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Why haven't you taken the flip-flop pill? Shoes and boots are proven to damage your ankle and toe joints, and also obstruct grounding.
my left foot has gross fungal nails. So no.
>Why don't you wear shoes that give you 0 protection against basic shit like the elements or stubbing your toe and give you absolutely fuck all support that will wear out in two days and destroy your heels?
it's cold out
>and also obstruct grounding
and flip flops don't, right?
Your toes need to breathe
This little piggy went to the market
you get worse toe and upper foot scrunch with flip flops than you do with shoes. they're just as, if not more fucked.
It's 36 F outside right now
yeah but think of all the benefits
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because i have better taste
>seppos think being an average ausfag is some health revolution
36 F? That’s how I describe my wife on Reddit!
And so does the rest of your body.
Take the nude pill
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Growing up one of my life goals was visiting New Zealand to see cute women walking barefoot but now the place is flooded with pajeets and chinks
Is there any advantage to ankles like that? Could she just slowly push her foot through a door like a hydraulic press? Those are elephantine.
any advantage is offset by the disadvantage of people calling out your cankles
who cares
Only girls can get away with it. I'm not a hippie.
what shit hole does she live in
and her feet and ankle are so fat, wtf?
I agree to an extent as I walked a marathon on flip-flops.

However I live in a cold country and thus cannot wear them for more than 3 months a year.
you understand they make shoes for that right
Those are so uncomfortable.
>and her feet and ankle are so fat
i know right, hot af
She is unhealthy
because my left big toe was ingrown 5 times and it looks absolutely disgusting. its thick and yellow/brown and very long. i never have my feet exposed in public.
who cares
Wtf fix them retard, don't just hide them away and let them fester
dont forget to drink your mocca latte with söymilk, faggot
lotrimin ultra, anon. use that every day for a few months and it should clear it up.
Throw away any sandals you have actually worn as the fungus has probably spread to them and you'll just get it back when you wear them again.
I Know That Feet Bussin’ !
check'd & kek'd
>Why haven't you taken the flip-flop pill?
I can't walk in them unless I flex my toes down which makes it slow and tedious. If I walk normally they fall off. I might have low foot height.
shoes without ankle support are a pain to walk in
You need so wear some that fit like a glove. Otherwise it's like having a wooden stick bound to your soles.
thats because you have no balance retard
Gawdayum imagine suckling those toes
i'm big into toe shoes
though my last pair the heels are blown out
gonna look for a couple of pairs of proper barefoot shoes for the spring
what about with ankle straps?
this is the way. flip flops aint it, they promote unnatural feet posture
>shitty dollar store sandals
Enjoy bleeding between your two big toes I guess
Walking around in public with bare feet exposed is woman behavior
im not indian
post more feet, fags
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cute feet but flip flops are garbage
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I wear sandals and probably spend an hour or two outside every day watering plants and what not. My heels are all cracked and brown from dirt.
Sandals just aren't comfortable and wear down in a few months, unless you have a few pairs and rotate them.
Toes have lungs?
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Crucifixes were made for you and your enablers.
Hooooly shit poor girl. Those are trunks through and through. Its the same size ankle to knee. That must be horrible for athletic performance of any kind
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crucify me
But great for stomping potatoes!
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I relish in the impotent envious rage of feet phobes. Imagine being afraid of women's feet.
What if we made a boot where you put it on like a sandal (which is essentially a foot harness), and then put the top on? It could have an unrestrictive toe box and maybe a slightly raised heel. There needs to be footwear that's good enough for everything. I hate footwear bloat.
I just boots. And whatever shoes that look nice. I really don't know any good flip-flops.
Next year you're gonna be like those people that cut out the soles of their converse shoes so they can still be barefoot on the ground while having a "shoe casing" surrounding their foot. Letting them enter business establishments that would prevent them from entering shoeless otherwise.
holy cute
the op is reddit
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Go away with your silly hipster kiddult memes
All that English Rose propaganda does not change the fact that the average UK girl looks like this
I would but I'm 5'7 so need all the height I can get. Also I walk dogs a lot so need to run when they're acting up
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I exclusively wear boots unless it's fucken disgusting out because I'm not a fagit
I would kill a bazillion niggers just to put that cute little lady in my castle. No broken glass or drugger needles for her sweet little feet to bleed on. Will have Hitleresque balconies.
what a garbage comic. Armpits are fucking cute and one of the most feminine parts of the female body.
foot fetishists should actually be skinned alive and shot to death ngl
R.M. Williams with cuffed skinny chinos is the cringiest fit possible btw. I bet you pair it with a navy quarter zip lol
>teehee I made my whole personality about being racist I'm so naughty
You're a loser.
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You are homosexual
put bleach in shot glass, dip the toes in it for 5 minutes every night
no need to thank me uggo toe fag
Because I’m not a woman
nta but you have brown skin and you will never be white
Can't wear fliflops at work.
>Why haven't you taken the flip-flop pill?
Because I took the huarache pill instead. They actually stay on your feet during rigorous activity.

