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>*destroys your recovery*
pshhh nothing personnel
Banish it into the fire.
Why would you have babies with a woman who won't be a mother? She will take care of the children when they're that small. When they grow up and can use reason, the father becomes more important
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Ok rabbi we get it
go back to Facebook.
you dont get it.
Ackshually the father is super important in a young boy's life. A young boy (3 y/o) is supposed to start identifying with his dad, and the dad is supposed to figuratively cut his umbilical cord from his mom to start the process of father-son bonding. A failure in this process results in the boy identifying with his mom instead, and therefore becoming feminine and attracted to men as she is. Aka, the boy grows up to become a faggot.
Look up Dr. Joseph Nicolosi.
I used to do a modified kettlebell swing with my baby nephew until my mom yelled at me.
>Drinks all of your wife's breast milk and leaves none for you
The ultimate gains goblins
But so adorable. Look at that little love larvae
I grew up with a single mom, and I may had many difficulties in my youth, a faggot I was never. in fact, my mom did not breast feed me and I'm certain that's the reason why I have such a huge mommy milkers milf fetish
>listening to women
Yeah that's why I mean. Around 3 they can bargain, reason, think and before that it's pure crying on instinct
i always did wonder why you had a fetish for that
Explain. Babies are only a gains drain if your wife is not taking care of them
fun fact, children of single fathers are far more successful than children of single mothers
That's not a fetish retard, 90% of men like big tits
Yes and conservative/right wing parents make for even more succesful children. Why do you think that is? Liberalism/leftism exists on the shoulder of numerous lies, why would that prepare them for the real world?
Many such cases
You got lucky
>childless man giving child-raising advice
fatherless men won’t trust other men, having been taught to hate men by their single mothers, which makes them totally unable to challenge the globohomo system, so globohomo pushes as much anti-family propaganda as it possibly can

Its obvious you dont have kids. There's plenty of time to work out if you're not stupid. In fact kids can be incorporated into routines. Its pretty great honestly
Not my fault your work birthday parties suck. Where I work we pool money to take the celebrant to a post-work dinner somewhere nice. And family and work are not mutually exclusive, despite what retards here will tell you.
Then you had a surrogate paternal figure who you identified/bonded with.
Nigga this is why you lift.
How do so many people fail to be human
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>family and work are not mutually exclusive
If the wife works, who watches the kids? Half the wife's salary goes to a nanny and within a decade she'll stop working anyway. The nanny doesn't love the child, they're just product. The child will remain cold and loveless since they're not spending time with their parents.
>a faggot I was never
Well you are on 4chan and not on Tiktok like normies
Family and work are mutually exclusive, despite what Jews will tell you. Women careers are a meme, if you've ever worked in an office with women you'd know what I'm talking about
You are controlled by women
I've been frauding and I have 2 kids and a fat wife. I honestly vacillate between loving being a father and wanting to divorce my wife and go fuck tinder sluts as a bachelor.
My wife was never a look either and I settled for her. I appreciate how she takes care of my kids and the house but I never loved her. We were friends and I figured date your friend but I was never romantically into her. I'm dedicated to her because she's the mother of my kids but at times I'm indifferent.
Kids are good kids and sweethearts but I'm feeling the call of being a scumbag and abandoning them for a life of hedonism. I make enough money to pay child support too and get my own apartment.
I think the midway point between these is to keep a job that gets me traveling and just bang sluts when I'm on the road.
Grandma. Grandma will watch the kids until they're old enough for school, there they'll grow alongside their cousins and neighbors and learn good interpersonal relations with thwir age peers. You really think there's a massive Big Nanny industry taking care of all the kids while their moms work? Even if they don't have grandparents to leave the kids with you can get decent daycares for way less than half of yoir average paycheck.

>within a decade she'll stop working anyway
You think women stop working in the late 30s to early 40s? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
>Grandma will watch the kids
How many multigenerational households do you know? That's another thing Jews destroyed to get everyone on their own mortgage

>You think women stop working in the late 30s to early 40s?
Yeah, because they are unhappy. They find a beta provider, stop working and hop on antidepressants
>if you've ever worked in an office with women you'd know what I'm talking about
Half my team are women and most of my peer areas are predominantly female. It's fine, I've never dealt with any of the supposed issues of working with women. In fact, everyone who ever tried to fuck me over was also male. I see no relations between workplace friction and sex.

