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Old >>75580913
Me on the right
Damnit your 300 second counter counted down faster than mine
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>Pic unrelated
For those who have experience, can we start a discussion comparing Test + Primo vs Test + EQ?
How can I avoid superdrol lethargy? Do I just need liver protection and lots of carbs?
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I'm currently doing all 3. It started with test/primo, but primo doesn't act as AI for me so I added 240eq.

Main differences
>primo is more androgenic
>eq is more anabolic
>eq ai is strong as is the cardio boost
>primo raises ldl pretty drastically
>If you aren't a shitty hair genelet primo has no other side effects
>primo gives 2nd best "well being" feeling after proviron
>primo gives pip, especially if the pin is shallow
>eq anxiety is real
>all the other eq sides are YouTube rubbish
>seriously, eq is safer than primo according to my bloods
>eq does everything primo does for lean and vascular but better

EQ anxiety can be a bitch and you have to be careful with the AI. Otherwise I think it's a better compound.
Sauce pls.
>primo is more androgenic
what are you getting from primo that's androgenic? hardening? libido?
The guy on the left has been lifting since he was 16 years old without question.
Primo libido is pretty well documented and I've experienced it. Honestly it's the number one reason to add it to the stack. It provides good hardness too.

A other tying I forgot
>primo nukes shbg
Roid tranny
jealous natty
lowered cruise to TRT dose 10 weeks ago, stopped lifting for like 6 weeks, diet went to shit. I look like dogshit. Pudgy and basically like a natty cuckold.

Im gonna start a new blast jan-april, think I should start bulking at a 500 surplus right away, cut some of the new fat first, or just train/eat hard and recomp it?

im fine getting a little hefty, summer isn't until like 5 months
two worthless drugs for fat faggots

oh im 14% bf 200 lb right now, not asking if I should bulk at like 23% bf or some shit
you're taking an AI, right anon? right?

dont need it on sub 180mg test, my cruise was 150mg. Yeah i put on some more fat so for this blast ill need to adex more liberally
I have 10 vials of test prop, maybe I should have gotten test E but this is what I got. I only have slin pins right now.

Could I just pin 400 mg Test prop to ventroglutes using my slin pins?
My aromasin raw will be here in 4 weeks can I start my cycle without it?
If you push oil with a slin pin you'll probably have to back fill it. No reason not to start early, but maybe wait two weeks. You'd be fucked if you start getting gyno, and your shit gets seized
hes obviously using chink shit test p in mct, he will have no issues with drawing it with a slin pin
Except for the crystals
why would you buy only test p and aromasin for a first cycle lol where do you faggots come up with this stupidity
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Is this a natural body for a 25 year old?
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Just found out Anavar is better and less toxic than clenbuterol
Fuck man
Anavar only cycle for cutting
Where did I say that was the only shit I have? Test p is what they had in stock when i ordered and I don't really see your point
Prop needs to be injected daily. EOD at most. Just do 50-70 mg ED and you’ll be good. You should start feeling it in a week or so.
>asin will be here in 4 weeks
You might wanna wait. Also order AI raws is really fucking dumb unless you happen to have a high-end milligram scale on hand
Well, what else do you have then faggot?
Hcg, hmg, anavar, ralox, nolva, ru58841, isotretinoin, dutasteride, minoxidil pills, tadalafil, semaglutide, nebivolol, propanolol, dnp pills, ephedrine, rosuvastatin + some more statin shit my friend gave me.
(Have them on hand or are being shipped.)
It probably isn't complete but I think it is a decent start.

Oh and lots of amphetamine sometimes preworkout and general adhd when I need it.

