How to be a male fitness influence>abuse steroids>work hard>have exceptional physiqueHow to be a female gym influencer>wear gymshark clothesanyone else feel like we're giving these biitches too much of a pass?
>>75482910On the contrary anon. To be a male fitness influencer you need things you can work for. To be a female fitness influencer you need things you were born with or paid a bunch if surgery money for. There's no lift that will turn Maud in to Stacy.
>>75482910>be jewish>get promoted cause you are jewish>do vile things cause you can just say you are whitesame with jewesses
>>75482910that but with every facet of life.
>>75482910you forgot>be a narcissistas the first requirement for both
>>75482910You need a top 1% physique to even have a chance as a male. As a woman you have to wear a figure shaping “gym fit” and do some bodyweight squats now and again. Then you can have 1m instagram followers and earn 15k a month.
>>75483052the good news its relatively easy to get that 1% cause everyone is obese now. Think about it if you are 10% body fat and white with hair who is mogging you you could probably amass a decent following if you cared about that stuff