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What are some examples?
i hate you coombaiting indians so god damn fucking much
Tattoos are never ok. She ruined a perfectly good body
How do you know OP is coombaiting Indians?
No such thing
Tattoos automatically make you trash but I think if you actually just buy into that and get whore tattoos they can be kind of hot, like the bow ties on the back of the thighs that was popular a few years ago. I once saw a prostitute with like a laurel wreath across her adonis belt to cover her C section scar which was as admittedly pretty hot.
Every woman I've met with tattoo's has some sort of mental illness.
>muh bpd
this has nothing to do with fitness. Also, since I know the real reason you're asking, your Berserk tattoo makes you look like a faggot, ESPECIALLY because you got it in the same place as Guts, you don't look like that guy who made you wanna get a tattoo, and if you wind up with sleeves or some shit you'll look like a child molester. Eat shit and fuck off
American Traditional and Japanese Traditional are the only acceptable tattoos. Everything else is trendy garbage that'll look like shit in 5 years (or probably already does).
Doodle niggers are lowly slaves
American sailor Jerry-esque and japanese tats are the epitome of trendy trash.
kek. That anon was so mad.
The only mad people I saw were all the incels seething
Why are you looking to do whatever the others consider cool or however the fuck idiots say nowadays? You are just a fucking NPC bot who does whatever the fuck hes told to.
Tattoos are fucking disgusting and degenerate. They make you look like a diseased drugaddict criminal, and thats not good, whatever the fuck the media told you.
Looks like a squirrel which got run over while crossing the road.
Tufty knows better than that
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i love how tattoos make browncels seethe like nothing else
You're the incel.
Any tattoos are fine if they look good.
I'm known as the cool cashier at work due to my attention grabbing sleeves.
Do not get the gay pride flag tattooed on your chest
this cap sucks tho
you gotta show the image of that retarded cartoon
God i hate underboob chandeliers
both are literally THE trend the past 5 years though.
Not that.
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That's a pretty big commitment even for Skillet's own drummer.
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I have this on my back
this guy fucks
If God (not necessarily Christian God but who or whatever created the Sun Moon Earth and me) wanted me to have tattoos I would’ve had them on my skin at birth
Damn how did they print a .gif on your back?
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Thousands of little needles.
Wheres the rest of the thread? This screencap sucks because it missed out on 90% of the rest of it.
>Any tattoos are fine if they look good.
>I'm known as the cool cashier at work due to my attention grabbing sleeves.
Is this bait
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how do I know you're OP
If i wanted my comeback, I'd wipe it from ur dad's asshole
It's easy. Post your hands
Go fuck a china dick bruv
That’s my favorite place to level
God damn it I hate this fucking trend
Rihanna should be executed for making it popular
Everyday I thank God that, despite my impulsivity and poor decisions in the past, I never once got close to getting a tattoo. Everyone I know with one regrets it. I'm not exaggerating.
I would get a tattoo but it would have to be something that's extremely meaningful to me but also isn't cringe or tacky. I have a couple concepts of what I want but I haven't really finalized any designs or locations
no one's mad about that tattoo lol
it looks like shit and everyone is laughing at it becasue someone paid to have this dogshit drawing on them forever in a very visible part
The only mad people were people mirin'

That's a good tattoo and OP is jacked as fuck
>lack the stones to tease someone for their silly tattoos in person
>do it online instead
such many cases.
Hi OP from that thread
The tattoo looks shitty and you're decidedly NOT jacked, your arm has zero vascularity
kek its why gay muzzies lash out and drive through christmas parades
they must have been lacking stones
>covered in shitty tattoos
>feel insecure when browsing /fit/ because everyone says tattoos are trashy
many such cases
that belly button is revolting
Imagine if he becomes a fundamentalist Muslim again and moves back to the Middle East but gets a bad head injury in a car accident and wakes up out of a 5 month coma and his beard is back and he forgets he was ever speaking English in America. He thinks he’s still the same old achmed because he lost his memory and he looks down and sees his balls are missing and starts freaking out
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I need to gain like 20lbs but yeah. I also have my entire back done as well. Next is ribs then hands and neck.
I would cave your head in with a brick just for the glasses alone if I saw you IRL.
tattoos are fine if youre in good shape. if youre fat or especially skinny fat it will have no hope of looking good.

t. covered in garbage scratcher tats and fucked 63 women, OPs mom included
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You have a”Vote for Bernie” sticker on your Prius, don’t you?
Never stop bro, I rely on your posts :D
kill yourself
No such thing. Tattoos are degenerate.
> I once saw a prostitute with like a laurel wreath across her adonis belt to cover her C section scar which was as admittedly pretty hot.
Dude there are plenty of e-whores who have that shit. I didn’t know if it’s c section or liposuction or both. But they just randomly have this huge wide horizontal tattoo between their bellybutton and pussy, usually it’s flowers or some shit
Traditional tattoos are gay as fuck
Talk about every tattoo looking the same
Looks like they were colored in with crayons
Oh yeah nice unique tattoo i think i’ve seen it a million times already
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Derek chauvin with the same tattoo on his knee
u tried
There were christcucks and incels screaming about violating the body, weird theories of physiognomy and saying they'd assault him.
This place is full of crabs from r9k.
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Literally EVERYONE says this and it's incredibly cliche. Just get what you like and stop being a fag about it.
>said the cletus with a trump sticker on his hummer
Post body
So you do? Got it. Makes sense considering you look to be about 5’5 120lbs with a bunch of faggy tattoos
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You are so mad lol
For you information, guy, it's a Tercel.
Kek imagine being this insecure hahahha
Chest tat is way too big, but overall not horrible. If you get bigger, it'll look good
>/fit/ approved tattoos
see the pic i attached
Don't put down prius like that, they are actually great. This fag probably drives something shitty like an elantra or juke.

