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How much time do you spend cooking and how do you make sure you're getting enough calories
>How much time do you spend cooking
Like 30 minutes total in actual prep time for 6 meals
>how do you make sure you're getting enough calories
By eating enough
I work from home and love cooking, so I spend 15-30 mins on lunch and around an hour on dinner.

>how do you make sure you're getting enough calories
I love eating, it's no problem at all. I could eat 5000 a day without complaint
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wtf is this real

I don't. I am cutting so I'm not concern about calories at the moment
Holy shit we can post mp4s now?
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I like cooking. I cook >90% of my food. Saves a lot of money. I could eat well on $60 per month if I had to.
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no, just OP
My wife cooks most of our daily meals. Typical wifeslop. I cook a couple times a week, which are better quality meals.
saw it yesterday on tv but haven't tested yet since I converted all the videos to webm format
>How much time do you spend cooking
Any meal I make at home is simple, protein rich. I mix/max cooking, so I make a lot of sandwiches loaded with meats, crock pot meals, and other things that take 5-10 minutes to prepare max.
>how do you make sure you're getting enough calories
I'm maintaining weight right now so I just weight myself every morning, and if I'm a little above my 1 week average I just eat less than usual, and if I'm a little below my 1 week average I eat a little more than usual. Strict CICO tracking is mostly for people who have trouble regulating their eating.
Maybe 2-3 hours a week. Typically cook a bunch of chicken or pork on Sunday (6-8 lbs raw weight), a big pot of rice and beans, and I often roast potato halves as well. The rest of my food (dairy, vegetables, etc) doesn't require cooking. It's enough to get me to 3,100 calories/day.
Oh and I guess I bake, usually once a week. That can take half a day or more. But I just do that for fun, and I give all of it away to family/neighbors.
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smart. batch cooking makes a lot of sense, especially if you're a bachelor or have a particular diet you're trying to follow.
Yeah, it probably wouldn't work if I didn't live on my own. I can eat essentially the same meal indefinitely. Never really get tired of anything.
Also I'm lazy at heart, and batch cooking is incredibly time-efficient. Just ordering food would be the even lazier option, but I also hate spending money and that shit is fucking expensive and more often than not unhealthy, so its a no go.
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I do some similar things to save time
What is wife slop?
spaghetti, pasta in general, any other high carb shit is typical wifeslop
now allow sound
Based. Now bring back the unique poster count so we know how many bots are in the thread.
Start cooking at 7:30pm for dinner at 8:15pm

My wife rarely cooks. And when she does it's a huge mess.

Almost crashed out this morning because I noticed the dishwasher running despite the sink being full of dishes. This cunt just haphazardly throws shit in w\ zero efficiency, and starts it like she's doing something. You may as well not have done anything.

She puts fucking plates in opposite directions so that they are facing eachother at an angle, and then there's a gap in between where you could have put another 10 fucking plates if they were the same direction.

She fucking loads the top w\ random utensils and bowls instead of cups and there's 10+ cups in the sink. I almost put my foot through the cabinet, desu.
Damn. The hate sex must be good though right
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I spend about 30 minutes every day making meals. Sometimes 30 minutes every two days depending on how much I make.

The food I make is always just a combination of ingredients which I think have all the vitamins and proteins I need to survive plus carbs for filler,

This is usually
Red peper, chilli peper, ground beef or turkey breast, diced bacon, tomato, garlic, onion, scrambled eggs, and carrot.

Season with pepper, paprika, oregano, and sometimes tabasco sauce or onions sauce if I wanna get jiggy with it.

All of which I chop into small cubes and fry in a pan then mix with rice or fusilli pasta.

Very practical and nutritious. Takes 30 or so minutes and depending on how big your pan is can last for up to two days of full meals.
I honestly think cats brains should be modified to do this..
Your wife hot or exceedingly kind or something?
Tonight she's making a chicken tortilla casserole. Quintessential wife slop.
It's typically things that are easy to throw together and put in the oven while dealing with a two year old wreaking havock.
It's better than takeout or processed shit, but nothing you would classify as healthy.
wtf is this real?
What, you never seen a cat with opposable thumbs before? Of course it's real.
NTA, but am married. Women are lazy slobs. Every stereotype you see in television and movies about men are just projections from women about themselves.
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>How much time do you spend cooking
About 20 minutes.
>and how do you make sure you're getting enough calories
By reading the nutrition labels and adding them up.

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