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when will women realize how attractive a mombod is?
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My mom's bod
Hollywood mombods maybe. The average moms I see are fat cunts

or is this just seethe about those social media posts about dadbods?
>or is this just seethe about those social media posts about dadbods?
no anon its totally organic that we have multiple threads about this right now
>The average moms I see are fat cunts
so is the average dad. that’s the whole point dumbass
that's a man
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Has that bikini always been so transparent?
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now be a good goy and post this on twitter
Dumb forced meme. 99% of moms are fat.
does anyone have the webm from /tv/ where the anon is zooming in on this pic
If by that you mean prime gia paige, yeah
Sorry I don't watch tv
Why are her shoulders wider than 90% of guys I see in the gym?
She's a post op tranoid.
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>can clearly see the front of her bag through the bikini bottom
>Durrrrr its a tranny
Photoshop and angle fraud have poisoned many retards minds. Obvious women are called troons now
Thats not a mom bod tho
>anon thinks "average teenage bod" is "mombod"
two things can be true
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I don't know what you mean. The average woman could have a pretty nice mom bod by hitting the gym a couple times a week.
>his wife didn't get pregnant 4 times and didn't maintain a cardiobunny average mom bod
are you guys even trying?
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I think a lot of wives must be lazy, but a good mom bod is great. Try eating a salad ladies.
sadly true. yet another reason why asian women are superior though
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>realise very early on i simply go caveman brain when i see a middle aged woman with a fat ass and a pretty face
>every other teacher i had in school was said middle aged woman with a fat ass and a pretty face
so how was i supposed to fucking learn anything
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That's a below average mom bod. Mom bods look more like this. You know, the average woman
>I think a lot of wives must be lazy, but a good mom bod is great.
my wife's average gym routine (not really her, that would make her a whore)
>eat a salad
as a husband that supports his wife's average mom bod, I even toss her salad for her
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bros i love old hags so much it's unreal
fuck you. I won't be able to sleep tonight
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>those razor bumps and ingrown hair
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Thank god I am not the only one here with standards. This is what a shaved area should look like.
goth girl sexo
It doesn't matter when you'll spend hours looking in her eyes during your deep discussions in bed.
that's a wine aunt bod tho
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>everyone misses the joke
Yeah, I ussualy don't use this board and I must say it's pretty stagerring how nobody realized that OP is sarcastic.
Cringe fools fuck a china dick
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You think this is how american mom look like?
I think it's insane that not only do they look disgusting, but the way they MOVE is inherently disgusting. The lack of fine motor skills, crude movements, you can clearly identify the low intellect on her face as she also lacks finer control of expressions.
The way the cabinet above the fridge is open and she's just okay with that, the unorganized boxes.....
The moment you see something you intellectualize it and do some heavy processing, and from frame one its immediate disgust. This must be some sort of fake ragebait video.
>This must be some sort of fake ragebait video.
you're learning
Now this is a real mom bod. Breasts become bigger during and after pregnancy so the mother can feed the child. This woman is a perfect example.
See, this mombod is totally fine. She looks like she eats right most of the time and exercises occasionally, but isn't afraid to cut loose.
The joke here is that OP posted a very fit and attractive woman, not a "mom bod". This is in response to women saying a muscular body that clearly took gym time, is in fact a natural "dad bod". This thread is yet another "ha ha it's funny because I'm retarded" form of humor that this board specializes in.
thos level of esl fucking pablo kek
by posting a girl who hasn't had a kid? This isn't a mombob, this is a normal women bod prior to 2009. Mom's have saggy tits and lasagna belly.
>Mom's have saggy tits and lasagna belly.
cherry picked example
OP is an average mom bod
she's not a mom lol. You're saying she has a mom bod when she is a hollywood mid 30 year old who looks amazing because she has a team of trainers and chefs. Either you're a zoomer with a milf fetish from watching too much porn or you're just loser with no friends. I've seen plenty of friends have kids (either I'm friends with the girl or their husband) and they always end up fatter and they never wear a bikini again. Obviously if they have kids when they are 21 or 22 they bounce back better but still, 99% are damaged goods.
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why are you femcels so offended that men just want a a mombod gf with lots of good bits to grab onto while cuddling?
I'm so happy that my gf is not an anorexic obsessed with plastic surgery, she's a foodie like me and just walks her dog every other day.
pic related is her. I'll never apologize for loving mombods
I'd call her mommy and have her breastfeed me daily
Oh you're a millennial with gender identity confusion and a kidless loser with no wife with a tight mom bod
You doesn't need chefs and trainers to look like this, any childless woman under 50 can look like this >>75605477 with a little effort. Now what you said about having kids is completely true. This actress has never had children. I'm in my 30s and all the women I know that have had kids don't wear bikinis and if they do they wear the one piece that covers everything. Even the ones that didn't get fat do this, because their bodies are still fucked up from dropping kids. 4chan fags cope hard thinking they'll get a >legacy and a MILF wife.
Got dang that's a beautiful fanny. Bet it tastes godly.
>no bikini after kids
I've never witnessed this phenomenon through my mom, sisters, wife, friends. They are all still /fit/ and wear bikinis year round. Sounds like the people you know are not average mom bod and just
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it's just a mombod. Literally just switch to diet coke and take the stairs. Femcels are so bitter for some reason
pic related is my wife, mother of 4, all she does is sit on the couch all day
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Women really walk around in public with their ass hanging out.
Mombod is wide hips big booba and soft flattened yet wide bunda.
Most women do not have these features.
Yes we really do. Don't like it don't look.
I do look, which I why I encourage it. Carry on.
You will never be a *real* woman. :^)
sexo com sua mãe
>can clearly see nipples, arola, pussy, the extact shape
she is basically naked, why even wear that thing?
what are you getting at anon?
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The mombod is the peak female physique
lol to the anon that saved this pic and then made a different thread
love the seethe
why do /fit/izens get so bent out of shape over the average mom bod?
My wife is hell of pregnant. What can i do to ensure she keeps mombod after baby is born? Especially her tits.
I nutted to her so many fuckin times when I was younger
Have her keep nursing/pumping.
classic mom bod here
hes mighty based.. you wouldnt understand
Women get a nice bod by being blessed with good bone structure and nice fat distribution with a low calorie diet.
so do men retard. average gym bro that is 5'8 with an ugly ass body is getting mogged by a genetically blessed 6'3 DYEL.
Found the dyel
if you actually think women give a fuck about muscles you're retarded
I'm on my way to 3 plate bench
trust me no woman gives a fuck its all bone structure
only men care
Why are you so mad?
cus im a gymcel autistic ass picking up heavy things and putting them back down
women absolutely care about muscles
they don't care for whiny bitch faggots

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