>Family and work are mutually exclusive, despite what Jews will tell you
You should tell that to the women with kids at any of the big corpos. Please, actually fucking work a day in your life and don't base off your work-related ideas on some inane infographic you saw on /pol/.
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>IPF world champion, strengthmogs ALL of fit (except like 1 or 2 big lads from /plg/)
>impeccable hair and unmolested hairline due to his natty status
>3yr old son
Sounds like you just need to try harder 2bh lad
You are right and wrong. Every mother needs help, what most males don't understand is that ideally, that help should come from one of the grandmothers
>How many multigenerational households do you know
Very few, but I know many places that figured out you can leave a kid with their oarents while on the way to work, you fucking retard.
>It's fine, I've never dealt with any of the supposed issues of working with women.
They are not as productive as men, plus your own experience doesn't trump the data.

>You should tell that to the women with kids at any of the big corpos.
Those kids are not raised right, and will have difficulty buildling real relationships

>you can leave a kid with their oarents while on the way to work
Almost nobody does that. All these mindless feminists just pay a nanny or a daycare like you said, and the child is not loved enough.
I wish I had a baby. Unfortunately my wife has so many physical and mental health problems it's becoming a huge problem. We don't even have sex anymore. I'm just completely checked out and last time she brought up her PCOS I broke down.
You can train your kid to sleep normal times, takes about 2 months. But anti-natalist propaganda is easier to find than useful info. Check Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg
How old is she? Is she unable to get pregnant or does she just not want one due to her physical
and mental health issues?
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Without sex, you are already spiritually divorced. Try again with a better woman, divorce hurts but it's better in the long run
I didn't. My mom was a whore and had a different guy over with us every few months. I was a huge pushover and loser in my early twenties, virgin till 25. it took this long for me to finally man up
Both. Her fibroids block her fertility and cause her enormous pain. Her vagina hurts when I go inside. She also got a flu shot a few weeks ago that causes her arm to hurt to this day. She has an anxiety disorder and depression.
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Damn how did this mess become your wife? We really need arranged marriage back because men like you are just marrying whatever comes along, apparently without any research. Marrying for love is overrated, you need a brain as well
We've been together for 18 years. She used to be very healthy in her late teens/early twenties. These problems slowly started to emerge around 6-8 years ago.
>18 years without children
You could have seen that coming, but I suppose you weren't thinking very much. This is my point, we need wives getting vetted by parents and brothers

>They are not as productive as men, plus your own experience doesn't trump the data.
What data? What are the studies, what are their results, what are their methodologies and standards adopted and how does that corroborate your views? My team experienced increased productivity once we got a few women on board, as they have been able to deal with issues with a different frame of mind as the men that worked here, and helped us solve issues that would otherwise have dragged out for longer. That in on top of conducting our regular work that isn't reliant on individual capabilities. Every person has their particular qualities and it's up leaders to identify thwm and use to their best ability. If women aren't being productive (which I doubt) that is because they aren't being used adequately.

>Those kids are not raised right, and will have difficulty buildling real relationships
Source? They don't have any less parental time as kids with moms working blue collar jobs to help sustain the family, while also enjoying better healthcare and education opportunities.

>Almost nobody does that. All these mindless feminists just pay a nanny or a daycare like you said, and the child is not loved enough.
Anon, do you actually know any families with working parents?
PCOS sucks and it can definitely kill a marriage. But it doesn't have to, even though the health and fertility effects will get in the way of certains asoects if a relationship it doesn't mean you two can't still be happy together. You guys need to redefine what your marriage is supposed to be like, instead of judging your success as a couple on things neither of you can have. I understand you might feel the urge to break up because of it, but it's good to remember that if it sucks to you it sucks a lot more to her, and like it or not you're responsible for her wellbeing 18 years into a relationship. Worse comes to worse you guys can always adopt a kid, God knows there's way to many children fated to grow up in horrible environments aafter being abandoned by their parents, as well as figuring out other ways to be intimate.
NAC is supposed to be a fairly effective treatment for PCOS.
Won't immediately help a woman almost a decade into it, thou. Still, it can make her life and her marriage a lot better.
>they have been able to deal with issues with a different frame of mind as the men that worked here
This is made up. Women are more emotional, less structured, worse at spatial thinking. There is zero reason to believe women would be equal to us at work. A company made exclusively of white men would be infinitely more succesful than any diverse melting pot, but obviously that's not allowed so it's hard to compare. Hiring to fill quotas means you are not looking at SKILL as the determining factor. Women are diversity hires, and it shows in their productivity

