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18F 4'11 90
Ew look at those pointy elbows. Gros!
Looking good honey I love you
someone remake the CBT with a male body please
i dont want to see that for 3 days straight ffs
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Fuck sake lads I got fat as fuck.
22kg gain in 8 weeks

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Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
sit on my face
4'11 kek
where is she I want to sex her
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I haven't seen much aesthetic progress in the past 3 months, besides slightly bigger lats. My numbers have gone up a bit though. I'm very close to being able to do bodyweight pull-up sets without machine assistance.

Right now I'm aiming to train my chest and abs a lot more.

Looks good.
Mirin'. Is this achievable natty?
You want manlet children?
Looks like your average mystery meat slav.
wanting to manhandle some tiny girl and use has a fleshlight doesn't mean you want to have kids with her you retarded browncel
they think they can't get laid because of their height, instead of reaching the more obvious conclusion that it's because they're brownoids. sad.
My thread gets deleted in favor of some random whore. Jannies are abominable
>skelefag incel crying about muh whamen
I honestly hope people actually thought OP was a real woman. Everyone complimenting her is brown, no need to debate or prove it.
all incels are either brown or gay
Nice abs and shoulder width. Why is your neck so long and your nipples so fucked up.
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3rd year bulk
88.5 kg

ive injured my shoulder twice in the last two years, this time im finally gaining chest strength
Have you CeraVe on your nipples
congrats you look like shit ever thought of training with weights?
ive been lurkin fit for years and this is the first response i get. in fairness i expected nothing else. show your phsique fag
Cursed height for a female. If your weight creeps over 95 pounds you'll look disgusting.
You do look like shit but at least you're not obese.
Wtf is up with your nips man
Bros...this is me. I'm 30, and a virgin. I'm 5'9 or 5'10, and have no idea how much I weigh (I'm prob under 170 lbs). There's a cute nurse that I've come to know as an acquaintance, and I'm honestly trying to fuck her and become a sex-haver.

Should I drunkenly send her this? We've gotten along pretty well. I need feedback!

Amazing body, I'm trying to look like you. Well-done, I'm surprised your stomach isn't more defined!
I feel as though body-wise, we look oddly similar. I'm mirin'. Great frame, and nice phonecase.
Your back looks damn good, your front? Still needs some work...
thanks, youre exactly right
also youre hiding your non existant lats. more shoulder training needed too
you look fine, just doesn't look like you got much chest
what's your bench
> Bulking for that
Holy fuck that's sad. Cut some weight, fat fuck.
Ayy lamo
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OP even mirrored her original photo
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You the anon who competed recently? If so nice bulk next shred will be wild

You're doing fine anon think long term 3 months isn't much in perspective

How's the bjj going? What belt are you? Abs are looking solid

Please don't send that anon especially with the pedo stache. Solid cut for 2 or 3 months and a shave will do you well.

Never change /fit/

5'10 202
Youre a hot bitch that fuck china dick
comments rejected
you look like a roid tranny

