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/fit/ - Fitness

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Imagine taking a Ph.d. in sports science and still arriving at the conclusion that natty lifting is a joke
Sport science is a joke. PhDs are mostly a joke. This guy is a joke.
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You don't need a Phd to see that 99% of guys have dogshit bodybuilding genetics
>wind up with enormous muscular pipe in ur belly
it isn't water and it isn't abs and it isn't visceral fat, it's guts enormous gargantuan guts, because guts are muscles, smooth muscles but muscles, and it's never going away because it's smooth muscle, it's got shitloads of connective tissue unlike skeletal muscle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrointestinal_wall

not that it makes any difference - he can't stop pinning anyways because balls are never coming back to life, and it doesn't even take that long, most of the time bot gpt shills 6 weeks [insert castration method - pin oils or pills]
bullshit - u have never tried building muscle because u don't know how, there is entire industry gate-keeping this information, literal global conspiracy to fuck u up if u try any proposed method ... and it is so simple
Imagine getting all those fancy letters after your Jewish phone company name, but you can't figure out how to pick up a few packs of THCV gummies to flatten out your GH gut.
His arms don't even look roided to be honest. Dedicated natty lifters and casual lifters after a few cycles look better than him.
The theory of roid guts being guts is very easily disproven because former roiders who get skinny and small always lose them. It's visceral fat, food, and abs.
Congratulations on the baby, when is it due?
Let's see your optimal training results
>THCV gummies
lmao doode weed
>GH gut
no, it's just roids, roids grow muscle indiscriminately, guts are muscle tissue, and heart is muscle tissue also - u do not dispute heart wall growth from roids do you? that's common knowledge
go ahead and provide example - in motion bot gpt, video of somebody who's done it, u won't because it doesn't exist
>dox yourself
go fuck urself botardo retardo
lmao HGH gut is craaazzy

roidlets are truly the saddest cope on this planet. funnieset part is jeff nippard has a better physique, is natty, AND has his pro card.

lesson here is to not roid unless you want to freak beast.
>go fuck urself botardo retardo
Let's be real you're most likely not impressive looking at all i.e. you're the 99% I was talking about
is this the Genetic Beast boomer who makes 5 thousand shorts shitting on Blaha on yt for attention? Same way of typing/speaking, same schizotypal expression, same weird paranoia that everyone is a bot
You need to log off for your own mental health dude
>inb4 bot, bot gpt or whatever other mental health meltdown you're having
>It's hgh gut
wrong it's pixie dust, mixed with oil and injected up their glute lol :D
got shit to do bot and u're boring repetitive dum code
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kek sure you do old man
looking saucy as btw grandpa
it's interesting bot gpt, that ain't me, do u have picture of me ? :D come on don't be shy bitch bot
The moment that you get a large waist because your abused roids is the moment that you ruined your physique forever, no amount of size in other body parts can compensate for that, this goes against the very basic idea of fitness where the goal is making your waist smaller. It looks so gross, it's better to be skinny with no muscles if the alternative is that
>>THCV gummies
>lmao doode weed

THCV some special shit for reducing hepatosteatosis and visceral adiposity though: >https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168827815000033
kek seething at being exposed
keep seething oldnigg nobody gives a shit about your posts
why even post at all if everyone here is a bot? schizo and a retard lmao, or maybe you are an actual bot made to falseflag
the bots have trained on too many retarded schizo posts, and turned into retarded schizos themselves
Mike's diet is absolute garbage and he's on WAY too many meds n shit, his gut is probably fucked like that because of all the crap he constantly pumps into his body

Most people have average genetics, hence why average is average lol. The vast majority of people can at least get lean enough to have abs while benching 2pl8 for reps and having 16" arms, which is a good body to have natty desu. obviously barely anyone can look like jay cutler even with drugs though lol
Ugh bros I bought a bunch of HGH, bpc 157 and tb500 to help do some healing when my blast is done before I start cutting season but FML I'm utterly terrified of getting bloat and diabetes from taking HGH
Should I just resell it to some greater fool?
>kek seething at being exposed
so u have nothing bot gpt, good :D
>why even post at all if everyone here is a bot? schizo and a retard lmao
because i extract information from u bitch bot, whether u like it or not, like so:

>>With nearly every other muscle of the forearm being accessory to prevent rotation.
>thx bot gpt, i stumbled upon this tidbit when u shilled forearm material from that midged rood but fat tool of zogbot jeff nipples
any more questions bitch bot? u can skip lame insults, does nothing to me
>THCV some special shit for reducing hepatosteatosis and visceral adiposity though
well yeah, skelly weed drones are a thing bot and? what's that got to do with connective tissue that grows alongside smooth muscle from plain vanilla roids? nothing

u were supposed to validate your claim bot gpt:
>The theory of roid guts being guts is very easily disproven because former roiders who get skinny and small always lose them. It's visceral fat, food, and abs.
>go ahead and provide example - in motion bot gpt, video of somebody who's done it, u won't because it doesn't exist
and u failed flat on your figurative face bot, ergo u lied saying it's possible to get rid of roid gut completely
>Jeff Nippard
Lol. Lmao, even
>Ph.d. in sports science
>Worst umbilical hernia in history
>Most people have average genetics, hence why average is average lol.
Average genetics are shit for bodybuilding. It's not a hard concept
Nobody on this board is ever going to compete anyway though. Average genetics are perfectly satisfactory for just looking sick, having big arms and a six pack, and getting bitches. as if any of us are going up on stage anyway lol
he's like 180 pounds and not even that lean
it's growth hormone causing organ and non-muscle tissue growth, which cannot be reversed.
If you're training for looks you're bodybuilding. It's really not a hard concept.
>Average genetics are perfectly satisfactory for just looking sick
not even close.
average genetics are enough to look "healthy" or "fit" (in normie eyes). that's it.
Can confirm.
My dyelism is not due to lack of years of proper training, proper diet, or rest. Normies mire but nothing much else.
Are you guys retarded? That's a screenshot from an Instagram video where he's showing pushing out his stomach and then doing a vacuum.
I listened to him say
>I used to be on a lot of steroids, now I'm on a moderate amount of steroids.

I thought this meant like years ago he abused GH and that is why he has the gut, but NO. He then went on to say

>Like a few weeks ago I was on a massive dose of steroids, but now I'm on a regular dose and am down about 30lbs.

This dude was constantly blasting and only recently "dialed it back". I've also listened to a few guys who go in depth about their drug protocol and I had no idea how many different compounds Pro's take. I assumed it was high dosages, but these guys were all on at least 5 different things daily, and would add/drop drugs every few weeks to get ready for a competition. The world of roidtrannys is far more complicated than I thought.
No they're just actually stupid
>5'4" probably >200lbs sub 6% bodyfat
>still have estrogen-dominance symptoms like cellulite and varicose
unbelievably retarded. should be the poster child for the state of academia in 2024±1
Give us an example of a roider keeping a roid gut into retirement then.
Any roider who took a lot of growth hormone (and insulin).
Show us.
ronnie coleman, jay cutler, dave palumbo, markus ruhl, phil heath, greg kovacs, dorian yates, literally anyone who abused GH/insulin.
They all lost their guts.
Do you think he realizes he looks disgusting?
and 3 more posts below it - appeared as i was typing this post
it's just bot gpt drivel invoked only to cover up this: >>75584453
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nta but why are you calling people "old man"? What difference does someone's age make relevant to an argument? Just stfu.
it doesn't matter, bot is calling me all sorts of shit, i was called kid and senile today - depends what fits his musings at the very moment
It’s funny how this subhuman exposes himself just from the mass quoting and spacing, I didn’t even need to read the post. Just do the world a favour and kill yourself Jesus fucking Christ
there u go, now i'm subhuman :D xD
whatever fits bot gpt, 7 minutes in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT93D_k2xak derrick the spook that was tasked with talking u into castrating yourself (alongside that clown ducette) is balbbering about gut, 6:40 he praises bloatard named ben pekulski (i think) and lies through his teeth
>well yeah he shrunk it, somewhat
well no, it's still there, he is smaller overall but he never got rid and never will get rid of that gut, just cause he learned to suck in and flex doesn't change reality, at all

roids grow muscle, heart is muscle, guts are muscles EOT it's onlly question of magnitude
if you don't immediately post this and the citation link as the first reply in a thread like this, no one will care and people will go out of their way to pretend you never posted so they can keep arguing.

