>Don't eat>Feel great>Eat>Suddenly feel tired, brain fog, no motivationWhy does this happen?
For some reason every food makes me a bit more fatigued except boiled eggs and hard cheese. It's like they don't tax my digestive system at all. Boiled meat and fruits are also ok but not nearly as good.
>>75597051certain foods aswell as too much food can make you tired ex. eggs, vegetables make me tired probably because they're harder to digest, greek yogurt, avocado, walnuts does not seem to make me tired.
>>75597175>For some reason every food makes me a bit more fatigued except boiled eggs and hard cheese.Similar experiences here. The variety and names of cheese probably vary between countries, but cheese with around 30% of fat.
>>75597051Low blood pressure to the brain because it’s all going to your guts to digest. Basically you need to eat in such a way to promote more blood and a tiny bit of cardio if you don’t already do cardio.
>>75597051Nigga you unironically have given yourself metabolic disorder.That shit ain't just from eating too much.Your mitochondria don't know when to use excess sugar anymore because you don't do enough cardio or in general don't move enough throughout the day.You have to actually stimulate hunger when you eat by using calories dumbass. Every single day 1% of your cells are replaced. What you do during this 24 hour cycle matters to slowly retrain your mitochondria.Fat cell mitochondria are even harder to fix since you only replace 10% of your fat cells every year.
>>75597051>brain fogmeme condition
>>75597644>Your mitochondria don't know when to use excess sugar anymore because you don't do enough cardio or in general don't move enough throughout the day.You're talking as if excess carbohydrates can't be stored as glycogen or fat.
>>75597051eat healthier foodeat smaller portion sizes go for a short walk (15-20 mins) after eating
>>75597051>Why does this happen?Maybe you have genetic defects in protein or fat metabolism.
>>75597051Because you’re eating stuff you shouldn’t be eating. Eat meat.
>>75597051Eating is a stressful event for your body. It causes inflammation, blood sugar spike, acid being released in your intestines, peristaltic jolt. Eat twice a day at most and you gonna feel great.
>>75597911Being energy depleted (fasted) is actually what's stressful. If you don't eat, your immune and antioxidant defenses go down, your repair processes are impaired, etc.
>>75597051It happens because most complex animals have adapted to relax and digest their food after eating, just take a nap and stop being a little bitch
>>75597939>not stuffing yourself with slop for 6 hours>OH NO IM FASTED ITS OVERNo hunting mammal on Earth eats more than twice a day, hell for most eating every day is a rare event. Only herbivores eat all the time because their massive stomachs require hours to break down fiber. Humans eating thrice or more a day is a fairly recent development in history, until the industrial revolution both rich and poor ate sparsely.
>>75597971>>OH NO IM FASTED ITS OVERI didn't say fasting wasn't beneficial; that it is stressful doesn't mean it isn't.>Humans eating thrice or more a day is a fairly recent development in history,Let's assume it's true. You're taking for granted novelty is suboptimal and natural is optimal. Romanticized view of nature.
>>75597051>InactivityNot enough movement between meals. Not enough time between meals. Only eat when you are really hungry.Food has to be convenient and taste good. Your body has to want it. >OvereatingIf your food is so bland that it doesn't satisfy you you will overeat. If you eat the same thing every day or several times a day your body might eventually decide that it had enough of this shit and you'll feel like you haven't eaten, bloated, sick.Try this:>breakfast 800kcal3-4 eggsbowl of milk + 2 oz oats + some fruit4-5h>lunch 800kcal (premade if no time)5oz rice1/2 lbs some kind of meat + some kind of vegetable1 tbsp olive oil or butter4-5h>dinner 800kcal1/2 lbs another kind of meat + sauce1 cup potatoes1 cup vegetablesAvoid snacks for better digestion. You can add them later if your body tells you that it really needs them for exercise.
>>75597051Get a continuous glucose monitor and find out.Its not the blood sugar spike that causes the tired feels, ifs the blood sugar collapse when the slow moving insulin wave hits and crashes you into the 40s or, for some people, worse.On the bright side when the tireds go away that means your pancreas is nearly destroyed and its T1 diaberes insulin injection time, if the kidney failure doesn't kill you first (high blood glucose is extremely bad for kidneys, also eyes, hands and feet, its kind of F-ed up)
>>75597051Is she biting into a lime?
>>75597175are you in a videogame?
>>75598364>ifs the blood sugar collapseIn healthy normal people blood glucose goes back to normal and remains stable after a high-carb meal.
>>75597971>until the industrial revolution both rich and poor ate sparsely.I suggest you look up how many kings were fat as fuck, being a fat fuck was literally a sign of wealth
>>75597051do people really eat just a bowl of beans as a meal
>>75598364I checked my blood glucose levels before and after meals and could track how high it would spike depending on the food. I found that after carbs like rice or even certain fruit, I found feel completely wiped out after and lo and behold I checked and it would spike.
>>75597884Which defects and how can I check? I've found I get most fatigued after eating carbs. Proteins and fats feel cleaner to eat compared to carbs.
>>75597882>>75597895I'm skinny as fuck. I've adjusted my diet away from carbs and cut out bad food and have found it has helped a lot. But I still get fatigue after meals.>Eat meatI've noticed eating beef gives me fatigue. Not to the same extent a cup of rice or cereal will but it will nonetheless. Fish is very clean for my body and doesn't give me any fatigue whatsoever. Fatty fish like salmon and deenz actually make me feel better which I attribute to being carb-free and rich in omega-3s. But beef on the other hand will knock me the fuck out for some reason.