Volumetric dosing for making a suspension/solution is probably good enough unless we get into mcg dosages, I'm just using a gemini 20. Mostly in glycerin, peg, ethanol etc.
>Volumetric dosing for making a suspension/solution is probably good enough unless we get into mcg dosages

it's even fine at that range, I did a letro in ethanol solution at 100mcg/ml.
What stack would you recommend for someone who's constantly sleep deprived and just wants as close as possible to simulating the hormonal effects of getting a good night's sleep? Assume the person is already athletic and aesthetic and money is no object. Please do male and female, if possible.
Has anyone tried a stack to see what works for increasing their girl's bust size? If so, is a single administration enough or do you have to blast? If ape studies are applicable to humans, prolactin + enough exercise to keep testosterone at normal or slightly above average should be enough to increase glandular tissue, but glandular tissue can shrink. Lady Gaga lost two entire cup sizes when she stopped doing drugs.
Gh or a little bit of dbol before bed
I did the same, doc has me at 200 a week, but i take around 100 - 150 for right now. Early next year will blast with test and primo and baby npp for joints. This summer i looked insane. Right now i havent trained in 2 months eat pretty shitty, and am relaxing on low ass trt. Spring I'm going to explode. The body is insane how fast it rebounds and grows. If you have already gotten large and lean, just recomp. just make sure to get 10000 steps a day and lift baby.

Primo will fuck up the ldl, but holy shit it's insane in my body at even low ass dosages (150) The only thing comparable is tren, and FUCK tren I did a baby blast of tren and my body morphed. fuck that too dangerous. EQ is TRASH for me. Primo PIP is fucking bonkers, i dont know how some of these guys shoot 800 mgs of the shit. where do you put it? when i take it, it looks like i got shot and cant touch it.
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ligma only cycles are the best, everyone knows that
What's the deal with the tranny? Still trustworthy enough for peptides or is exit scam incoming?
Going to do a nice lean bulk after new year when i get back from vacation.
>1100mg test (200mg test u + 900mg test e)
>1000mg eq
Might do a bit of sdrol or anavar pwo a few times a week.
After about 16-20 weeks of this I'm going to take a break for 4 weeks or so then cut for summer.
>500mg test (200mg test u + 300mg test e)
>500mg eq
>200mg tren e (maybe)
>0.5mg semaglutide pw
>2g test/eq
>sema pw
why specifically pw? also reta is pretty good but I guess slightly more expensive
seems like it will be fun tho, very nice
I think you answered your own question of if it's a single dose, or ongoing, with that gaga statement. And look up stuff that causes lactation. The tranny ribbits say do that and for years and you'll get titty growth
Shit, I never thought about looking up what trannies have to say. I guess all innovation really is done by men. Thanks.
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When you do a deload weak, do you pin less gear that week? Like I'm going to use Christmas as a deload week shoupd I pin less than the 1200mg total I'm currently pinning?
Word. Be warned that the induced lactation route needs frequent milking to promote more production, so it's a constant maintaining thing. Seems to work though. I think daily massage goes with it too
How much EQ should i add to my 500mg test e ?
