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Are there any jacked girls at your gym? Mine's just cardio bunnies and old women on bikes
seriously, what's it like to share a bathroom with a woman? Don't you lose all attraction to her when you hear and smell her shit
Not when you love them.
No but I have a home gym so there are no women. It's heaven.
I’ve walked into the bathroom on more than 1 occasion while my GF was shitting and just stuck my dick in her mouth. She unironically finishes me before she even wipes her ass
And then she clapped. Alpha as fuck bro. Nothing more alpha than smelling a girls shit.
oh is that really possible?
how could you maintain an erection with the smell of shit all around you? Are you German? Genuinely curious
>mad because hes never touched a woman
One day, lil bro
Because her mouth and throat were wrapped around my cock
Fascinating. I don't think I could've gotten a hard-on with the stench of shit all around me and seeing a woman taking one.
In fact, I don't think I've ever had an erection with the stench of feces near me.
My mother is Anglo and my father is German. I guess it’s the genes.
only 1 with fake bobs, she’s has a hot body a decent face but she clearly looks middle-aged, plus she has tattoos.
How do those little tops stay on
Few of them at the gym I go to, but they're mostly all just influencer type builds with abs, big asses, and thick thighs. No musculature or weight pushing, but desu that's probably the best type of woman that works out. I think all of them are either taken, come in groups for socializing, or are the type that would put you on blast for even getting a single word out to them. Not worth approaching.
>I think all of them are either taken
None of them are in any actual relationships, they just have a rotation of 3-4 Chads they fuck until they reach mid 30s then find some software beta bux but still 6’2 provider
the only thing that ever annoyed me was for some reason this cunt always needed to pee when im in the middle of shitting and she refused to go to the guest bathroom.
I'd lose my (proverbial) shit if my girl didn't leave me the FUCK alone when I'm having a shit
damn, you got me all seething just at the thought
>redhead powerlifter pt at my gym
>find her on hinge
>she matches with me
>we go out for sushi and coffee
>she only talks about herself and how great she is at everything
>get her back to her apartment
>she invites me inside to "watch a movie"
>we actually watch a movie we made out a little
>when i make a move she tells me she's not like that
>bitch i was just on your couch feeling your boobs but you aren't like "that"
>go home delete her from snap
>she tried to talk to me at the gym a few times but i just walked by her
You forgot the part where she felt your bulge through your pants and the smallness of it turned her off
whats up with all those tranny women looking like michael jackson
>Wants to bang some random slut
>Disappointed she isn't a huge easy slut
What kind of man are you
kek little browncel is mad he can't pull a white girl
>What kind of man are you
one who doesn't care what faggots like you think kek
Degenerate addict
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kek is little brown boy mad?
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>dunking on browncels
fucking based anon, i appreciate ya fine work
why do the spics on this board call everybody brown? you’ll never be white, jose
>n n n n no u
exactly what i thought faggot also post body
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thanks i'm tired of non lifting brown retards shitting up the board
kek ok whatever then dyel browncel
yeah one proper squatzilla
mogs most of the men myself included
This police officer should be charged, discharged, and get probation for assault, taking drug test.
And do some free work and go to meetings to learn how to behave.
>muzzie/kike is mad his kind/golem got stomped
this should happen to all browncels
why would a jew care than a brownoid got pwned?

also thanks for the tip OP I'm gonna get some of those slutty gym clothes for my girl to wear
Do you lose respect for yourself when you hear and smell your shit?
We got a few jacket/fit girls at my gym but they're always with turbo huge headphones on, never take 1 single glance anywhere but occasionally their phone, never talk to anybody. These types are also quite fugly, horse face or whatever. Hot fit, sculpted bodies but ugly face. I've never talked to a single girl in the gym in all my years, almost a decade, of going to the same gym almost daily or at least weekly.
There is one pretty strong blonde thot who does weighted pull ups and mogs every dyel. I've never seen her doing lower body.
The ones with good looking faces have so much plastic surgery
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you’re not fooling anyone

