Ok guys let’s settle this for real, no half naked women or butts or boobs to distract us, is coffee and caffeine in general good for you?
>>75585385Please stop with these stupid, repetitive threads
>>75585389I have never made this thread once in my life
>>75585385there's no evidence in that it's outstandingly good or bad, neutral, but it destroys your teeth and makes them yellow which is bad.
Caffeine is good for you so long as you don't become addicted to it and reduce or cycle out of dependence regularly. It is an addiction, just like marijuana, and anyone who says otherwise is coping.Coffee is the best liquid medium through which to consume caffeine for two reasons: first, it concentrates a higher amount of caffeine in an enjoyably drinkable form than, say, Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper (the second- and third-best caffeinated drinks, respectively); and second, it keeps you regular by forcing you to consume nondigestible plant matter.If you want the same effects as coffee but don't care about the taste, the best alternative is to take a caffeine capsule (generic Vivarin, little yellow pills) with a swig of Metamucil in the morning, then stick your nose in a bag of coffee grounds and inhale deeply. The Pavlovian association of the smell with pooping will activate your bowels and the mucillage will get things moving the same way.
>>75585385In moderate amounts, yes.
>>75585385Define "good"
>>75585385I am still hooked but I think it ruined my physical and mental health and took my hair. It unironically might be what knocked my life off track in college. I might rope because of coffee.
>damages sleep qualityUnequivocally bad for your health.>improves focus and keeps you awake longerGood for achieving short term goalsIt's a stimulant for magic-using classes, make of that what you will.
>>75585385It's all in this book: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-642-13443-2
Caffeine Blues by Cherniske
>>75585496she looks like she shaves her pubespass
>>75585494Imagine the smell
>>75585513>Unequivocally bad for your health.So dumb. You should quit consuming it ~8 h before sleep, yeah.
>>75585385Body wise, yeah, it seems to be, just make sure you aren't drinking too much of it.Mentally and spiritually are other question
>>75585385>is coffee good for youNot really. Primarily the thing to worry about here is it's negative impact on GABA. That's why you get jittery and anxious over a long enough time frame or high dose. Low GABA is associated with Autism, depression, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia. Coffee is the reason 4channers exist. Make of that what you will.
>>75585496>And took my hairHmm, I started balding when I started drinking coffee everyday. It's probably genetic but interesting coincidence.
>>75585471>the second- and third-best caffeinated drinks, respectivelyutterly falsetea is better than goyslop by a gargantuan margin, it's not even a discussionsoda is not even a "caffeinated drink, it's poison that has caffeine shoved in
Stated drinking less and changed how I make it. I like cold brew and using a dark roast over light because it’s less acidic I also add a small amount of baking soda to the pot
>>75586957You started drinking coffee every day at the age in which most men begin to bald. The age in which your youthful vigor is no longer enough to sustain you
>>75587005I stopped drinking coffee 2 months ago, so if my hair magically grows back, you are wrong : )
>>75587018If it's been 2 months you should already be seeing improvement.
>>75587020Not necessarily, it can be subtle and I don't care enough to be autistic about it
>>75586960>Soda is poisonSugar isn't poison, butter-brain moron.
>>75585385Based on personal experience>drink 3-4 cups of coffee>breakfast>preworkout>1 hour between eachNormal gym performance>drink 1-2 cups of coffee>breakfast>same preworkoutFeeling undestructible and being able to set new records weekly>explanationI used to drink coffee for its shitting properties and other alledged benefits. Truth is, caffeine vasoconstricting as fuck, so you reduce bloodflow and performance. Im not sure if its specifically coffee or just caffeine in general, but i realised drinking too much coffee counters the vasodilators in the preworkout formula.>conclusionI discovered berries are a fucking based snack and make me shit more efficiently than coffee, im aiming to cut coffee completely and just take the preworkout
>>75585385Apart from wakefullnessCaffine itself (regardless of beverage or pill) is a very potent antioxidant which is good but antioxidants aren't exactly rare or anything and there are more potent ones.That's about it, if it affects your sleep negatively in the slightest it's not worth it.
>>75585471I drink 4 shots a day. Is this good for you?