Start with 300, see how you feel. Some people can go even eq/test others need more test. Wait at least 4 weeks before you do your initial titration. Bold U is a long ester.
Ah-ha! I found this plebbit thread where this person was going over some boob growth stuff. Look for didnotvote2020 comments, they may be insightful for you
No. And you really should know that if you’re running 1200 mg of gear
Why should I know? I've never had to deload on blast before but now I'm old and hurt.
Because the more consistent your hormone levels, the less sides and if you’re running long (i.e. not prop or ace) esters then taking a week will barely do shit anyway. Plus, think about it this way. Do you want to be taking it easy with less gear in your system or preserving every gram of muscle you can? I pretty much always take a deload week every 5th or 6th week whether I’m blasting or not. Pretty much all of the experimental AND anecdotal evidence shows that deloading actually increases gains. I’d suggest taking a break from your diet too since I get sick of stuffing myself every single day and it doesn’t really matter in the long run.
This. Dont go fucking with doses unless you feel like adding, or you have unmanageable sides. I don't understand why there are people who feel like they need to mess with a good thing. Let it ride, man.
Feel you on the diet. Clean bulk is great and all, but sometimes those costco velvet cakes be lookin extra fine...
did you have to take a shot glass full of letro every dose or what lmao
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>40mg nolva for 2 weeks
>e2 is in the single digits
>feel completely fine
I might not be the greatest responder to test, but at least I'm a top tier responder to being shut down.
What is bad about it?
boys, it probably doesnt matter if my slin pins needle is a little bent from a vial thats not got a lot of oil in it, right? i feel like i get a big more pip from it, but i'm just overthinking it a tad and i want to make sure there's nothing stupid about that.
My thought is always needles are cheap and scarring is permanent. I would just backfill into a new syringe.
superior morning vitamin vodka shot chad
hey. hey, fuck you. i'm jelly. i gotta have my shit dialed in. i feel bad high, and low
needles can bend quite a bit. i inadvertently bend my slin pins frequently. as long as you didn't whack the tip on something and blunt/mangle it, you're probably fine. or just do what >>75610400 said
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>You take one vial per week of whatever you choose to combine, that's what everyone does. And sometimes you combine 3 things
trvth nuke
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Ronnie Coleman used 2g~ a week for 9 months out of the year for over a decade gaining 5-10lb PER YEAR, but somehow boomers, redditors, and 500mg newbies all think they're going to be an ifbb pro within the first year of gear use.
holy shit boys! inject igf-1 lr3 into your dick for harder peen https://patents.google.com/patent/US9545395B2/en
calm down grandpa
Seems pretty novel, but for the price you might as well just inject insulin into your penis.
well think about those prp shots... that shit costs thousands. i think a few hundo for igf would be an attractive alternative
How attractive is priapism
if you believe that dick growing patent that uses pge1, very. or there's the anecdotal dudes got a few 24 sickle cell boners over their life and are now packin heat. also i know i've seen at least a few videos of nude dudes squatting with a rager, so there's a market out there for it
>EQ and Primo worthless

