally misunderstand the purpose and practice of authority as a father because you're putting your ego above their needs.
Don't worry, if you ever actually have children biology is very likely to sort that problem out.
Because being in close vicinity to small children significantly lowers test?
Your humanity is not controlled by hormones.
Having a "fairy tea party" is not a NEED, it's a WANT. Just like getting a new toy, having sweets, going to bed late etc. If your idea of good parenting is actually "do everything your child wants", may God have mercy with you and them, lol.

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