fuck u op
just go barefoot when you're at home to compensate. I like gardening barefoot
just go barefoot when you're at home to compensate. I like gardening barefoot
>tfw a cute grill like this will never put her bare feet on your face
I would definitely get hard but it wouldn't even be a sexual thing in the main, it would just be nice to have someone be so comfortable in your presence that they wouldn't mind doing goofy shit
>I dont wear sandals as a man because bla bla bla
Is there a bigger self call out? jut say you got dishusting gross as feet
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yer pal I literally dress like a random promo pic I grabbed
vanilla is the best ice cream
My gf and I wear birks everywhere
The real reason you don't wear flipflops every time is because the strap snaps

All thirdies know this
fat piggies in my mouf
I eat ass and still look down on footguys and consider them disgusting.
blew out my flip flop
When I stepped on a pop top
I broke my leg twice, I had to limp on back home
But there's protein powder in the blender
And soon it will render
That healthy concoction that helps me train on
Are you rapping LOL
OMG cursed trips
Based. I like to wear barefoot shoes myself along with custom fit insoles and toe spacers.
Those are the gayest boots in existence. In the fashion industry, the term for this is "very european"
If you cannot wear Berks with white tube socks and cargo shorts and look and feel cool you can never be a Chad.
Fuck off paki
No one will ever love you.
even gayer, they're Australian and they're like $450
I don't know why, but I'm absolutely disgusted by feet, both my own and womens. I'm obsessed with womens asses, and staring at them nonstop, and i dont even have standards when it comes to womens looks or bodies. but im just absolutely disgusted by feet.
rip those fuckers off and go full nuclear on the fungus. do not let this shit ferment.
feet are the body's natural radiator, they're meant to be subjected to the cold
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Poorfag detected.
Get a pair of blundstones or whatever if it bothers you so much.
I wear $9 Kmart shoes. Chicks love them, they all take the Kmartpill themselves
Barefoot or nothing. You and your gf need better taste
>he doesnt know
Imagine seething this much about women's feet. Really try to put yourselves in the shoes of someone like this.
How do I know if I have this? For years I’ve had more brittle nails on either big toe in particular but no anti fungal seems to make a difference.
I'm carioca, this is my bread and butter.
>disgusted by women's feet
How's middle school going?
Horrendous calf wtf
I wore Birkenstocks during all my college years until they finally gave out the summer after I was done. Always comfortable and I had a hard time going back to shoes when I had to go look for a job.

I should have rotated them with a second pair of Birkenstocks, goddamit.
Footfags, is there a universal criteria you use to grade how pretty feet are? Or do you guys disagree with each other as much as normies disagree about a pretty face? I ask because feet mostly look the same to me, if I even pay attention to them at all.
I've had the same 20 dollar shoes for 5 years now, fuck off ya poof
>he has to wear 20 dollar shoes
>for 5 years
I'm sorry to hear that pal, hope things get better for you
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>Why haven't you taken the flip-flop pill?
I have around the house. I also sometimes wear them going to check my mailbox or at the pool. However, they are very difficult to run in and provide minimal foot protection, so I won't fully convert.

>Shoes and boots are proven to damage your ankle and toe joints
lol what shoes in what study? I get legit running shoes with bougie-ass carbon fiber insoles and they do a great job of keeping my feet injury-free.

>and also obstruct grounding.
and this is full schizo, there was like one study on ventilatory babbys and suddenly OMG HEALTH MEME. it has no plausible biological mechanism.
Are Blundstones supposed to be an example for an expensive quality shoe? If yes, LMAO.
Those are the most annoying fucking thing to wear. The thing between your toes hurts like fuck, can't run, can't fight, just a bitch with a thong string between your sexy toes for other men to look at.

