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> filters shoulderlets
Nonsense. The weight is adustable.
You should use an ez bar or dumbbells, a regular bar compresses your wrist if you're not lifting feather weight
this is my strongest lift and I'm shoulderlet
For some reason I struggle to increase the weight on this exercise
it’s normal. patience effort and form are your friends for this lift
I believe the implication is that since this lift is slow to progress due to little involved muscle mass, people give up on it and stay weak in their overhead work.

See? Shoulderlet filtered.

Lol, fucking retard.
So how long does it take to go from 40kg to lmao1pl8?
For some reason going from 50-60kg took me fucking forever
Once I broke through the lmao1pl8 I managed to shoot up to 75kg in a pretty reasonable amount of time
I'm stuck at 55 kg. Is 2.5 kg too big of a jump? Sorry if I sound retarded, I'm new to lifting.
I hit 210 on this, then injured my back deadlifting and now I don't do standing overhead lifts.
I am all kinds of filtered by the ohp. Best I've done is 1pl8 for one which is barely more than half my bench press. I can't rep it out and get a good set like on my bench press. After the first rep, even at lower weight where I should be able to handle more, I lose all stability after, if not during or even before, the first rep.
Should I stop treating it like the bench and get more light sets like it was an assistance lift? Should I just stabilize the hell out of it by doing it seated at an about a 75 degree angle that avoids the chin problem? Or am I just meant to not be yoked?
I can do 3 sets of 8 each (60 Kg). I use a machine that has a seat with back support, though, since I have lower back issues. Good enough for now?
I also injured my back (L4/L5 hernia) and I don't do full deadlifts anymore but went back to OHP because it's the best fucking lift ever. No back issues so far.
I can do 3x8 OHP with 100kg. But I lie down on a bench while doing it because I have leg issues.
>I use a machine that has a seat with back support, though
Good in ya but that is not the same
>a regular bar compresses your wrist
What does this mean?
Well, I'm not injuring my back to prove something to anyone :-).
I hit 130lbs for 5 today :)
He is a skinnyfat thirdie and the bar hurts his noodle arms.
Thats nice. Don't neglect your lower back tho, wouldn't want you to snap your shit up when you have to do some overhead lifting outside of the gym.
Do higher volume and frequency for a week or two. Do OHP at least twice a week, plus one day of push press or some other overhead work.
2.5kg jump is totally fine, see how you manage
I got to 1pl8 (for 1 rep) just doing starting strength. It took a few more months on the Texas method to get to 1pl8 for 5 reps.
2.5kg can be too much. Get 1.25kg weights on amazon and make smaller jumps.
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I do both STRICT standing OHP and seated behind the neck press on different push days. Standing OHP is sets of 8 at 140lbs, BTN press is 95lbs for 10-12 but that’s after heavy bench.
strength doesnt mean hypertrophy einstein
OHP was a weird one for me. When I started years ago I had a light dumbbell set, I think it could go up to like 20kg on one at the most, and did that for a few weeks before getting a barbell. So as soon as I got the barbell I could do 1pl8 for one, got it up to 12 reps after a few more months. I had no idea this was good for a beginner, all my other lifts were weak as shit.

I stopped training for prolonged periods after that, and over the next few years every time I went back my OHP had dropped off worse than everything else. I'd build it up but never to that same level, then after another break it'd be way worse than the point I'd started at last time. Last time I never even got it to 1pl8 for 1.

Has anyone else experienced that this lift drops off more than others? It's very strange to me it used to be my best lift.
This move with a barbell is bad for your lower back.
You force your spine into a curve that puts a lot of pressure into the discs.
It's probably a worse exercise than a deadlift for disc herniation.