You're the one who asked for for feedback and I gave it also I'm Natty so cope lol
>cock and ball thread
>all fat goes to his stomach making him look obese from the front
>has been doing this for 3 years straight
anons using the idea of "bulk" as an excuse to pig out for YEARS. If youre not a powershitter then pls realize this and stop this madness, if you are however then pls carry on
Nice pepperoni nipples, libtard. Did your boyfriend that you have gay sex with buy you those undies? Hee-hee
>rental carpets
>workout for a month
>don't immediately get jacked
I'm fucking killing myself
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6'1 177, lifting for 2 months. I hate my body
you look already hot
imagine if you started lifting
This is the all time best copypasta on the entire internet
I want to lick you
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>counting calories instead of feeling wither your hungry or not
I went down to 199lbs from 215 over 9 weeks, but this month I got lazy with calorie counting and am back up to 207. It really is as simple as recording everything in the calorie app and walking an hour every day. I wish it wasn't so fucking cold. That demotivates me from walking, but I still go to the home gym at least.
It feels like there are some natural pleatues that my body settles at, so I need to just stick with it until I can get lower. I think at 175lbs or so, I'll be lean enough to not hate my body.
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really? this is the thread that stays up? aight.
making progress on shoulders, still they are tied for my weakest muscle group besides chest.
arms look great, chest looks decent even with the muscle pulled back, so good work.
I do this
fuuuck. my eyeballs, man... have some courtesy to hide your upper lip. also, we share virgin status, but I bet you have atleast kissed a girl.
clean bulk and actually lift weights instead of just bulking and taking photos. also, chekd.
do a pose
simultaneously DYEL and better than a third of lurking slugs on /fit/
Thanks, I'm trying but very frustrated
nice work
LOL that gut, nice job bro
Big Richard from the Delray misfits recommended lateral raises for side debts, really swining the body to get the weight up like a flying motion, maybe you could try that
really no need to hide your face
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Constructive criticism would help
Clean your mirror
Maybe cut a bit more and try to get more visible abs
Quite frankly, I refuse to believe you look that jacked at 135lbs. Is this the power of negro genetics??
My abs usually are visible but there is bad lighting and I ate earlier. Genetics play a big part of my physique and I weight so little probably since I'm short
You look great, why are you still here? Get a wife and make jacked kids.
please be in london
why yo nips look deepfried?
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6’3 175
strike a light, put some water on that lawn cunt
fuck up DOG CUNT lets see ur lawn
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lifting on and off for 11 years, took 3 years off half way through
kek I ripped it all out cos i had to water the cunt day and night to keep it goin through summer
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Fucking WA dry summers eh
May 2024, 7kg heavier kek
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this made me laugh gg
nice work that's decent
I’ll take decent. Not huge irl being 175” but I turn heads whenever I lift sleeveless at the gym. Barely anyone is sub 10% even the roidfags. Cut ended a few days ago, now to maintain for a minimum 3 months to teach body a new set point. hiit sprints and low carb for final stretch of cut to eat away trouble fat.
roiders must fucking hate seeing an actual healthy natty mog them
Back is looking good brother. Nice width. Don't let the crabs in here bring you down. Most of them are queers who have never even touched a weight.
roidcels are delusional retards going off /fraud/
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and to me, thats making it <3
My most recent picture.
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Looking for internet stranger validation. 1 year 4 months in, started at 130, sitting at 150
kek nice fucking Garanimals you fucking child
I weigh 95.2 kg currently.
nice undies faggot
So how does one go from >>75611167 to >>75609494 ??

Want more chest, arms and definition (less fat)

6'0 / 172(78kg) / ~15% body fat / lifting for 4 months
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Just been doing whatever at the gym for the past 1.5 years, mostly running and trying to get <17 00 5k
best lifts are 70 kg bench for 4, 45kg ohp for 5
m19 66 kg around 180cm
Thanks faggots
I was same height and same starting weight. Just eat a lot and really push yourself. You seem to have decent muscle definition already, and will lead to good results.
nice cock
welcome cunt
aw cmon, what about my physique
You need food bud
Good base, keep going
>get fat bro
he looks fantastic, you are brain damaged
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Bf estimation? I had a friend who said ~18% but I think I'm easily closer to 25% and still a fat fuck

Yes I know I'm dyel, I only started lifting again a month ago
thats a big bitch
Does it matter? You're not getting any valid number from strangers either, and it shouldn't dictate your approach anyways.
Definitely around 25% yeah.
I've been using creatine for like a week now and been trying to eat more hopefully I'll see some gains
Laser off the tattoos and show us your asshole.
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Mirin'. What's your routine?
>You're doing fine anon think long term 3 months isn't much in perspective
Thanks anon.

Thanks anon. How DYEL/10 in your opinion?

Here's my back btw.
how is this possible? i'm 6'1 and 205lbs and i don't remotely look that big.
Bring lean makes you look bigger
you can't tell he's 175?
he's literally a twink in clothes
mirin tho perfect build for getting hoes
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