what gen?
I would love an old hatchback but that is unrealistic
someone spits on your face, do you just shrug it off and murmur a "seething" ?
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>troons out
>kills himself with his last message on twitter
If someone came up to you saying they can't wait for you to kill yourself, says they will assault you and that you're retarded and disgusting, would you not say that they are mad?
I accept your yield, mr dyel :^)
How did he use the that last message to kill himself?
how you gonna fuck this chick without having a moth fetish
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Tattoos always have been and always will be for
Sorry retards, no refunds.
>it's a tribute!
If something is worth remembering, you don't need to put it on your body.
>it's a pussy magnet!
Imagine wanting the kind of sleazy woman who would get or like a tattoo. Disgusting.
>they start a conversation!
Okay. You talked about a doodle, lmao. Get a fucking hobby, maybe you would be able to have a conversation without drawing on yourself permanently.
Tattoos are simply attention seeking. That's why women have them, that's why weak men get them. It's simply pathetic in the best case. Tattoo havers, tattoo wanters, and tattoo defenders are plainly wrong.

This is an ink-free board.
>another tattoo thread
>Still no example of the illusive "good looking tattoo"
The search continues
Sorry doodle fags
>cope, cope and more cope
Geezers, bros, celebs, sportsmen are getting tattoos and getting bitches, having good lives and enjoying themselves. Chuds sit and seethe from their basements, their skin as frail and paper thin from lack of sunlight, as their own ego's.
Womb tattoos are the only acceptable tattoo on a woman but they will soon become the next tramp stamp
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mount rushmore of pseuds
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The one and only
Raging inknigger detected. It sounds like you're having problems reading. This is an ink-free board. If you were truly living life, you wouldn't be taking the time to argue about it. Me, I get paid to take a shit and while I release a big stinky log, I can just tell you how sad you are. Time to wipe, try not to let it get to you.
>not mount pseudmore
shame, you could have a good joke
Tattoo ink is PFAS filled waste product that breaks down into nano particles in your body over time. Mostly lymphatic nodes gather all that trash but nano particles can pass blood-brain barrier, so that old ink probably goes into your brain.

Even a small tattoo is linked to increased rare cancer risk.

There is no good tattoo.
Ty. The whole thing is a work in progress. The leg sleeve will connect to my left rib piece and the chest piece will flow into the neck sleeve. Hopefully it’s all done by 2027.
No one cares about what incels says, funnily enough
>a phd scientist is a pseud because he was deplatformed and license revoked for telling youngmen to clean their roomd and be better
This world is retarded
>calling anybody an incel when you look like >>75611136
top kek, little guy
>could have had a good joke*
There a no links
>long seething, mad rant and tries to feel superior for having a job
Is this how far this place has fallen, where having a job is some major social elevation amongst your fellow incels?
Does your boyfriend like your shitty tattoos?
I can say with 100% certainty he got all those tattoos for women and the only women he fucks are landwhales and blue haired single mothers with half black kids

> Tattoo ink often contains carcinogenic chemicals, e.g., primary aromatic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and metals

> Deposition of tattoo pigment in lymph nodes has been confirmed but the long-term health effects remain unexplored.

> Tattooed individuals had a higher adjusted risk of overall lymphoma
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>hehehe homophobia
>hehehe actually straight but doesn't fuck women that I approve of!!
Can you sound anymore insecure?
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I hope not!
Not American but the new 2024 Prius looks kinda good, no?
No need to defend me, I’m sure it’s harmless banter
I drive a 2014 Civic Si Coupe
So >>75613720 is not me! But you are right, I’m not a tall guy, I’m 179cm
My wife likes them xD
Considering I’m 32 I think my hairline is relatively intact!
>thread is boomers seething about muh cancer muh tattoos
She is a sexy white babe. Showing sexy white boob to world. Tattoo guy saw full boob.
Tattoo gal saw full boob.
Wow lesbien bob artist
>not a single example of a tat that looks good in big dudes
This is why you don't have them
Your tattoo is silly and doesn’t make you cool or interesting. You can’t buy a personality.
Attaining a PhD in pseudoscience makes him the king of the pseuds
You’re right
I'm not superior for having a job retard, I just paid to tell you you're wrong and you're here trying to justify tattoos on an anonymous Sudanese yak herding forum.
>/fit/ approved tattoos
None. Anyone who says anything different is a guaranteed faggot.
i can tell by your frail neck and general victim like look you're a calisthenics faggot
The only good tattoo is one GIVEN to you by your brother in arms or by a crazy tribal shaman with wooden needles and toad dye.
Anything else is gay fag behavior
>b-b-b-but grug 7000 years ago got tattoos for aesthetics
they also ate dog turds and fucked their own sisters, are you really going to look up to those people
18" inch neck, 18 inch calves. Cry more fatboi
You could be a projectonist
You paid, to tell me I'm wrong?
Based, chuds on suicide watch
looks like elementary school doodles
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also mentions in his suicide note that he was in the US illegally. He probably could have gotten refugee status if he'd tried.
every woman has mental illness tho
>/fit/ approved tattoos
no such thing
underrated kek
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So cute <3
Also cute
This just reminded me of so many pictures I saw on Facebook in the late 2000s, I wonder if all those people regret getting their shitty tattoos now lol.
profoundly homosexual
^there you go bud
human shrek lookin ass
If you want a better screencap make it yourself
Mostly unfunny angry faggots in that thread kek
his selfie gives me supermong vibes
I've always liked the aesthetic of simple and tasteful tattoos.
You left out this pic, conveniently >>75611340
It wasn't a funny thread, OP was sure, but it is sad how full of angry crabs and incels fit really is.
Oh no, not the heckin' homophobia!
What are you even doing here, you retarded faggot?

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