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I'm afraid of benching till my failure. I don't want to make an ass of myself and beg someone to help me when I inevitably can't push it up, so I lift in my comfort zone at all times. Can I still make respectable gains like that?
Just do push-ups until failure
Get in the power cage and set the safety pins to the appropriate height. Is that ao hard?
Dont do bench press period. Chest doesn't even look good and serves no athletic purpose. Only retards get big chests.
>Chest doesn't even look good
That's your opinion
>and serves no athletic purpose
Every muscle in your body is useful. Purposely leaving any part of you weak is feminine and dareisay retarded.
You don’t need someone’s help. Just lift without clips and tilt it to one side if you fail. Of course that makes an ass out of yourself in a different way.
Well yeah, that's what I mean. I can do that but I don't want to make an ass of myself when I'm already the skinniest guy in the gym
Well pick your poison. 1. Make noise. 2. Ask for a spot (people are always happy to do this) or 3. Don’t push yourself on bench.
What happened to the good old roll of shame? I cant cope with my weak bench, miss the last rep and roll the bar over my body at least once a month.
dumbbell, smith or machine press this seems obvious
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Retards on this board will say ANYTHING to convince themselves and others not to lift.
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>[when stacked, prevents crushing injuries better than spotters or safeties]
I haven't tried sand but there's no way it's better than steel safety bars. It could settle over time and you don't notice and you crack some ribs if you drop the bar.
It only settles very slightly if you put any effort into compacting it. If you're touching the bar to your chest benching, you're doing it wrong anyway and just stressing your rotator cuffs.
Failure means doing the last rep you can possibly do. You'll always be able to do it. Let me give you an example:

Let's say you are doing bench press, 3 sets of 10 reps.
>First set
You do 10 reps
>Second set
You do 10 reps
>Third set
You do 10 reps, but you feel like you can do just one more. So you do one more. You can't do any more after that, you know you won't be able to complete the rep. THAT is "going to failure."

See how there's no danger there?
If your gym has shitty bench racks with no safety bars find a better gym, or ask for a spot you zoomer autist.
It's called full rom and it's best for building muscle. I do face pulls to strengthen rotator cuff, as well as benching properly.
>3 sets of 10 reps.
Jesus shit people really train like this? Best results you can possibly get are with 1 set 5 reps. 10 reps isn't going to get you shit, you're nowhere near overload. Basically doing a half assed endurance exercise and just bloating your sacroplasms. If you want fluff muscle train pussy rep ranges i guess. Plus only your max set matters, that's when you're achieving overload, so only do the max set. Doing sets before just fatigues you and lowers your max.
Only fat fucks do 1 set of 5 reps, I see big, lean guys in my gym doing more than that, fuck you
Yah, every pro bodybuilder does 3x8-12. Nobody cares about what Mark Rippetoe thinks, he's a blob and doesn't know shit about looking good. If you want to talk about 1x5, go to /fat/.
>I'm afraid of benching till my failure.

So don't? Lift until you feel yourself getting weaker, say you can lift weight X 8 times and then you feel yourself getting weaker. Ok, lift it 8 times. Then stop, rest, lift it 8 times again. Repeat again. Repeat later in the week.

Next week, shoot for 9 times. Repeat again. Once you can lift it 10 times, add 5 pounds and go back to 8. You won't be too close to failure, and as long as you're lifting it more than you did the previous week or lifting more weight, you're making progress. It's not that hard.
>add 5 pounds and go back to 8
>can only do 4 reps
what now,genius?
Do incline bench, it's much easier to fail safely by yourself than on flat bench and it's also better for gains.
>>can only do 4 reps
>what now,genius?

....what? If you go from 8 reps to 10 with a given weight, you can easily add 5lbs and go back to 8 reps. What the hell is wrong with you?
do dips instead. in you fail you can just drop down
no you cant,not when you start lifting serious weight. maybe on your lil 5lb every workout stronglifts plan you can. but not when you start plateauing.
hey i am still curling and even at times doing rear delt flies and french presses.
Nigger, I've lifted in a ton of corporate gyms and have yet to see safety bars in any of them. KYS fag
so do 4 reps retard
I won't bench without them because you could always fuck up and drop it on your face. Buy some for them if you're big corpo man.
>no you cant,not when you start lifting serious weight

Do you think that a person like OP who is terrified of a bench press is lifting serious weight?
Do you think he is anywhere near plateauing?

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