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My gf had a cancerous brain tumour 6 years ago, her doctor told her to do paleo for 20 years so she doesn't grow another one. Is he onto something or is this just some dumb boomer shit?
>her doctor told her to do paleo for 20 years
20 years is how long it takes for them to be able to say there is no chance of the cancer coming back, so I assume that's why.
>My gf had a cancerous brain tumour 6 years ago
She's damaged goods
She's a qt virgin who's never even held hands with a man before me.
This is why you shouldn't trust doctors.
Since when are potatoes not paleo? It's literally a fruit??
Something something antinutrients....
Probably won't hurt to do the diet at least.
>paleolithic ended 12,000 years ago
>bananas domesticated 7,000 years ago
>grapes 6,000-8,000
>pineapple 1,000
>apples 5,000-10,000
Sounds like some snake oil boomer shit. Bromelain is one of the few anti-cancer supplements out there that actually works on a fair amount of them, but you might get better ideas plugging the Latin name of whatever brain bump she had into PubMed.
>Is he onto something
No. There's many things we can learn from the dietary habits of our ancestors but the concept of the paleo diet was debunked by Snopes long ago, sweetie. Paleo man ate grains and legumes, for instance.

Reproducing with her would be morally reprehensible.
What you actually want is The Cancer Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi
Look into it, it's very popular in Japan and supposedly very effective
Imagine recommending an extremely low-protein diet for cancer PREVENTION.
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make her do a parasite cleanse and get her on chlorine dioxide protocols
I thought so too but apparently they can reverse some type of diabetes with atkins so maybe?
>Reproducing with her would be morally reprehensible.
Have you ever loved before?
Sounds like some schizo shit.
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Yes processed goyslop is toxic and it’s easier to tell an unwashed plebeian to follow a tradfad diet model than to try to explain everything in a way where they could wrap their peasant mind around
A real doctor would never recommend a pseudo-scientific fad diet. Either this fake story for (You)s, or malpractice.
Yes, a REAL doctor would always recommend Drug and Food Industry approved diets.
We are in eastern europe and the standard of care is not great so that is why I'm wary of following doctors advice, I think the doc doesn't even know what a paleo diet is cause she asked him if her sugar free oat cookies were allowed and he said yes, which I'm prettty sure is not paleo. I think he just meant healthy diet but he had a story about a patient redeveloping brain cancer after they stopped paleo and dying so he just wanted to scare her into a healthy whole food no bread diet.
any diet that bans milk is a meme for dyel FAGGOTS and women
She is a woman though.
Crabs in bucket mentality and you’re a double nigger.
Bro, your dr doesn't have any medicine from the medical degree?
Fat and ugly
She's 60kg and very cute.
>She's 60kg
At what height though?
>he’s not a schizo
i can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or if you're actually genuinely brain damaged, but potatoes are a root vegetable that was first discovered and cultivated in south america long after the era of paleolithic humans.
She's on thin ice dude.
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She isn't.
>yeah well like it totally would have been paleo if that stuff were around then
sneed oils?
uh oh!
the structure of cancer cells are similar to parasites and we know that removing carb consumption will starve parasites so it likely can work on cancer cells too

fyi I cured my dogs breast cancer with Ivermectin, she was given less then a year to live with chemo and 3 years later is cancer free