almost a decade of lifting and can count the amount of times attractiveish women approached me on one hand, it’s 4 btw.
No way in life it is good behaving, nor it is a good karma to harm other people. That guy was not moving on the floor, there was no reason to attack him.
>You two would like to be attacked in this way when you are immobile on the floor by police officer and even exposed your p"ass"y to him for your enjoyment?
And this is what you two will scream when under police assault.
based and moralpilled
Ive gained new respect for my toilet
Thats the best part
Go fuck a china dick
No girl in my gym lasts more than a month or two. It's a prison-esque gym full of shitskins. They'll stare at the 3 white guys there, me included, like "when are you gonna talk to me I only came here for a gym bf" but we're serious lifters that train at a place like that for a reason.
I want a hand career from her
You are a good man. Be proud.
Training next to subhumans sounds horrible anon, cananda?
you-you're getting approached? at the gym?
you know if this fag>>75608845 agrees with you you are wrong
nta but florida and i experience the same
Nope my gym won't even let you renew your membership they suspect you're juicing.
By men? Every week. By women? Once a year.
Wtf kind of cucked gym do you go to?
If that was anyone I knew, that cop would be found, tied up, put in a basement, and repeatedly beaten over and over, daily.
There’s a couple for sure. One chick who’s pretty cute but always dressed in sweats and shit like a try hard. Another one shows up basically topless and in tiny shorts, bubble gum chewing, big hair, literally looks like an 80’s girl next door type. She’s so fucking hot it’s unreal
I lift at a bodybuilding gym, so there are quite a few. Most of them have ruined their voices and bodies forever.
Only one whenever I seem to go.
Bitch is pretty strong for a woman, amazing fat ass and legs and a nice back.
Whenever I go she's always training legs, doing diddles, squats and hip thrusts with decent weight.
She's got a resting bitch face but something about her turns me on.
Always see her glancing at me but she has this bitchy aura which puts me off, too.
Shame as I would love for her to suffocate me with her fat cheeks.

But yeah all the others are cardiobunny types doing meme exercises and legs.
My gym crush is jacked - she's my 5AM workout motivation. You can tell she's still natty (skin is still nice, not masculine) but pulls it off by being hyper disciplined.
I thought there'd be more pictures
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kek you wouldn't do shit muhammad
I was leaving the gym today and I saw some lady with muscles doing pulldowns. I'm not sure if she was straining or what, but I swear she winked at me.
The single time I was approached by a girl at the gym was at this world class gym we have here, and I was working legs. She came up to me and starting signaling to me when I was approaching the end of my set, and asked me to not wipe down my seat drenched in sweat, and she would deload the machine for me. I should've asked her if she wanted to work out together, but I just deloaded it to where she wanted and walked away with high blood pressure and adrenaline surging through me. Feel like an idiot for not asking her to work out with me since we were both doing legs and talking to her about the gym and asking if she knew shit I didn't (new gym for me)
>would put you on blast for even getting a single word out to them
pretty insane what social media and cancel culture has done to the world. nothing can be sincere. everything is recorded and will be edited to make someone into whatever narrative they want and will be blasted all over the internet.
I had this happen to me before with a girl. She then lost her mind and kept texting me and calling me at 2am and her friends (some were mutual acquaintances) badgered others we knew for my number and called me telling me she kept crying. I told them their friend was a dumb bitch and hung up.
A small gym they claim those guys use up more space and gym resources than their membership is meant to cover and obstructs other clients. Last year we lost a skinny fat because he did ppl.
Nobody tell him how babies work
lol u fking srs mate? he literally stomped that dindu's head, he should be charged with attempted murder at the very least and dishonorably discharged and lose all his pension and benefits
There's a large gap between someone touching your boobs and kissing you to having someone's penis inside you. You were probably in there after a few more dates.
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Brownoids fucked around and found out.
Based retards
I'm not attracted to babies
Bro my last gf would go shit with the door open and keep the conversation going at the same time. Confidence is a turn-on buddy. It goes both ways lol.
Good. Fuck that muslim piece of shit.
What gym? What nothing!
You're brown lol
You really think that guy got blasted in the face for no reason? Are you actually retarded?
2 seconds before video starts "allahu akbar I have a bomb strapped to my chest I will detonate"
based only people who see this as wrong are brown
You love to be kicked in the face?
Go in boxing club and ask to be hit in face.
Come back and tell me how worthy this was.
His behavior have no justification.
Dude bounce, that might just be the worst gym that i have ever heard about lmao, where are you from?
Do not give your money to those gobling gains
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That stomp to the head really defuse the situation, huh?
>being a classless animal
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Disgusting low class
Not really jacked but there are several women who obviously lift. My gym has very few waifs. It’s either a soccer mom, lifter chick, or high school volleyball/soccer/softball girl.
maybe i was just using the gym girl as a replacement for a much better cuter girl who i wasn't a man enough for
nothing happened to him kek
It's a good gym desu. Their policies never bothered me because I do fullbodies.

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