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ITT: Normie standards

>reading book
>character is described as 6'0 and 180 pounds
>an inch shorter and 10 pounds lighter than me
>author refers to him as "powerfully built"
Fiction authors are the most gay and autistic DYEL bugman faggots who exist.

I used to read a lot when I was a kid, I always assumed it made me smarter but now I recognize that it got me used to filtering the world through the lens of socially inept dweebs who invent their own realities full of petty projections as a giant cope against why they never did well in the real world.

In this case for example the author might be 5'10 and 150bs, but he's not skinny of course people call him skinny but they're wrong, 150lbs is healthy for his size. 180 is powerfully built, and any more than that is overweight. This one sentence might seem innocuous, but there's deep unconscious mentally ill seething behind it. Normal people don't actually think that.

Never read.
It's wild how standards have changed in 10 years. I remember watching some of his videos when they first started popping up and while I never thought he was "ripped" I thought he was in decent shape. Today this dude would be considered dad bob.
>be me
>playing that shitty ass Gotham knights garbage because I'm that addicted to the Batman games (don't do it not worth it at all)
>whichever characters you're not playing as stay in the clock tower and train, maintain equipment, monitor police reports, etc
>jason todd's (red hood) exercising animation is him deadlifting like 185lbs
This is the biggest and physically strongest member of the bat family btw.
Congratulations, you are all now stronger than a superhero.
nonfiction that is both academic (i.e. not pop shit) and has an author with a strong personality and presence are the best books to read
This is like all the anime retards that have bodybuilder sized characters at 60kg
I think that has more to do with 20th century Japanese people's ignorance of what a jacked physique looks like and weighs
You see, the fictional character's weight is mostly muscle, while you're at 25% fat.
This is legit, OP. I'm about the same size, a bit heavier, and I can confirm this is over a standard deviation above average on both height and weight. You can google this shit. This board somehow thinks you need to be 7' 300lbs to hit non-manlet status, but it's fake news.
Gayer than a guy complaining about it on the internet or the fag who wrote 3 paragraphs? Lol
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>a 4pl8 deadlift makes you in the 1% of strongest people on the earth
>You won't feel particularly strong because 1% of 8 billion is 80 million people.
>The dudes who come in dead last in regional lifting meets are probably part of the top 0.5% of all strongest people on earth.
It's often talked about how social media will warp girls perception of what is natural but this board puts those girls to shame. If you're 6'3 you're in the 96th percentile of height. About a year or two of working out with average body fat (not american average what actual average is) and people will think you're jacked.
80 million people cannot deadlift 400 pounds. The amount of people who go to the gym regularly is probably 5% and of those very few actual deadlift and even smaller percent actually get up to 4 plate. The amount of people globally who can deadlift that is probably less than 1 million.
>this was considered unimaginably jacked back then
I remember seeing that post years ago and thinking "well he looks normal, kind of like me, not too bad even if not jacked" and now I look at it and damn he looks like shit.
I feel like I haven't changed at all but damn we've come a long way.
This is a very good amount of muscle mass for someone who's 6'3
Now women are writing more books than men.
Indians made that game sar
body dysmorphia doesn't mean shit
women still have the same preference as ever
Literally normal weight.
>>this was considered unimaginably jacked back then
and he roided for this "unimaginably jacked" physique and now looks like jabba the hut - don't castrate yourself kids, it's real bad for u
200+ pounds natty is FAT for 99% of people.
Look at elite swimmers or sprinters, they are around that height/weight ratio and they ARE pretty powerfully built. You're just fat and dumb.
>b-but you won’t look like you lift with a shirt on

Biggest fat powershitter cope in the history of this board lol
ITT: no one will post body
Exactly, because >>75579602
The only books worth reading are
>fiction: old books
>nonfiction: technical books
95% of modern “nonfiction” books are long op-eds designed to convince the reader of some political message. People read it and think they’re actually more educated on a topic but the effect is the opposite. They just have higher confidence in bullshit.
Give me 5 examples faggot, I hate when 4chan incels talk about le reading non fiction but nobody actually gives any examples or topics or reasons as to why. Like, why the fuck should I read about nuclear fission or something like that?
Goku is described as 62kg lol
I'm not him I'm the first post autist, but to me good non fiction is either a niche topic you're interested in (I've read a few books about mixing and mastering music for example), or shit with pictures you can learn stuff from (I have one with hundreds of historical maps, like an Atlas from different historical perspectives as an example). Also you have stuff like The Road to Wigan Pier by Orwell, an account of his travels in the north of England with social and political context from someone who is a skilled writer of both fiction and non-fiction.

