How much time an effort for a body like hers?
>>75585150assuming you're not an absolute fatass right now. if you stick to a proper diet, hit the gym consistently without fail, and your hrt doesn't fuck with you too hard, then 1.5-2 years.
bitch is built like a fridge.just stop being a fag OP.
>>75586186I don’t know why people like shit like this desu unless they’re kinda homo
>>75586186I don't think you understand what that means
>>75586411We do understand. Any super roided or muscular woman looks like that.
>>75585150Fuxk youuu
>>75586444I think you're just jealous
>>75585150who is this dyke and why is she scarred?
>>75586463I wish I was. I actually don’t want a body like that because I can see what it turns women into. It’s scary
>>75585150horrific anatomy drawn here, good lord.
>>75586675Look at the file name.These "artists" have never watched a Proko video in their entire lives because it ruins their abnormal point of view on gender.
>>75586675> anon doesn’t know that women go notitsmcfridge mode when their midsection gets really ripped
>>75586706t. shitskin
>>75586186t. faggot