>moms working blue collar jobs
Women don't do that lmao, they work comfortable office jobs with airconditioning

>do you actually know any families with working parents?
Yes, they are both overworked and stressed and have no time for leisure activities, or have to plan them months in advance. They are living in opposition of their nature: The woman does masculine things and the man does feminine, this costs them massive amounts of energy. Living in accordance with nature is always better and you cannot deny this.
>My team experienced increased productivity once we got a few women on board
Your productivity would have increased manyfold more if you had a few additional men on board
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Just give up dude, maybe on reddit you can get a few upvotes
I'm sure believing all the exact things as big corporations is just a pure coincidence, you just looked at the world objectively and drew your own conclusions, right?
Unless his brother was an OB/GYN, there's no way anyone could predict something like that, monke boy.
If he’s been with his wife for 18 years he should have started trying to have kids 14 years ago.
When wife bots are perfected, we won’t have to worry as much. Our clone sons will be raised in the optimal environment.
>Destroys your recovery
Saves your soul
And how old are these grandparents, pray tell?
In Yurope, most people get off from work past 60 and higher. We no longer live in world, where the state actively promoted family values and unity, letting mothers of three and more kids off to the pension by age of 55. With the exact reasoning, that by that point, they should have some grandkids to look after and leviate the pressure from mothers, letting young blood into flow the workforce.
Nowdays they just squeeze you as long as they can and by the time their off, they are too old, tire too easily to look after todlers full-time.

Having said that, I also have to state that >>75593167 is a raging faggot jidd.
Unfortunately, highly relatable
>destroys recovery
You mean gives you a reason to actually care about your health*
I work in manufacturing and it's 50% women in rural PA. At least it's 99% white.
Left woman doesn't exist outside tradcel wet fantasies
Doubt it, they were replacing male employees that had left or team or company. There was no FTE increase.

Your pic is disingenuous, men in those jobs want better lives too. Everyone is free to pursue what they judge to be their best opportunities.

Yeah, I used to be a polfag until I actually had to step out into the world and my experiences clashed with my beliefs, so I changed them.

>claims science agrees with him
>doesn't post the science he's talking about

I'm not counter-anything. Letting your ideas be dictated by others, even if by being a chronic contrarian, still makes you a slave to narrative trends. Actually step out into the world and juddge things for what they are, based on your experience.
>father absent from left pic
Curious, scrote
He said they started dating as teens, haing kids 4 years into a relationship like that would be extremely irresponsible and damaging to all parties involved, babies included.
>baby cries
>ignore it
why don't parents just do this?
teaches self reliance
Harmful to psychological development and is linked to increased cortisol levels (in the fucking kids, which has a bunch of nasty side effects for someone growing up), emotional stunting and attention craving, which when combined can lead to low self-esteem later on in life, as well as a tendency to engage in abusive relationships as longs as they scratch that attention itch.
good I don't want my kid to grow up to be some normalfag
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Unproven roastie bullshit. Why are you regurgitating feminist lies? Teen mothers have been the norm for the entirely of human civilization and it has always worked. 4 decades of feminist propaganda cannot undo mountains of evidence and millions of years of evolution
>men in those jobs want better lives too
Yeah and they are skipped because of gender discrimination. Women have an unfair advantage in hiring
>Everyone is free to pursue what they judge to be their best opportunities.
But they don't, why?
Why do I need evidence when logic is enough? If you hire based on gender, you are not looking at competence. This will inevitably lower the competence of the workforce
From that graph, looks like the more libertarian left you go, the more psychologically normal you are, everyone else is some kind of freak.
>psychologically normal
You mean "having the same ideas as me, which are correct" and conveniently you have all the exact same ideas and beliefs as the major corporations and rich Jews in American government. Lucky you, you must have decided on those beliefs when you went out in the real world
There is no talking to you
If you have nothing to protect, you also have no reason to get strong.
Personally I think I'll be making a lot of gains if I could quit my job to be a stay at home dad. My girl said she's cool with it but she needs a better job to support me and the baby while we watch cartoons and lift all day.
The graph shows them as being into things like "necrophelia, bestiality, pet play" if you fuck corpses and dogs I am prepared to call you a freak for your different opinion. The rich jews and corporations are not libertarian leftists lmao, they do not want us to live freely in smaller societies that take care of and govern themselves rather than being owned by massive monopolies in a dystopia where we have no rights or freedoms.
Yep. Still worth it tho
>becoming feminine
>and attracted to men
Not how it works.
Absent fathers don't create gays, they create s-0yboys and manginas.