Do a seated one arm dumbbell raise instead.
The dyel fag
Post body
You probably just fixed your form. OHPs are one of the easiest lifts to cheat on, hence why it's no longer used for competition.
I'm gonna blast OHP in honour of this thread and noone can stop me
I have a 100kg strict press, when will my wrists get fucked?
how the fuck do you even use a ez bar on this. What you are saying makes no sense
Position the bar over your forearm ya dunce
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This is what happens when you only do ohp and no bench lol
Currently at 195x6 in freedom. Gonna start tapering down to hit lol2pl. I don't wanna talk about my bench though.
Now that the dust has settled, was he right?
Looks good, unironically mogs all the retards with huge tits and no shoulders because they bench 3 times a week and never do their side delt work. Goofy ass narrowcels with big tits.
You're skin turns black?
well duh, do you want compressed wrists?
and ye cock grows 5 inches longer
Nah my form was good the whole time. I remember one time going back after probably more than a year off, it was the first time I'd ever tried to OHP 1pl8 and failed. It was like a sinking feeling in my chest, I couldn't believe how heavy it felt just getting it into position and I knew I wouldn't be able to get it up. All that work just to end up weaker than when I'd never even lifted at all.

As a more general point to young bros (and everyone really), it's OK to lose motivation or have other shit going on in your life, but just do something to maintain at least a couple times a week. There is no way you are ever to busy to do a 30 minute workout 2-3 times a week, you'll thank yourself later when you get more serious again.
Pretty aesthetic actually (except for...)

This is correct, bench is such a weird meme in fitness OHP is objectively superior in every way.
Just hit 132lbs for 21 reps on seated dumbbell press
It happens man. The body detrains after a while but if you got there before if you're consistent and train hard it comes back quickly
>wrists won't be compressed under the weight of an ez curl bar or dumbbells
I don't do these because I do dips and OHP makes my back hurt, it also doesn't do much for my side delts.
Am I really missing out on anything?
Hello fellow gay sar
Someone who tries to any% speedrun their sets like this shouldn't be giving out advice.
What's that belt doing besides holding your gut in? Does throwing the weights down at the end make you feel like less of a fag for filming yourself like a girl?
132lbs is like 20kg right? No one's impressed. Get back to basics before trying to hold court.
Slow the fuck down or you didn't lift the weight.
my gf has had sex with a lot of black guys and she tells me that bbc is a myth and it’s just an illusion because of dark skin. like how bodybuilders use bronzer, it lighting that tricks the eye
I like squeezing my hips in and posing like a genie for btb mp and samme thing barely leaned back and you bring it far down kind of at low weight close close grip thumb over always and it helps fix the commonly weaker front delt.
>my front delts are huge
Your bench will hit a wall if you can't bodybuild right.
It's 2024 /fit/, we're all fucking jeets here
This exercise doesn't even feel like a shoulder exercise
I herniated a disc doing deadlift and I still do OHP just fine, it doesn't cause any complications. Honestly most lower back exercises cause much more soreness and pain to me than things like OHP.
Literally military press will put more weight on your ohp you absolute moron work the stabilizers on the like 3-5th set they're smoother muscles and you'll get an extra sarcoplasmic pump(big pump over tight) and get them bigger proportionally per workout because you're beating the shit out of them like 2-3 sets 3x/wkish as significantly as if you were focusing them as the goal muscle to work on I mean that's how I do it and I'll be going from failing 145ohp to 185 for warmup in under 6mo as I'm focusing it.
Sounds like a lot of cope coming from someone who wouldn't be even able to get in position with 60kg dbs.
No. He doesn't know how to correctly do a barbell press. There's a lot to it but I can at least tell you right now that OP's pic is wrong as fuck.
That said, look at this strong ass mf. >>75590025
DB presses clearly aren't bad. Neither are ez bar presses. Variants are great but the fundamentals are the fundamentals for a reason.
I use my EZ bar for OHP only so I don't have to constantly move plates and the bar.
It's actually pretty comfy for the wrists.
>What's that belt doing besides holding your gut in?
Holding up my pants
>Does throwing the weights down at the end make you feel like less of a fag for filming yourself like a girl
brings out my inner child being done with my toys
>Slow the fuck down or you didn't lift the weight.
>move slower
how unathletic of you
>slow down or you didn't lift it
But he did lift it
He lifted it 21 times
First of all, yuck. Secondly, another point is that black guys are almost exclusively showers rather than growers. People who evolved in warm climates tended to be showers because it shows off their cock and makes them more desirable, people who evolved in cold or highly seasonal climates tend to be growers because the dick can't be hanging long and low when it's freezing cold.

What this means is whites are typically smaller flacid while blacks are typically larger, but the erect length is the same on average.