I thought Crocs would be a good solution for wet footwear but goddamn these jail bitch shoes are the worst fucking thing ever invented. Unbearable without socks, just squeaking and rubbing your feet raw, and it's even worse when they're wet. Guess I'll stick to Jesus mandals.
>has to wear
Anon I got one of those Viberg ServiceBoot things for my 20th birthday, I wore them exactly twice. It's never been about having money, I just don't care about what shoes are worth or fashionable and the 20 dollar shoes are the most comfortable and fit in with my everyday wear.

Not everyone is obsessed with brand names or needs the highest quality leather handmade by some Italian cocksucker with only 20 pairs made a year or whatever. I get that you like to show off your interests though, you'd be similarly astonished at the cash I sink into woodworking stuff and it's not even my job.
what's so special about this shoe anon? I have a cheap pair of Chelsea boots I got in a second hand store that look the same, do these feel different or last longer? Honest question btw, I'm wondering if I'm possibly missing out some experience and I've seen you post these multiple times now.

Oh wait I just checked the price and these are pretty affordable actually, I was expecting something like 700 bucks, nvm.
sometimes i wonder if ill ever step on a rusty nail and die while wearing these
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Nah they're great and affordable. I use mine for gardening or if I need a slip-on to quickly take the kids somewhere
They're the boots I'll bash around our farm in as opposed to something I'd wear when seeing people.
>the 20 dollar shoes are the most comfortable and fit in with my everyday wear.
I am happy you are comfortable wearing your $20 shoes, anon.
If you mean expensive and quality as compared to ... a five year old of $20 shoes? then yeah sure!
only indian people wear this shit
Why the fuck is this shit thread still here?
Holy crap!
honest question when was the last time you saw a rusty nail?
i remember seeing them all the time when i was a kid, now i only have them in my toolbox as a novelty item
Big pharma has to keep everyone scared of rusty nails to sell tetanus boosters. It's not a real concern, it's propaganda.
>barefoot boot

I'd never heard of this before, do you own any and can you give us your feedback? I love walking barefoot but live in the city so it's unfeasible, definitely interested and these look good as well.
Flip flops obstruct your natural gait making you curl your toes when you pick up your foot. Go barefoot shoes.
Nah but I've heard good things. Probably my next get in the new year.
Make a post about it when you do, too many shill reviews out there and I'm too poor to buy it just to try it out.
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I have the normal version of that boot and I love them. I wear them everywhere for any reason.
I have proper work boots for when I'm doing stuff in the garden or shed and don't want to worry about damaging them (Mongrels).
I've done a ton of walking in the Jim Greens and they're very comfortable, however I do recommend a good quality sock. I'm using nice merino wool socks that have a bit of thickness to them.
The sole is very flexible and will shape to your foot and whatever's you're walking on.
I never owned shoes that were full stitch down construction so it took a day or so to get used to the extra width around the boot for the stitching.

My main goal with these boots is longevity because I hate buying new shoes. Ideally these will last me over 15 years with good care. If I can get more than 10 years then it will definitely be worth the cost.
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>My main goal with these boots is longevity because I hate buying new shoes
I'm definitely going to look into these then, my biggest gripe with shoes is not finding a comfortable pair that I can wear for years without destroying them (I alternate but I walk enough that shoes usually only last me a few years, a year if it's a running shoe).
very unaesthetic foot
Because they're made with traditional methods, any cobbler can repair them for you. Resoling them is simple.
Have a look at their YouTube channel, they post a lot of details about their manufacturing process.
How to I footmaxx?
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think i prefer lems
those have too restricting of a toe box. see >>75540705 for good barefoot boots.
They don't look less restrictive, have you got a measurement? I'd like to compare.
I think their advertising images are pretty stupid too, posing on a motorcycle looks ridiculous because anyone who actually rides a motorcycle will wear proper protective boots and not walking shoes.
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the toe box looks much more narrow, it looks more like regular boots. lems have the same toebox blueprint altras have, extremely wide.
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like, can u not tell right away how idfferent the toebox is shaped? inaccurate drawing but u get the point
How are those walking trees in the lord of the rings called?
honestly kiwis don't go barefoot as much as you think, way more than Americans but still not as much as Aussies.
Also those ankles are disgusting
future is now, old man
>Why haven't you taken the flip-flop pill?

Well done outing yourself as an unemployed faggot who leeches off of society.

