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How do you control the near insane urge to fap after a heavy gym session?
because i have a wife with an abandonment complex who i've conditioned to fear that if i ever walk out of the house horny i'm going to leave her for whatever pussy wraps itself around my dick first, so if im down, she will absolutely make herself available for me.
I usually just fuck my gf for a couple of hours, and if I'm still horny after that a fap is justified
jacking off? never really saw the appeal.
guess I'm #ubermensch.
For me the urge doesn't hit immediately after the gym session, but the night after. I'll always wake up at like 1-2 AM with the my dick so hard it almost hurts and all I want to do it find the nearest woman and do unspeakable things to her.
Just have loving sex with your beautiful gf, lol
Smoke a black and mild and drink whiskey
monster series till you drop, if you have energy fir fapping then you are not training hard enough
both. you have to find the right woman - too much abandonment and she's probably going to be a turboslut when you meet her, too little and she wasn't abandoned enough for this to work at all. she also can't be especially clever. mine was prone to random meltdowns where she was convinced i was about to leave her, i think that helps. if you find a woman who does this or is clearly afraid of other women, here's what i did:
i wasn't getting anywhere near enough sex early in the relationship but i liked her and she had a lot of good qualities so i thought id work on it, but instead of talking to her about how important it was for me to stuff my hog in her, or being upfront about how a poor sex life would doom our relationship, what i did was gaslight her by gently flirting with women in public right in front of her who aren't family/friends of hers, with no family/friends as witnesses (wouldn't want everyone else to notice im fucking evil) and most importantly when said other woman is clearly attracted to me (women are fucking scandalous and definitely try to steal other women's men). typically she would extricate us from said flirty situation ASAP and fuck my brains out in this weird mateguarding strategy, and i'd round it off by heaping validation on her ONLY once im inside her, and for a day or two post coitus, withdrawing as needed, rinse and repeat. i haven't had to do this for years (we've been together for over a decade now)
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I’m nearly two weeks deep in nofap and I can tell the difference. It’s like my autism is being sucked back into the bottle from which it was released.
I only feel exceptionally horny on leg days but my CNS is so fried that I usually just want to relax for the rest of the day and eat food to get my gains.
Get to 35 years old
Turn 30
i will get the urge in the middle of an ab circuit. i just go through it while thinking about titties. who gives a fuck?
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Nice dubs...

Anyways, yes and no. Especially after deadlift day (fuck squats), all the blood is already down there. Control the urges or don't, it's a nice experience to have the impulse to pound someone silly after a fuck-heavy session not just deadlifts.

Better to have the means and not the will to or some shit, I don't know I'm just filling in this post while I wait for the captcha countdown goes down like a good boy... also making breakfast.

Or turn 40 and lose the feeling.
usually call one of my hoes
gotta watch for cramps though
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By fapping before the gym session, obviously.
>addict thinks everyone else is an addict
I just go ahead and fap. I'm in a sexless marriage and have kids so it's not like I was going to do anything else anyways.
This man is based and redpilled and I don't care what anyone says.
Keep em afraid king.
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This is science
do something productive with your life

Why would I want to? Masturbation is good for relaxation, and therefore gains.


Is it possible to learn this power?
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Masturbation kills your gains, lowers your test, ups your estrogen, etc etc.
It fucks you up.
Its the reason it is heavily promoted by the system
I completed no nut november and the sexual frustration made me want women to the point I'd start talking to them randomly
Not random approaches, but flirting with cashiers etc
I had sex but this month when I began masturbating again you can literally feel the desire for sex and women leave your brain as you cum from porn
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Masturbation= fucking your pecker with your hand = pathetic loser without pussy to fuck
It's about separating sexual pleasure from childbirth. Same as contraceptives. I think many honestly thought that was a good thing, but society is slowly waking up to the problems it causes.
How can i get a gf anon.
Fix your life, get some money, do something social, talk with people, dont look for it, dont push it.
You are the prize, bitches should be wanting you as a bf.

Pd: do nofap
>Is it possible to learn this power?
Make money and become daddy to some woman without family or financial independence
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I will nofap and noporn until Feb - or whenever my GF visits, so I can properly fuck her brains out multiple times a day, every day she is here.

I will make it and I will help others to make it if they are willing to put the work in.
Unfathomably based anon. It’s key to keep whatever girl you’re seeing on her toes. Once she knows you have no options she’s gonna walk all over you
you don't
I like to fap in bed, I don't wanna hop into bed all sweaty.

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