I barely read books anymore though, most of that stuff can be just as easily seen in tutorial/documentary form online. Books are becoming pretty obsolete now.
>but now I recognize that it got me used to filtering the world through the lens of socially inept dweebs who invent their own realities full of petty projections as a giant cope against why they never did well in the real world
>so I choose to browse and post on 4chan instead
Why do you think I do shit like that? Because the main influences in my early life were retards who do shit like that.

You should see that I was portraying myself as a socially inept dweeb inventing my own reality based on petty projections, further emphasizing my point about how reading has influenced me negatively. It's a multi-layered post rich with subtext. Why do such a thing on the meat head board where we are supposed to be talking about lifting weights and fucking pussy? Well, here we are again...
>joke's on you, I was only pretending to be retarded
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I don't care and I will read and re-read Musashi over and over again and enjoy it every time, when the author says the MC had a tall frame and a muscular build I don't care that it makes you seethe because you're bigger or whatever
read Ars Magna nigger, thank me later, find me again in a week on this board and I'll give you your next book.
>I barely read books anymore though, most of that stuff can be just as easily seen in tutorial/documentary form online. Books are becoming pretty obsolete now.

This nigger watching youtube docs lol YOU ARE RETARDED
4chan hating on fiction is so fucking cringe and reeks of autism brain.
>6'1 190 lbs

Nigga you fat as FUCK lmao
Yeah, I legit don’t understand how anons can still look lean at 180+ natty. I’m like 5’10” and look like flabby shit above 170lbs max.
And even then, I look best at 150-160. >>75581612
>why the fuck should I read about nuclear fission or something like that
There's 3 reasons for reading. For me at least. The first two are a direct benefit and the third one is indirect.
>if you're a proffessional, generally being knowledgable about many things surrounding your area of expertise allows you to have a better, deeper understanding of it and thus being able to make better decissions
nuclear fission might be worthless to you but it'll help you grasp better how matter works, which might be relevant (directly or indirectly) for a bunch of proffessions, like engineering, physics, architecture, etc
>bitches love it when guys talk about shit they don't understand
you could get laid talking about nuclear fission alone, though fitness is more important. being extremely uncultured makes you prone to getting mogged.
>reading is a good exercise to keep the mind sharp
obviously if you read for entertainment it'll dull the effect. if you read shit that takes conscious reading to understand, you'll grind your mind harder than by reading harry potter
>one in 20 people go to the gym
lol no way. That's way too many. Probably more like 3%. And then you can cut that by half or more to account for the people who barely lift at the gym or don't exercise intensely enough. Think of all the middle aged women who go to yoga classes at the gym.
Copilot says 5% of american men and less than 1% of women.
I assume lower rates in asia and south america
>female fans
they mean gay niggas
They look lean beyond 180 because they lift
Nigga do you even lift?
This is the dumbest comment that has ever been made. First it implies that youtube is the only place you can watch documentaries, but even still youtube has pretty much everything you can imagine on it. You can watch a 3 hour lecture on some highly specialized topic, top experts in nearly every field explaining things in an easily digestible way, or explaining this in inordinate technical detail if you so prefer.

You must be the kind of idiot who opens youtube and thinks the retarded clickbait shit on the homepage is the only things you're allowed to watch.
How fucking gay are you guys, I'm 6'5 220 and I look skinny. Fairly lean but not even built, just vaguely athletic looking.
>>character is described as 6'0 and 180 pounds
That's literally me and i do get called big by people, maybe 5 lbs less, feel dyel personally tho
>6,0 180lbs
artur beterbiev probably walks around at that weight and he looks pretty powerfully built imo
Pic related is my standard for being jacked. The two dyels are there just for scale.
Oops! Forgot the pic!
Yeah, no shit, retard. Unless you’re very tall, 200+lbs natty is fat as fuck.
>They look lean beyond 180 because they lift