>wake up>considering cold turkey today>make a big cuppa strong joe anyway>massive anxiety>hit the vape to help with that>feel even worse>8:30amand wait til you hear about the rest of my life
On the surface there's a lot to be wary of; other anons have mentioned GABA issues and impaired sleep, and it can mess with absorption of some vitamins and minerals. But in practice coffee drinkers consistently prove to be healthier than others- they have lower rates of cognitive decline, lower rates of liver dysfunction, and stronger hearts. Some of these can be attributed to caffeine itself, others to the mountain of polyphenols in each cup. More and more research finds it to be as rich a source of antioxidants as tea if not more so; probably nothing magical if you're already diet-conscious but for a lot of people who aren't, coffee might provide the majority of their antioxidants on any given day. It's fairly good for the gut as well.All the popular naturally caffeinated drinks (tea, coffee, yerba mate) seem to be very good for general health, with downsides being exceptions and not rules.
I don't think Coffee does anything for me. I drink one cup a day at work and it does make me want to poop but I don't feel much else.
>>75587030>>75586957>>75585496I'm on board with the caffeine and hair loss theory, I feel like thats the common link with hairloss in my family. The coffee drinking males have lost theirs, the others haven't
>>75586929Yeah, people make claims that coffee is bad spiritually. The types that take yoga a bit more seriously
should i drink match green tea instead?
>>75585494also whos that?
I think caffeine is the least of my worries when it comes to coffee. Caffeine itself doesn't cause me adverse side effects when consumed in the form of pills, energy drinks, or tea. BUT when I drink coffee I get the shits and pee alot and heart rate increase + jitters. WTF is in that nasty drink?
>>75590090Plant defense chemicals : )
>>75585496disgusting double belly and fake lips. Wouldn't rape/10
>>75585385>list provoking imaget. Coffee addict
Anyway to get the taste of coffee but without the caffeine?
>>75585385Yes goy didn't you know that you spent thousands of years evolving to require processed foods imported from the other side of the world to have optimal health? It's science.
>>75590998Cocoa cookies
>>75590998decaf coffee?
I just need a 5 minute distraction sometimes which is not smoking/junkfood/phone/etc. I wish I didn't need it but coffee is the least bad I guess.
>>75588347>>75586949>GABAAre there any things that can increase GABA or counter the negative impact of caffeine?
>>75592345Decaf tastes like shit
>>75586957>It's probably geneticNo, it isn't. The medical profession and pharma industry love to make us believe as many problems as possible are caused by genetics.It's a distraction meant to obscure the causes of disease and make us believe there are no solutions, you are just "defective" and it's your fault.If everything is genetic, there are no natural solutions, and we're forced to buy their pills, creams, injections and crippling surgeries.Most of the balding is caused because people spend years slathering a soup of toxic chemicals all over their scalp every single day (shampoos).Caffeine causes some of it. Lots of people report having dandruff all of their lives until they quit coffee.Another cause is the jaw muscles. They cause scarring of the scalp exactly in the places where both male and female pattern baldness happens.Source: https://youtu.be/Yehk_h_Uj6kDon't listen to the pharmacucks poisoning themselves. They want their choice to consume feminizing and chemically castrating drugs to be validated. They are very much like trannies in that they will never listen to reason.
>>75592426All coffee tastes like shit. But the one with caffeine gets you your fix, and that's why your senses ignore the shit taste.
Red coffee does have health benefits, look it up, that's what I drink nowadays, anti-aging is one of the many benefits
>>75592520It actually is genetics. What you are describing are environmental factors that together with the genetic predisposition result in undesirable outcomes. If it were 100% environmental then everyone would show the same results. This doesn't mean however that you need to buy "cures" , some conditions can be attacked by removing the triggering factor.
>>75592591It's probably over for me, I'm 34 and I doubt it's possible for my hair to grow back(pic related). But a few months ago I stopped taking showers and eating plants and I don't think it has gotten any worse since then.
>>75592415Some people like theanine with coffee for this; glycine might also work
>>75592520>Another cause is the jaw muscles. They cause scarring of the scalp exactly in the places where both male and female pattern baldness happensAnecdotally I started balding right after getting braces and developing TMJ due to them, but then again I was already 26-27.
>>75585385Coffee and caffeine are two different arguments, and an entire third or fourth argument if you are arguing the benefits of caffeinated coffee vs decaf coffee. Coffee with our without caffeine has shown several benefits for the liver if you drink several cups a day regularly. So if we isolate 'coffee' in your original question, I would say yes it's ultimately a good substance, but it can negatively interact with supplements (lessen their effectiveness) and can reduce iron absorption from foods if digested at the same time.
>>75593575Very reddit tier response
>>75592591>It actually is genetics.Where's the proof? 99% of the time "it's genetics" is just a baseless assumption.What is the "baldness gene"? In which chromosome is it located? Is it recessive or dominant?Blaming genetics almost always is a wild guess with no evidence behind it.