>t. penis expert (don't ask how)
Nigga you gay
>muh time under tension
Not gay, just an autistic nerd. I looked into all the studies and objective information I could find on penis related stuff some time ago.
>have back issues so switch from ohp to dumbbell ohp
>while I work to exhaustion for some reason I don't actually get doms from it, whereas I did for normal OHP
what's wrong with me
What happens if you reverse grip ohp
I can't get past 140x5. Been plateaued there for like 2 years.
Military press and btn prison reps, treat it like bench training amd chest lime shoulders, so 2-4x/wk and do chest as much as doesn't get in the way of shoulder training without neglecting.

My ohp sucks because I don't 100% it from there I am coming off being fucked up I'm not gonna destroy my joints for a useless pr. I need more fuckin useful heavy working sets light pump sets are easy. I'll be able to shoulder press 100s pretty soon here if I shouldermaxx fyi my weed is good and technique on point.
Gayest lift of all time even squats are straighter
I can only Squat 275 lbs for 1 rep but I can OHP 135 for 12 reps. I've been stalling my OHP doing easy weight in the hopes my legs catchup, but I genuinely think if I worked out both equally my OHP would surpass my Squat
You’re weak lmao
I only do it once a week. You're saying I'll progress from being stuck at 140x5 if I do it twice a week?
I've tried doing 150-60x1-2 after my working reps to see if that'll help me up my working reps weight but that hasn't seemed to help at least not yet.
Lol how are people like you so deluded? You can't get your squat up for some reason, probably form related and you think you would get your ohp to 275 because you can rep one plate?
That's said, if you genuinely think you can, you should instead of using your squat as an excuse
OHP sucks for hypertrophy desu
How? Do 5x10-15 with ohp 2x a week and see if you don't get bigger
All my lifts have gone to shit but I'm cutting and only lifting once a week
I used to think that too. Now that I actually have delts I understand that nothing contracts them harder than ohp, regardless of how it feels and how rough the start is on account of weak synergistic muscles. I prefer a seated ohp at about a 75 degree angle so your chin is already clear and you can just do a straight bar path and not worry about your abs, ass, and quads. However I still think you should have a standing ohp that's 60-70% of your bench with layback and all just so you really know how to fire up those delts.
>5x10-15 with ohp
nobody actually does OHP like this
your point? if they are after hypertrophy they should
>mfw can hit 1pl8 OHP but not even 1.5pl8 BP
roiding pajeet lmao
slow and controlled, anon.. not like that
then youre doing it wrong. learn to isolate the muscle
>compound lift
>isolate the muscle
ok youre a retard confirmed
you get more results with less strain on your joint
>more results
I'm not training for hypertrophy
>less strain on your joint
Any weight you can do for 20 reps isn't going to put massive strain on your joints nor is that something someone who lifts for strength cares about
lmaoo. do u actually know what waste of energy that is? it fatigues u into a cripple, and grows u not really much. great ratio m8
just say you're weak and fragile mate
How you gonna isolate your delts in a lift that requires a tricep contraction to complete? You gonna isolate your glutes during by a back squat next?
Neck yourself you stupid dyel faggot
Do two more reps each set
EZ bar is only good for pull exercises. its a injury causer for push.
i just do lateral raises and face pulls and assume im getting enough front delts with pressing. am i a retard
the vast majority of gym goers have over developed front delts compared to their mid and rear.

front delts are a tiny, tiny muscle group barely 2 fingers width wide, and it gets hit with dips, bench, pushups, incline, flies, ohp, lat raise.
>malding fatty seething about getting mogged
Pathetic. Trying lifting.
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We have such sights to show you
>roiding for this
My right shoulder starts to hurt a bit on my second heavier set of OHP. Any ideas on how to fix this shit?
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1 rep is not real
if you can't do 3-5 reps AT MINIMUM you can't lift that weight.
Copers can cope all they want but that will not change the fact that your "1rm" is a fake and arbitrary metric
Shoes brand?
They're nike romaleos 2
This works fine for looking good. Won't get you strong as fuck though.

A phat OHP is more impressive than any S/B/D.
IKTFB, I'm right at 2pl OHP but cant bench 3pl.
>lanklet problems

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