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/fit/ - Fitness

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Thoughts on saunas? Do they actually do anything?
I mostly associate them with Finnish autism. Assuming OP is gay, these guys are all mid. Get better taste.
It's not what the sauna does, it's what you do in the sauna.
I associate them with gay porn.
Sounds gross.
all of them?
Yes absolutely.
Are amerishart saunas really so cold that fags can fag out in there and not get heat stroke?
They open your pores and clear a bunch of shit out of your system.
I haven't had one in a long time and I miss a nice wood burning sauna and dumping buckets of water to get it super hot.
One time me and my bros were in a sauna in our apartment complex and we kept farting until it was so bad it hurt to breathe through your nose and the next day the property owners put a lock on it and made it no longer 24 hours access.
Honestly the biggest gains have been psychological. You often see faggots huffing and puffing and watching the clock, gripping the bench, rocking back and forth like autists, where in reality you should be chilling. You shouldn't fight the heat, let it into your body, let your heart rate increase. This is the major gain imo; your heartrate increases, and you learn to relax. It increases more, and you relax more. Same with the cold. Don't just get in the water and start panting, learn to slow down your breathing and overcome the panic.
Got an (infrared) one in my apartment. Love it. If skin is inflamed or breaking out, sauna can cure it in one session. Always follow with a cold bath. I got severe eczema, so it's the only form of bathing I do these days.
they are great health wise. Sadly too many fags in there and they ruin it for everyone. I can't go one day in there without blowing someone
extreme heat and extreme cold are terrible for you
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>been culturally uses for thousands of years
>do they do anything?
Op is such a massive faggot. This board fucking sucks. People are getting dumber and bots are more prevalent. Anyone else feel the internet is fucking dead? I use YouTube and chatgpt.
Its usually pretty hot.
they are very comfy and saunaing with friends + lake dives is peak fun
American saunas are typically as hot as finnish saunas. Americans are just a hardier people.
Post ideal sauna buddies
cannibalism also existed for thousands of years
doesn't mean it's the GOAT diet
They feel nice. Because of that, they lower stress. Because of that, they reduce inflammation. Because if that, they lower cancer risk.

But all that is redundant to the point: they feel nice and not everything in this world should be done to optimize something. Smell the roses, and relax in a sauna from time to time.
>sauna after run
Feels great
>sauna without prior cardio
Feel like I'm about to have a heart attack and die until I start to sweat
Mentally perhaps but not physically. ideal low stress on your body is having the temp be what humans evolved for. having extreme temperatures stresses and damages it as it must maintain body temp.
also i think saunas were originally used in cold places as a way to wash. you can warm yourself up while washing with cold water and multiple people can cram in unlike a tub of water.
it's even better for cardiovascular health than aerobic exercise because it forces blood to pool in the atrium.
Yeah they kill your sperm along with hot tubs and hot showers. Why do you think your balls are on the outside of your body? Still burning your sperms to death anon, your body has to use test to make more.
If it's in my own home, it's alright to sweat out some water and open up some stiff parts of the body. In gyms, nasty.
Just take longer hot showers/bath.
uni chemistry professor told us when he worked for a paint factory saunas were mandatory after a shift and they'd see streaks of blue/green/red ect ect as the pigment was sweated out of their skin
>swimshorts in the sauna
fucking retard americans
And why not, exactly?
I went on holiday and there was a dry sauna and a steam room with the pool and gym. Each morning I did a shitty weight circuit, 30 minute swim and then hit the sauna. It was pretty cool, not going to lie. I enjoyed the feeling of struggling to breath and the hot dry burning air. I pissed with sweat. When I got back from holiday I thought I'd check out the sauna at the sports complex I go to. I was kinda new to the gym at this point and my work out used to take about 40 minutes max so I was still doing cardio and and done within an hour so I'd go hang out in the sauna after. This place was way grosser and dirtier. Like the hotel one was all wood and dry. The sports complex one was all tile with some wood benches and the floor was always kinda cold and wet. Plus it was filled with probably gay pajeets.
If you're autistically searching for some functional purpose beside relaxation, they were also used to get rid of lice (doesn't work on head lice) and parasites and shit, especially during WWII.
>especially during WWII.
Ay, Tone, the steam's all coming out through the wooden doors
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The Finns actually did also build "saunas" or gas chambers for horses where only the horse's head would be sticking out and the chamber would be filled with sulfur gas, also for getting rid of parasites.
I guess this could confuse some Holocaust deniers.
There's my /fit
Anon, that's the most terrifying story I heard in a while.
blue board, faggot
it depends if you are just sitting there or do cardio like jumps squats or playing golem
Euros are so gay
Sounds unsanitary
Why do the wear shorts in sauna?
the only opinion i have on saunas is that they're great when two large titty lesbians are fucking in one
it does relaxes your muscle
Saunas are gay.
americans are afraid of showing their small penises
>sees dick
>thinks its gay
insecure closet fags are the most funny type of people
saunas are gay as fuck unless you have a personal one
Naw. Maybe 5 years ago I would've believed this, but I've learned most Euros are unironically huge closet homosexuals.
Why was the taboo against nudity so much weaker in europe than it was in 'murica even though until quite recently both were firmly protestant or catholic?
>forces blood to pool in the atrium.
Meme sentence. You don't even know what you just said, nor can you explain the benefit of that.
Pilgrims came to America because they considered Europe not prude enough.

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