Absolutely calling bullshit on this. You will not be lean with visible abs natty if you’re over 180lbs and under 6’ tall.
Feels good to be a writer who writes better than the shit you just described.
What genre?
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the vast majority of people are so fat it's no wonder they see a vaguely normal man as being "ripped." most people stopped exercising completely once schools didn't force them to. if you can meet the bare minimum of any western nation's basic infantry army requirements, then you are more fit than 80% of that nation's population (and probably fitter than actual serving soldiers). normie standards are just that low.
Dark fantasy, drama, suspense, romance.
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youre a fat faggot op
But I'm only 4 inches taller and a full 30lbs heavier than what was called 'fat as FUCK lmao'. An extra 30 lbs more than makes up for 4 inches of height, so what does that make me?
Holy DYELs. 190 is kind of mediocre unless you're 5'9 and below.
/fit/: normies are so easily impressed
also /fit/:"i can't get laid for the life of me
Pick one.
It's both. You can work out all you want to but if you don't leave the house and refuse to talk to girls it will never happen.
post body
height isn't the only thing. you have a lot of size difference everywhere else in your body to consider.
You should be happy
unless you look like shit
low standards of others just improves your standing
Imagine going through your one (1) life being stupid
who is Dad Bob
Nothing wrong with nonfiction, but hating on fiction is classic stereotypical 4chan try-hard behavior.
So? He’s not real and Akira Toriyama is dead.
bold of you to assume /fit/izens can diddly 185lb
He wasn't roided just dehydrated and greased up
are u implying hes not in good shape? huge no but hes fit. its good body u faggots really are getting veeners on perfectly good teeth
Lol 20lbs is a lot
20lbs is like rehab weight for lateral raises you tap out after 2lbs max because it's all your muscles finally having carbs then you're all why can't I get gains I better use drugs to fix the fact that im mentally retarded.
you retards will carry like 40lbs of dead weight and wonder why nobody thinks you look good, or that your powershitting numbers are impressive. you then go on to call fictional characters like solid snake, or even male models like pietro "twinks"
sodomite tongues have penetrated your vernacular and you use it unwittingly
you deserve less
I want gains fast, do you think I'm gonna do that going on cuts.
dad bob sqare pant
Enjoy your female endocrine profile
That's why you monitor when the weight falls off fast or you put on strength fast
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There's no way in hell anybody who's happy with themselves thinks or talks like this.
Yes you're right that I have a huge cock but that's not what we're talking about now
Why don't you go write a fictional story about it like a child would you fag
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I don't know, you tell me.
I'm as dyel as they come and did 275 for 5 on friday, come on man
In what world is that 150lbs lmao
Yes, you don't need to be Arnold to pull girls.
Just don't be fat and train a bit.
No it wasn’t but he looks very good. That was an still is a great physique
He got fat because he fucked up his back during the filming of Mummy 2 and he let his ex-wife fuck with his head. It’s not because he blasted gear so hard and couldn’t make his own T.
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Ok. Not great. Better than most. I still need to lose about 4-5lbs. Maybe 6-7.
Are you retarded, did you even read the OP lmao
Yeah, you are fat. And if you think you're low bodyfat, you aren't, and you'll see that when you drop down to 65kg to get to actual low bodyfat because it'll take way longer than you think.
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>this was considered "full of muscles" in the 80s
Not much what's dad bod with you?
Very hard to fill out a 6'4 frame, even when you're not eating slop like vegemite sandwiches
your mental illness doesn't change reality
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This is just an example of the halo effect.It's women who already found him attractive seeing anything he does in extremely favorable light. If they saw an average dude with those arms, they would not think he lifts
I see threads like this and am reminded that I must look like a freak superhero in real life.

I've been accused/suggested of roiding several times despite being natural. I do wonder what the fuck I look like to women as I'm also 6 ft and lean at 90kg
It's only because of the size of his neck
Reading fiction exercises your imagination and expands your vocabulary.
>t. Wacky Harry Potter fact memorizer
Also if you had to read a book to learn a new word, chances are nobody else is going to understand it when you start trying to integrate it into your speech.
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>35 years old
you look strong as fuck
don't let the non-body posters say anything else
mangaka have no notion of size/ muscle/ weight
torayama thinks goku would be 65kg or some shit lol
People with no internal monologue can't understand concepts like this
>This nigger watching youtube docs lol YOU ARE RETARDED
If you're approaching a youtube documentary or video essay like an academic lecture and study every thing mentioned in it with a figurative fine tooth comb you can get a lot of value from them. Hell Youtube combined with wikipedia and chatgpt can give you a profound level of knowledge on a given subject if you're driven to really understand something. Combine that with pirating books off of genesis library and you can self teach collegiate level courses on anything from the mundane to the profound; from the complex to the trivial.
Reading non fiction does the same, but you can actually learn about real things instead of just some retard's made up gobbledygook.
Its just because your own perspective on fitness has changed