Honestly this is mostly an artifact of family courts.
>be woman, good woman that for some reason became a single mom
>get full custody
>be woman, mediocre woman who fucked Tyrone for fun and became a single mom
>get full custody
>be woman, lousy POS who had a child with side guy but tricked ex-husband into paying child support
>get full custody
now men
>be anything short of extraordinary man
>don't get custody
>be truly extraordinary
>maybe get full custody if you can prove the mother is really lousy

It's mostly elite fathers who manage to become single fathers, as opposed to single mothers who only need to have a vagina and MAYBE not be a heavy drug addict
Results are not an additive from the individual competence of the people involved. Specially in a corporate environment for most roles you really only need to be good enough at hard skills, while the bulk of your productivity comes from soft skills. Bith men and women can be good enough at hard skills and have different soft skills they bring to the table, allowing you to explore new ways of dealing with problems.
He is the one taking the picture.
Do you just post this meme whenever it disagrees with you and then pretend like it can't apply to you?
You wrote all that just to cover for women's inadequacies. Hard skills drive productivity, what are you talking about?
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Are these different skills the ones that drive them to choose wrong studies and low-paying careers?
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Women are not as competent as men. Individually but also together
You know you can just respond to me in a single post, right? No need to pretend to be different people. The post times give it away.
They aren't as "productive" though women have instincts and viewpoints that would make them useful, the problem is that right now they don't really have those instincts because they mostly hate the men around them, partially because they are taught to but mostly because they are surrounded by eternal manchildren and weak spiritual voids who submitted when they allowed them into society rather than held on to their power, and more importantly they have submitted to their corporate masters who have molded them into what they are now.
i miss my son
>t. retard
I'm sure he split his posts so he could post the pics to back up his claims
>Not lifting harder for your kids
Nost of you don't deserve nor will u ever know what it's like when your child sees ur face and gives you the most positive, innocent smile, the pure joy and happiness. Great feeling. But all u will ever know will be shit piss and tears, rotten kike brains.
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>women have instincts and viewpoints that would make them useful
Yeah like nurturing and childcare. A wife makes a house a home, those skills mean nothing in the workplace

I respond to various points with various posts to make it easier for you to understand, retard
>those skills mean nothing in the workplace
Depends on if you want a society and a company focused solely on increasing profits for shareholders or if you want to create a community that is comfortable for the people living in it.
Why are you trying to manage relationships when you never even had one gf?
why are you posting ai-generated slop shit made for facebook boomers?
Women are not comfortable at work, lmao. They don't have the biological drive to provide for their family in this matter, so working hard doesn't give satisfaction. Money buys stress relief but not true happiness and purpose. Like I said, they are living in opposition with nature, which is extremely tiresome
To support my points and make fun of your ridiculous viewpoints
>less than optimal results for a couple of toddler years
>experience the sheer joy and fullfillment of being a parent
it's not a massive sacrifice
>Yeah, I used to be a polfag until I actually had to step out into the world and my experiences clashed with my beliefs, so I changed them.