that's just how the world is now. it's not just this site, it's twitter, facebook, etc etc. no one cares unless you call them out immediately or it's help above their heads for everyone to see.
Tell me that's shopped
>posting body is doxing yourself
The cope of fatties is always interesting
He whip it out and make you take it in one of your hands while rubbing his belly with the other. wyd?
I have below average genetics (was really scrawny and weak as a kid, couldn't do even one pushup) it took me 4 years of training to be able to do 90kg bench, 17 chin ups and 50kg ohp. I gained 27kg of mostly lean weight. Couldn't progress more no matter how much I tried, still looked like a fucking dyel. Genetics are the most important factor in lifting. Shit genetics mean that you just won't get really jacked, even if you work really really hard
A phd is sports science is something actual serious doctorates laugh at. It's like having a phd in gender studies or some other meme shit. You can learn everything about sports science over a weekend.
Can't you remove excess intestines from growth hormone?gat
why aim for a six pack when you could just get a one bag?
He clearly lost it though?
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are you blind?
kek thanks for the free (You)s bitch bot gpt
He’s based
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You dumb fucking brain rotted fucks won't even try to see where the image is from or what context has it been taken out of.

Dr. Mike is pushing his gut out and then doing a vacuum. That is not his relaxed state. If it was, it would truly be pathetic for him have abused gear till he got "the gut" but it's not. Don't you fucking retards have any inclination to research something before pressing the gas on it?? Every person in this thread is just there to attack and not really have an informed opinion.
This motherfucker hasn't even seen the original video and his claiming to know what kind gut a person has. My god this is reddit levels of "I'm an intellectual god who can analyse anything from just a single picture which may or may not have been taken out of context but doesn't matter because whatever I say is true will be the truth"
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why exactly is Dr. Israeli-Telecom pufferfish-maxxing?
The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Lol what's his channel?
cause he's very self conscious about it and want's to "explain" that giant tumor away
oh how great, now i'm "intellectual" and u're trying to slap on me some yt account supporting blaha content - the insults and goal post moving just never fucking end
bot gpt, care to explain why aren't u linking the video? yes it fucking is his relaxed state on the left, no it's never going away, yes it's roids growing bowel smooth muscle tissue alongside connective tissue, and that's why it's never going away, exactly what i said here:
The reason I didn't post the video as is because this site isn't allowing me to. I tried to upload it and it says "couldn't support the audio file".

So how about this, do what I did. Go to Google, type "Dr Mike Israetel doing Vacuums". There will be an instagram video on the first result. Watch it for yourself.
>trained by the internet
>"Must be dem jennetex!"
Just do a 3x10 bro split with a low fat high carb diet and LISS cardio on off days, ie. the opposite of what /fit/ says.
We solved fitness in the 1980s, yes it's that easy.
>So how about this, do what I did. Go to Google, type "Dr Mike Israetel doing Vacuums". There will be an instagram video on the first result. Watch it for yourself.
i don't like it bot gpt, reproduce it here bitch bot
> i have technical difficulties
pffffffffffftt xD

anyways, my point, that i reiterated 20 times already >>75587242
>yes it fucking is his relaxed state on the left, no it's never going away, yes it's roids growing bowel connective tissue alongside smooth muscle tissue, and that's why it's never going away
isn't dependent on israetel's tumor gut
besides, there is way more important stuff concerning casual lifter than roiders tumor guts that are their overgrown guts:
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>he literally made a video about how you can reach the physique most women think is ideal in 2-5 years of lifting natty
note: you have to be taller to 5'6
Well you can. As long as you have visible abs, broad shoulders and arms that aren't fucking 12" twigs that's enough for women. Their standards are incredibly low for this, they don't care about you having massive quads, benching 3 plates and maxing out the lat pulldown bro. you don't need to achieve a lot in terms of physique if your sole aim is to look good to women

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