What’s a daily routine one could follow to attain ottermode fast?
>>75580928Pullups, kettlebell routines, jump rope, bodyweight calisthenics
>>75580928Sucking copious amounts of dick and taking it in the ass daily
>>75580928who is this twink?
>>75580928not otter u flyin homo
>>75580928why are zoomers such bitchmade faggots?the other day I was at the store and a group of 5-6 zoomers was coming towards me and refused to move. I decided to push through them and shoulder checked a couple and all they did was mumble and move around awkwardly. after I made it through I stopped and turned around daring them to do something and they all just looked at the ground and shuffled away.I angrily stare down anyone I make eye contact with until they look away (haven't lost a staring match in years) and zoomers ALWAYS immediately glance away, they never last more than like 0.1 seconds. other guys will look for a few seconds and blacks will usually stare the longest but eventually look away.zoomers are pathetic and the pussiest generation ever.
>>75582586Why do they act like that?
>>75582807my guess is a combination of>raised in gynocratic feminized society that diminished traditional masculine traits like aggression and machismo>poor or nonexistent relationship with father i.e. no masculine role models>bathed in and consumed xenoestrogens for decades stunting physical development and reducing testosterone
>>75582586You really should be nice to them instead. Zoomers are dying for paternalistic figures and they will attach to someone who takes a paternal interest in them. If you show yourself as friendly, larger than life, and good humored they will treat you better than their actual father.All older men past 25 should have a soft spot for younger men those under 25. They adore us and the lengths they go to impress older males is unbelievable. You can really change a kid’s life just by taking an interest in him while being a strong mentoring figure. I know literal faggots will abuse this, homos should be shot, trannies shot twice in the face.The only people who hate Zoomers are women or old men who failed as kids and thus feel the need to compete with kids. t. 29I went to college very late and had a clique of 5 Zoomers who followed me around like little ducklings.
>>75583089This is good advice.
>>75582807Why are his pants down? And what type of underwear is he wearing?
>>75585815Red boxer briefs
>>75580928My physique looks similar to this, but I'm bigger. The thing that annoys me though, is that chest. My chest is just like this kid's, where the upper part is flat and the bottom isn't, how the fuck do you fix that?
>>75583089Cute, I want cute Zoomer Mutt on my lap now
>>75582586You're socially retarded and assaulted strangers over nothing then interpreted their attempt to maintain civility in the most retarded light possible.
>>75580928rooningfastingvery light calisthenics
>>75583089hahaha stfu unc. no one looks up to you, delusional mf. you aint shit, faggot ong
>>75582586>threatening childrenI wonder who you're really mad at, this comes from somewhere.
>>75587731shaddap pussy. I'd make you my bitch and you'd do nothing about it, you'd go home mumbling about muh civility lmfao>>75589638kill yourself armchair psychologist reddit faggot. take your concern trolling and shove it up your ass.
>>75580928Why is he standing up on the table?
>>75590486the seed oil in his pasta made him ADHD
>>75589870>kill yourself armchair psychologist reddit faggot. take your concern trolling and shove it up your ass.Isn't the real person you're angry with the person staring at you in the mirror?
>>7558092810 sets of shoving my cock in his ass.Real answer, this is not ottermode, this is twinkmode, so just don't eat much, and do bullshit calisthenics and you too will look like you are made for taking dick.
Be born to parents who didn’t let their kid become an overweight slob in the first place.
>>75592279I know this is satire, but you are gay for even joking about this.
>>75581118>daily5x minimum
>>75592324Who said i was joking
>>75591712didn't I already tell you to shove your armchair psychology up your ass? go on, git
>>75592324uhhh do you know where you are?
>>75592324Everyone in this thread is gay by virtue of being in this thread
>>75582586I think you have the problem
>>75582849>>75582586Just larp as some roided up mafia bouncer and theyll be scared of you
>>75580928Reminder this kid gets more pussy than any of the powershitters here
>>75594350Boys are supposed to be for girls, anon.