>and we know that removing carb consumption will starve parasites
Fake news and even if true that doesn't mean carbohydrate restriction will prevent cancer.
A lot of cancers to preferentially use glucose for energy so a more ketogenic diet can help in several cases.
It’s important to note that this is not true for all cancers however. Acute lymphocytic leukaemia for instance primarily metabolises ketones so a ketogenic diet would probably worsen it.
I said prevention, not cure.
They're fine as long as you don't reuse them.
no one cares
Based woman loving OP.
These incel crabs won't help you, leave this place and be happy.
retard doctor. iron+pufa(fish) is utter diaster. put her (and yourself too) low fat starch based high vegetable diet. perhaps not best for size but makes you immune to atherosclerosis and low fat makes it very good for cancer prevention. oxidized pufa is le devil but sat fat isnt good either.
I though high protein medium fat was the best for cancer prevention though?
if you believe the fairytale of anatomically modern humans twiddling their thumbs for 290000+ years before [current era], sure. in the real world, thoughever, all the amazing crops from SA were most likely cultivated in the paleolithic, and not by half-naked savages who built with mud and performed ritual sacrifices.
because nothing screams masculine like chugging sugary estrogen juice? mother's milk is literally designed for infants and infants only. you should've been weened off it decades ago, bitch.
She needs to just stop eating modern foods and she won't get cancer. Whether you want to call that "paleo" doesn''t matter, she (and most people) just need to understand that the more ancient a food group is the less harm it does to humans. The "paleo" diet as I understand it is a misnomer that includes grains and modern man-made fruits.
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You should realise that milk is far far less estrogenic than pretty much any plant food. It's also an ancient human food meaning we are adapted to its consumption, far more than we adapted to man made foods like nuts and grains.
That's what I thought the doc meant, minimize artificial foods, he's just a boomer who can't communicate.
If you stop consuming carbohydrates, tumors immediately start shrinking. That is simply a fact.
Plantbrains will never want to accept this fact because being a vegan or vegetarian means to get most of your calories from carb and sugar heavy foods like grains or fruit.

And tumors even shrink and disappear quicker if you start fasting. Dry fasting works even better.

You shouldn't trust doctors when it comes to diets because they don't know shit about nutrition. Even if hers happens to be somewhat correct.
They are intentionally misled and kept ignorant during their education because correct nutrition solves 99% of health problems.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz already proved decades ago that most diseases are ridiculously easy to cure and prevent by eating the correct foods.
He also proved that cancer isn't even a disease.
>In August 2013, at his farm in Thailand, Vonderplanitz apparently leaned against his second-story balcony rail, which collapsed; he fell and broke his spine, which paralyzed him. At the hospital, he accepted pain-killing drugs, yet refused surgery to treat internal bleeding. After a few days, he lost consciousness and died.
you can't make this shit up kek
best for cancer prevention is a catabolic diet (anti-anabolic).
so low calorie, medium/low protein with low methionine, low BCAA's (especially low leucine), and high glycine, and maybe medium fat and low carb.
plant hormones and mammal hormones are very different and you are very stupid for believe infographics you read on the internet.
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>plant hormones don't do anything
>meanwhile giving fish onions actually changes their sex
Looks like a pretty healthy diet to me. Won't prevent cancer though lol
Having larger muscles works to prevent cancer though.
I guess you can't prevent it 100% but obviously you can take steps to minimize the chances of it coming back.
Are you a fish?
Milk is pretty cool
No, that's why s-0y won't change your sex, and neither will any amount of Estradiol injections.
Both will completely disrupt your male endocrine system, though.
Its the same thing. Your body kills cancer cells on a fairly regular basis, its only an issue when the cells grow faster than the body can kill them. The slower they grow the better the odds your body kills it all on its own. You can turbo charge cancer growth with a very high glucose diet, with predictable results.
Its not a communicable disease like a cold or cough.
>we are adapted to its consumption
I don't think you know much about diet.
Only one race is (generally) not lactose intolerant as adults, only one adult mammal species on the planet drinks milk, only one mammal species on the planet drinks another species milk, the whole situation is F-ed up.
Its delicious, and fattening, but its not exactly something "we" have adapted to consuming industrially produced quantities of.
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>Only one race is (generally) not lactose intolerant as adults, only one adult mammal species on the planet drinks milk, only one mammal species on the planet drinks another species milk,
Not one of these statements you made is true.