>>75597051Carbs. Feast on meat once a day.
>>75597939>your repair processes are impairedRepair processes happen during fasting actually
>>75597051gluten intolerance
>>75599029That has nothing to do with the topic at hand you fucking retard. The other guy was talking from an evolutionary standpoint. The fact that some rich dudes were gluttonous doesn't mean anything at all in this context.
cause you are a gay nigger faggot
>>75598743green apple idiot
>>75602550You've still got it, anon
>>75599039when i was really poor i used to eat cans of chick peas. the texture is super fucking weird but good macros nonetheless
>>75597051I was like that and check my blood. Surprise for me I have insuline resistence going to diabetes type 2. I got some meds and now no more tireness after eating
>>75597051>feel tired>go for a walk (or workout at the gym)>feel greatI'm starting to this CFS is a meme
>>75603544What glucose levels were you noticing? How much fatigue were you experiencing? I'm very skinny for American standards so diabetes never crossed my mind. But I would eat carbs and after cutting most of them out I think over time I have been feeling better and better. I still get fatigue from carbs but I might be able to stave off diabetes or pre-diabetes from diet alone.
>>75603724That's good for you anon that exercise helps. Another trigger to my fatigue I've noticed is after driving to the gym and back, I would get super gassed. For me exercise wipes me out for the rest of the day. I think it's because I get DOMS which is basically inflammation and that fucks me up much how inflammatory food does.
>>75597051Stop overeating retard
>>75597051>salmon80% is farm-raised, and amerifats get artificial colors in it. >avocadoPointless. Imported shitskin fruit, eat bone marrow instead if you want good fat>EggsGood.>bloatmealPoison for your body. Us Europeans ate it during famine because there was nothing else we could get our hands on then fags started eating it somehow because it was shilled hard like the bread industry.>beansAbsolute gut-destroying poison. >YoghurtGood if raw>granolaPoison>FruitGood.>saladPoison.
>>75605201If that's bad food then what's good food?
>>75597051Prediabetic perhaps?
>>75597051This happens to me with food that isn’t good for you. If I just eat meat then I feel great.
>>75597051There's nothing wrong with you. It's just that your body is spending energy on digestion. This is why fasting has been recommended to boost mental capacities since time immemorial. It's good to give your digestive system a break every now and then. I try to fast at least once a week and the difference is mental clarity and acumen is massive.
>>75597051That’s me with carbs. Whenever I switch to high fat high protein low carb diet, my energy increases a lot>oh but that doesn’t make sense because carbs are energy and cyclists eat ca….Yeah I don’t give a fuck I have tested it literally dozens of times and carbs crash my energy levels everytime, I don’t care if it’s genetics ir cope but it’s what works for me.
>>75607518>I have tested it literally dozens of times and carbs crash my energy levels everytimeSame. It's an easily predictable pattern I've noticed.>Eat carbs=crashTook my a while to figure it out. I'm not sure why it isn't talked about more. Maybe they just want the plebs to just stick to eating carbs.
>>75597051The nerve gas in the food is overwhelming your nerve gas disabling system in your body. You have to keep your nerve gas disabling system from going to sleep by eating nerve gas frequently
>>75597051This is honestly a great image and all these foods are very recommendable.
>>75607518probably depend what type of carb. doubt that happened if eating lentils, sweet potatoes, black beans
>>75608950Granola is pretty sussy.
>>75597939You seem to think a a benevolent god has made sure there is a stressfree path, but that aint so. Eating is stressful. Being fasted is also stressful.No matter what you do your body will be stressed. Eventually it will decay and die. This is the natural state of things.
>>75597051Because you're a troll who has no live outside shilling lies on anonymous basketweaving forums>>75605201What part of a salad is poisonous? Or is it poisonous independently of what you put in it, schizo?>>75608937Kekd
eggs have coline and oatmeal is just fuck ton of carbs dont know about the rest but i can attest for both of aforementioned
>>75610446That was my only thought as well, but I figured if it was decent organic granola and healthy low-sugar yogurt then it would be fine to include
>>75597051All of these foods are expensive
>>75612624>decent organic granolaThat's something I learned. Checking the nutrition label is important because most store granola sneaks in seed oil of all things and added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Whole milk yogurt without added sugar or artificial sweeteners is the way to go with yogurt.
>>75599039we call em beaners for a reason
>>75599039Some Mexicans do. They add onions, tomato, pork skins, or bacon if they are feeling fancy.
>>75597051Try to do nocarbs.Your symptoms sound like an acute inflammatory response.Those that have autoimmune issues are usually a lot better without carbs. Try for a week and see how you feel.
>>75600353this is not normalgo see a doctor
I'm 48 hours deep into a fast right now. Think I'll go for 72.>>75612868>beans>eggs>oatmeal>fruit>expensiveKYS
>>75615328I've noticed that foods containing gluten make me tired and sluggish. I've stopped eating gluten and have felt much better for sure.
>>75615622>I'm 48 hours deep into a fast right now. Think I'll go for 72.Nice. How are you feeling?
>>75597051this nigga eatin beans