something like 70% of people are overweight or obese so seeing someone who is lean is enough to think "woah this guy do be different"
>vegemite sandwiches
pick one
Weight is a weird thing. I think I have light bones or something. I don't understand how my lifts can be as high as they are yet I'm 245 lbs. at like 15% bf standing 6'5". There are skinny fat NFL QBs with the same height and weight stats that I know I blow out of the water strength wise. Are all pro athlete physical stats fluffed up like NBA player heights?
which lifts? for some of them taller people have better leverage
My dad, Bob.
There aren't any lifts taller people are better at. If you have really long arms but short legs deadlift will be better, but for anyone normally proportioned you're fighting against gravity and physics with longer levers.

The benefit of being tall and the reason WSM guys for example are usually really tall is you can pile a lot more muscle onto a tall frame, but it's beyond what is feasible for a normal person you either need to dedicate your life to it or get on gear.

1) Post body
2) Post lifts

I'm 6'5 220 at about 15% and I look OK but all my lifts are shit.
Fiction writing was never my favorite. I typically got poor grades in those classes for just straight up not reading those books. One day in middle school I discovered non fiction, which for some reason we were never formally introduced to in school up to that age, with the exception of dry textbooks of course. Since then that's all I read. I have books on philosophy, science, history, gardening, survival, you name it. Shit worth reading. Why did they not do this for us in schools? Why was it all gay poetry and novels?
It still is. And you can't get even close that jacked without roids.
>and now he's rich and famous
He lived a life much better then vast majority of fitizens can even dream of.
Non fiction is everything. I have more than 5 on my list right now. But some of them are a book about Romans, a book about the history of anime, a book about the judgment of paris, a book about winemaking, and a book about parenting.
>leftover brewers yeast spread on toast
I don't think there's any food on earth closer to slop than leftover bacteria spread
*Bad Bob FTFY
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That's my ideal physique goal. The perfect body for ability to maintain and inducing pussy moisture.

Brad Pit fight club is a meme ; Brendan Frasier Encino Man is the dream.
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Fiction is good is it's things like Tolkien or Dickens. Christian authors who uplift the spirit and beautify the heart. It's necessary every now and then to shake off that bitterness that builds up from all the demoralization on social media.
Go read "A Christmas Carol" before the holidays. Or at least watch the movie.
180 is pretty normal for six feet. Might look like a crackhead at worst
The Fronteirsmen by Ekert and it's associated books are excellent.
>Jack Hinson's One Man War by Tom McKenny
>Handful of Hard Men by Hannes Wessel
>The Limit by Michael Canell
>Touching the Void by Joe Simpson
>Crosley by David Stern
>A Race to Freedom by David Williams
>Ignition! by John Clark
>Survival of the Fastest by Randy Lanier
>Empire of the Southern Moon by S.C Gwynne
>Mysterious Case of Rudolph Diesel by Douglas Brunt
Those are a few I've read in the last couple months that have been really good. You just suck at finding good things to read.
A Christmas Carol is good but I'm more fascinated by the non fiction story of its author and the consequences of that novel on the way we celebrate Christmas. That book is almost solely responsible for Christmas becoming a major holiday as opposed to a minor whatever holiday. Now THAT is a good story.
>toriyama think
he doesn't anymore…
right must be wearing a 15 kg buttplug
180 at 6’ is not what I’d call skinny by any metric other than fat powershitter delusion.
> Never read bro its gay
> Worship Jesus bro he's based
> Be a no fap virgin abstinence is badass

What is wrong with these religion pushers? Are they so upset that they have to live like delusional losers that they try to make others suffer like they do? It's sick. Get educated, Get jacked, God's not real, Go fuck some women. Anything less is a waste of a life.
kek he never mentioned anything about Jesus or religion or nofap. Based schizo.

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