1 - All races of humans tolerate real milk (raw milk) throughout their entire lifespan. People only become intolerant to "milk" that has been heated up to very high temperatures.
World maps of "lactose intolerance" are just maps of which countries burn, process and denature their milk the most.
The tallest people in the world are the Nilotic people of Africa, who eat absolutely nothing but meat and drink only raw milk.
Some people in these tribes can sometimes go an entire year without any solid food, thriving by only drinking raw milk.
Nomadic Mongols are Asians whose diet is heavily based on raw dairy and raw milk. Plenty of other ethnicities in Central Asia live similar lifestyles.
"Only whites tolerate milk" is a stupid meme that only Americans believe.

2 - Lots of adult mammal species can drink milk in adulthood if provided with it. Attached is a webm with one example.
3 - All of these mammals will drink other species' milk if provided with it and be fine as long as it's real milk (raw milk), not burned grocery store milk.
If they don't drink, it is because it's only because it's not available to them.

You are parroting arguments from people who dishonestly promote these anti-dairy points to push for plant-based diets.
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>My doctor had a cancerous gf 20 years ago, her brain tumour told her to do paleo for 6 years so she doesn't grow another one. Is he onto dumb or is this just some something boomer shit?
>Its the same thing.
No. For example, a high protein diet prevents cancer but once you have it, that same diet will accelerate it. That's because protein stimulates mTOR and mTOR stimulates growth.
But what if you've had it but it's been removed and you've been symptom free for 6 years, shouldn't you do high protein to prevent redeveloptment since you have no cancer cells currently?
Weird how there is zero proof on this. Just random one-offs with people who likely had severe allergies.
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Cancer feeds on sugar. She does not need Paleo but it is easier to say to patient than explaining how bad refined food products are. In America, the average doctor is not trained in nutrition and just says whatever they are paid to say.
What are cheap eastern euro food items in grocery store? I doubt fruits and vegetables are cheap, especially in winter. Only awareness I have is from the video of Tucker Carlson going to russian grocery store and Life of Boris youtube videos on cooking.
>since you have no cancer cells currently
I don't see why you wouldn't wan to but I'm not that well-informed on cancer to be reasonably sure.
the food pyramid should be 20% unfiltered cigarettes and 80% black coffee
i wouldn't be so sure it's even about the protein. you think upping your intake will protect you if you do it with some protein shake dreck? of course not. it's not about the protein. it's just a marker
of diet quality since all the crappy junk food is devoid of it but loaded with fat and sugar. just eat high quality minimally or unprocessed foods and don't stuff your face every couple hours. maybe throw
in some fasts here and there if you're feeling ambitious.
>What are cheap eastern euro food items in grocery store?
Cheap? Nothing honestly, our pay is shit and prices have been going up for a while, but the cheapest options are usually chicken(pork if there's a sale), the worst deli meats, eggs(although they fluctuate in price), 1.5% UHT milk and frozen veggies. If you want fresh the cheapest are onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and capsicum. Also lentils and beans are big, sometimes mushrooms are on sale which is nice. For fruits its bananas, mandarins, apples and tomatoes and that's about it, in the summer you can get cheap watermelons and cantaloupes but fresh fruit is a bit pricy in general. Oh oats are okay in price too and also nowadays instant foods are pretty affordable, on the upside real butter and lard is actually affordable now so you're not stuck with sunflower oil and margarine.
My gf is in pretty good shape in the first place though, she subsists mostly on sugar free oat cookies and healthy chicken wraps, probably eats less like 1200kcal a day max
Idk anon it might be stupid but honestly paleo isn’t that bad of a diet. The most likely is that she wants your gf to stop having ultra processed chemicals and stick to whole natural foods, which is based.

That being said it I feel like it doesn’t matter if your gf does paleo. Just get her to start eating healthier products and less garbage.
She already eats pretty healthy but the doc was really insistent on no bread, sugar or rice and I guess in his head that's what paleo is.
If you smoke you're probably gay.
Why would cooked milk upset your stomach more then raw milk?
Lack of heat-sensitive naturally present enzymes (lactase) that allow for easy digestion of lactose.
On the off chance this is legit, I hope you and your gf have long happy lives together anon

Also this should keep her slim
>(((They))) Sabotage his railings
>Deny him the steak that would have fixed his injuries

Every time
No they didnt

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