Hey /fit/, some faggot on /int/ said I should ask you about BMI, is it bullshit or sensible way to tell whether you are a fat unhealthy fuck or not?
>>75496368bmi is real>oh b-b-butfirst of all you arent a pro bodybuildersecond of all being 30 bmi is unhealthy whether youre fat or shredded
>>75496368It's completely useless. The mirror is right 100% of the time.
>>75496368it is reliable for 90% of the population. If you lift and have been for a few years, you can ignore the bmi in favor of bodyfat
>>75496368BMI is total bullshit and a waste of time. It means nothing unless you are 50bmi but it's obvious you're a fat fuck by then.
>>75496757>it is reliable for 90% of the population.Reliable at what, and how can you tell, what do you use to verify it?>the mirrorExactly, don't need BMI.
>>75496368the people who BMI doesnt apply to dont need it in the first place.
>>75496368you're fat if you have a high percentage of bodyfatBMI is calculated solely off weight, which includes muscle. So people who actually lift unlike that first post cocksucker will have a lower bodyfat percent than BMI would suggest.
>>75497454Well I am a /g/entlemen and not /fit/izen so in my case it's helpful I guess