More like you started making more money and understood implicitly this was predicated on having the right politics so you embraced it as much as you could stand lol. I've seen it happen with friends who you can tell still know better deep down
I just met about the same amount of competent and incompetent men and women and came to the conclusion it wasn't what's between their legs that ended up mattering when deciding who I thought was enjoyable to work alongside with. As I said before all the manipulative vipers I ever had the displeasure of working with were male, but my sample size isn't big enough to draw any conclusions from, being a whopping 4 people I can confidently say were out to fuck me over, compared to the now hundreds of regular (competent or otherwise) men and women I've worked with.

thin line between loneliness and freedom
your wife definitely still has sex.
Because when your wife is on 2 hours of sleep and the baby cries at 3am you’re going to have to get up to give her a break. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never been in a long term relationship
Attention seeking and dangerous actions are how you get ahead in life. Emotional stability = docile, bullied cow
My wife works remotely and watches our son while I'm at work. We have one car, no nanny, and a lot of disposable income. We're trying to get things in order to homeschool him when he's older.
I will never have kids
mostly likely I will never have sex again
Good, turn him into an autistic retard so he can end up on 4chan like his father
>man likes big tits
>simultaneously fills your heart with a buzzing warmth and the indestructible will to push through any and all struggle
The fact that you think "what's between their legs" determines what they are tells me all I need to know about you. We can't have an honest conversation if you can't even be honest with yourself. Anon said it right >>75595977
One or two wakeups in the night isn't gonna ruin my gains

Yeah it's better to put him in public school where gays have unrestricted access to teach your children about diversity and anal sex
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Homeschooled kids being weird is another media myth. They need your kids at school to turn them into obedient little consumers. All the science supports homeschooling, and it's common sense as well
Aww, what a qt wootie pt2t
>teach your children about diversity and anal sex
Whats wrong with this?
Nah every homeschool kid I have ever met was a fucking weirdo. It's child abuse to deny kids to assimilate and socialize with their peers in a natural way.
You just can't okay?
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Because gays are ridiculously overrepresented in the groomer community. They might as well add the P in the LGBT directly
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That is the parents' responsibility and the parents love their children. For a gay teacher, a child is just a sexual prospect
They never want to hold Drag Queen Story Hour at old folk's homes. Why is that? Why must it specifically be young children's places?
Gay teachers are about twice as likely to molest your child than normal ones. Women teachers are even safer
>A faggot I was never
It appears you don't have an appropriate amount of self awareness
Because it's grooming
Because right wing families are on average richer. Duh
We have been doing child beauty pageants since the 20's, which were usually enforced and funded by...The children's parents! They are still going on as well but you aren't pissing your pants over the southern culture that supports it.
Lmao is that supposed to be a refutation?
Yeah and in India they still do it every day. Evil persists everywhere, especially going back in history, is that supposed to make it okay?
They do though. Tons of retirement homes and bars have drag queen events. Usually bingo.

Cool source bro
>Paul Cameron
>Paul Cameron has been expelled from professional psychological associations (APA and ASA) for ethical breaches, undermining the credibility of his findings.
>ethical breaches
Gee I wonder what the charges were
Sorry but no matter how much you want to believe it. Putting on a colorful show for kids and talking to them about different cultures and views isn't the same thing as prostituting them. I KNOW you want to believe kids are just being gang raped by drag queens, but it's just not happening.
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I'm not saying drag queen story hour is child prostitution, I'm saying it almost inevitably leads there

>it's just not happening.
I KNOW you don't want to believe this but kids are being gang raped by drag queens
Why do you think anything in that image is nothing but schizophrenic conspiracy rambling?
Why do you think anything in that image is schizophrenic conspiracy rambling?
I just fucking love science. You some kind of denier?
Find sources here if you can read

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>it’s child abuse to take care of your children, they need to be exposed to all the awful shit that any reasonable parent tries to limit their exposure to
>how will they ever decide that they’re a tranny or a wannabe nigger if their soft heads aren’t pumped full of propaganda??
Clown world in overdrive. Honk fucking honk lmao
Not my problem t. autist
Unfathomably based picrel
Pcos aka dumb fat bitch that shouldn’t be a mom syndrome
The female body is pretty perfect at what it does, being infertile as a woman means she’s too dumb to take care of herself, so she becomes unable to take care of children.
Not always their fault but usually is

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