1: White collar jobs: Flip flops are unprofessional and against the dress code for the majority of white collar jobs even with dress codes going towards more casual clothing.
2: Blue collar jobs. You will fuck your feet up wearing flip flops. Heat, sparks, welding slag, chemicals, oil, electricity, splinters, exposure to cold, dropping shit on your toes, etc.

Tldr: If you can wear flips flops all day you're either unemployed or working a job that's completely irrelevant to society (think head shop employee) and as such your opinion is irrelevant.

Are shoes that don't fit bad for your feet? Absolutely. So get shoes that fit properly, offer support, protection and room to move your toes. You do know there are different lengths AND widths for shoes right anon? Even for poor fag shit. There's zero excuse to wear uncomfortable shoes that are bad for your feet.
feet are far worse than armpits
I'm not saying you should stick a dick in a hairy armpit, but having your head there, with her arm wrapped around it, chilling there in her embrace while hearing her hearbeat and you cuddle and look up to her must be one of the best feelings a man can experience in life.
not that I know how it feels like.
bros, hold me..
>Imagine being afraid of women's feet.

Literal fag logic.
>"Y....you can't just dislike something I like! You have to be afraid of it!"
>I dislike onions. You like onions. Because of this I believe you should be executed.
If you want to kill someone based on a mildly different preference it sounds like you're afraid
>If you can wear flips flops all day you're either unemployed or working a job that's completely irrelevant to society
Incorrect. I wear them and I WFH for a social media start-up.
Lesbians post here?
I wear flip flops every day and I've literally never stubbed my toe outside of my own home.
>social media start-up
So you're just getting paid to leech off of society.
>t. huehue

>White collar jobs: Flip flops are unprofessional
I'm a salesman for medical equipment used primarily in nursing homes, my company's CTO works in flip-flops and shorts in the summer and the CEO has put out a memo saying every department can dress however they want within reason as long as you dress business casual when going out to see a client or on days where we have people from other companies come in for training or sales events.

This isn't the 90s anymore dude, plenty of workplaces dgaf about this stuff anymore. Not the majority, but plenty enough that it's completely reasonable to include it as a criteria in your jobsearch [(if you're lucky enough to have a job that's in demand ofc). Personally I'd have a hard time going back to wearing shirts and dress pants most of the time and am hoping we move to mostly WFH with a mandatory 1 day in office for meetings (it's been brought up for the last 2 years by the CEO but apparently most people would like to stay in-office).

I dislike self-important morons like you that come in stating whatever information you've gleaned from your limited personal experience and declare it a general rule with total confidence, white or blue collar jobs aren't a flat, uniform landscape. You could have just written the last paragraph on it's own and it'd be good advice though.
>0 protection against basic shit like the elements or stubbing your toe
obviously a skill issue
>anon literally mentions he's talking about the majority, not every single case
Holy shit, living as an 100 IQ person must be hell
It's impossible to run in flip flops.
Only chicks wear these
It's important to take care of your foot health
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gigabased op, I wear flipflops all day every day
She could’ve sold those boots to me for a hundred bucks
lol, that's also exactly what you did. Whatevs anon, you latched onto the one element in 3 paragraphs where you could push your original argument instead of understanding the point which was that being employed in a job today is no longer the monolithic, everyone has the same standards thing as it was 30 years ago. Have fun being snarky and hoping that passes for intelligence.
I only wear crocs unless im running or wearing my cowboy boots.

Crocs r the best shoe ever invented.
i fucking hate those dumb leg stockings
there are 2 paths, there is to keep your arch strong and dainty, like a greek soldier, or you can fully flatten it too like a tribesman. That foot is about in the middle
Can I suck on your gf's toes?
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Use better angles when taking photos.
You get clogged in goy shods that faggot nerd scientists have specifically engineerd to deform your feet over time which will not only keep you off balance but put cause issues from your feet all the way up to your lower back, a customer for life :^)
Wearing conventional shoes is the equivalent of sitting hunched over in a computer chair for 16 hours a day for your feet
We're still designing shoes based off of ridiculous fashion trends from centuries ago, narrow toebox and raised heels are not good.
kek just wear track pants and sport shoes everywhere like real men
nobody wears shoes like that
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oh right yeah they're just churning them out in factories for fun and for your next nigger cattle trick you'll be saying women don't wear high heels
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women haven't regularly worn high heels since the 60s

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