What an absurd thing to say....
that's just a 19nor fanboy. He must love his deca dick and lack of sleep from tren
Im a 19nor fan boy and I love my eq too. That guy's just retarded, or yknow maybe he just doesn't respond very well to it.
The difference is the guy screaming that everyone not blasting a gram of deca is a pussy doesn't actually pin. They just want to live a fantasy where they pin tren a 5x a week and sleep 2 hours a night.

The guys that do pin usually don't have a strong opinion about compounds they don't take. Like if you take deca you definitely don't take primo, but you don't care that others do.
speaking of EQ, with 14 day half life, when do you actually start to feel it for good?
Yeah i mean, checks out. I don't give a fuck what compounds you run aren't some primocel bashing compounds you've never had. For what it's worth, I pin tren 7x a week and I sleep fine lmao. Running more tren than test is definitely a recipe for insomnia, i guess.
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about a month, but you can front load if you know what you're doing
Nta, but how soon does the ai effect start? Same rate?
Ai effect is immediate. Crashed my e2 my first cycle with eq on like my first couple of pins, there's a reason they tell you to do test only your first time lol.
faster, within two weeks
Same. 1:1 test eq nuked my e because I followed the ratios of guys that aromatize like bitches
>why specifically pw?
Dosing once per week is the clinical protocol. Some grey market users dose twice a week but I doubt there's much difference.
This is one of the reasons I don't like slin pins. If I were you I'd get a 1ml luer lock and use a low dead space 30g to inject (if you insist on tiny needles) then draw with something bigger. Personally I can't be bothered pinning with anything smaller than a 25g and if I'm lazy or in a rush I'll use a 23g do I can just fire all the oil in in a couple seconds.
3pl8s is no easy task for left
>I'll do it for 5
Do it for 20 homo
You've never done steroids, I am gay and I have used steroids and am now recovered alcoholic.
>you will...
Get there
>use Llama to crawl reddit for me
>some dude on /r/asktransgender went from AA cups to G cups by abstaining from otc pain relievers and taking estrogen, IGF-1, and domperidone for 3 months
>claims they're permanent and doesn't need the IGF-1 or domperidone anymore
Holy fucking shit. Someone with a girl willing to try this shit needs to get her to do them and get back with the results.
estp reveal yourself
lies, roider is castrated for life and his muscles are illusion, not because he will stop roidiong at some point - he can't without turning into jabba the hut - because it's not contractile tissue, it's watery bloat
If this is true how do explain the massive increase in strength? Why do roiders stay larger than natties for months or years when they come off? Why do roiders regain full testicular function (extremely well documented in the literature btw) within two years of stopping? How do any pro bodybuilders have children after their career? And the real question is why you even give a shit. Stay small and weak and begone with you.
Inb4 you claim to be bigger, stronger and leaner than anyone itt. Post body faggot
>If this is true how do explain the massive increase in strength?
>Why do roiders stay larger than natties for months or years when they come off?
roid gut never goes away - true xD
> Why do roiders regain full testicular function (extremely well documented in the literature btw) within two years of stopping?
bwahahha show me tha literature bot gpt
> How do any pro bodybuilders have children after their career?
having kids doesn't constitute working ballsack bot gpt
>And the real question is why you even give a shit.
cause u lie through your figurative teeth bot gpt trying to convince me to castrate myself or any other unsuspecting reader - u care very fuking much bot bitch gpt, as as much as dum code can care
>Stay small and weak and begone with you.
Inb4 you claim to be bigger, stronger and leaner than anyone itt. Post body faggot
yeah lol, i am so small that every fucking faggot that goes by tries to size me up lol xD
>ib4 unsolicitated mire
yeah, every fuking time and i'm not asking for it at all lol, i just don't care about sad bitches that walk by and that's enough to irk them xD
What supplements are worth taking when frauding? Besides the usual creatine, magnesium and zinc.
Is collagen worth supplementing?
>Post body faggot
not gonna dox myself bitch bot, i look like a fucking manga panel, whole neighborhood comes by to watch me mow grass because people are simply curious
how much npp can you usually tolerate without needing prolactin control
take your meds anon
>Dosing once per week is the clinical protocol. Some grey market users dose twice a week but I doubt there's much difference.
There's a noticeable difference taking 1x a week vs 2x a week. It's strongest a little bit after the pin and then tails off. For example if you take 10mg of tirze your appetite will flatline almost immediately to the point where you will feel sick. Then it will slowly lessen and by day 7 you will have like 3/4 your normal hunger.

On 2x a week it's milder and it never really goes away. I prefer it, and an extra 31g pin a week is nothing. I think 1x a week is more about convenience.
Lol give your wife diabetes to see if she grows a few cups. If you want your wife/gf to have bigger tits put a baby in her belly. My wife went from an A to a C after 2 kids
Alright, I'll try twice a week.
done a few test cycles and want to start another compound what should i add?
What are you trying to do and how much risk tolerance do you have?

If you want to be a mass monster, add deca. If you are a millenial boomer (like me) looking for hardness and definition try primo or eq. Eq works better primo is nicer.
jesus what? that's wild! give all the women diabetes.... for science!
If my hcg comes in a breakable ampule but I want to be able to reuse it, can I mix it with the bac water and store it inside an empty used testosterone vial
I do every five days to avoid the hunger I was getting in the last 2 days of weekly injections
>empty used testosterone vial
no, buy an empty sterile vial you fucking ape
never go full autistic
anadrol+dbol and deca
How do you burn visceral fat on hgh? I've got a but of a gut but was going to do the cruise + hgh + tirze cut after my blast is over. Can I just cut normally and hope it gets burned?
visceral fat is the first fat you lose in spite of what retards think, if you're cutting to down to veiny abs you're pretty much gonna have zero visceral fat
Real shit how do I get testosterone? I know I could do one of those tests they send you to do at home, but I'm pretty sure my levels are normal. Is there an easier way to get a prescription? If not where to buy?
finasteride, collagen peptides, NAC
draw it into a syringe, then just swap needles and keep the rest in the fridge
ask your moms fat friends

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