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According to Darwin's theory, shouldn't women get as strong as men in like a thousand years because of feminism?
Please read a book
>implying evolution is real
all women are already strong women. you would know this if you were a male feminist, like me
They would, if those traits resulted in a higher than average birth rate
if you havent realised women are good at manipulating men into solving their problems
that would mean not letting the weak breed, which they're already doing.
There's no pussy to be gotten here my dude. You don't need to act for the bros
Only if there's a reason for it that would make it easier for them to reproduce and keep their children safe from constant danger
evolution never happened, mathematically impossible
...that's not feminism Anon.
Jesus Christ you are retarded
play fighting with your husband? That's a red flag.
LARPing strength =/= strength
Natural selection doesn't happen to humans anymore.
Because 90%+ of modern humans reproduce before dying regardless of sexual fitness, every set of genes has enough statistical chance to propagate such that they will never go extinct.
natural selection it still happens, you just have to be mentally handicapped. on this website we call them incels/low functioning autists
>90%+ regardless of sexual fitness
90% of this fucking board doesn't reproduce, take your meds
Yes it should but Darwin is incorrect so that’ll never happen.
Like 20% of humans reproduce in 2000+24 you incel.
Athletic tall men taking a lot ofsteroidds and giving birth to kids at an older age is more likely to give birth to big tall girls

Bros stay natty , maybe only take perma trt roid dose and fuck a young girl young if you want baby boys
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based creationist
>Shouldn't being unfuckable and murdering your children increase your reproductive success?
>demanding special treatment and living life on easy mode will selectively pressure the species to be stronger.

Shut the fuck up. Adults are talking.
Femanon here. My neovagina got so wet reading this comment.
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>shouldn't women get as strong as men in like a thousand years because of feminism?
why would that happen according to darwin's theory?
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How well you understand evolution is a true IQ test. The concept is simple enough to fundamentally understand without specific knowledge, yet the nuances are relatively complex. So many "if evolution is real, then x must be y" type of retarded statements.
>like a thousand years
no absolutely not. We might see that in tens or hundreds of thousands of years, but not one single millennium. We only changed dogs as fast as we did because we had supreme control over their breeding and could deliberately select for traits every generation. Humans actually actively resist physical evolution these days.
>weak individuals aren't allowed to die
The obese, diabetics, addicts, mental health people, tablets, etc. We actively try to keep all of them alive because they are economically valuable.
>women are allowed to control their reproduction
"Decent" girls have tons of sex with genetically fit individuals when they're young, only to reproduce with schlubby safety-net guys once they settle down. Conventionally "good" genes are passed up on for money, which isn't a genetic factor. To top it all off, these women only usually have ~2.5 kids at most. Meanwhile,
>low-quality people reproduce in the dozens
Sheboons, trailer park queens, Cletuses and Tyrones begin having children at 15 and don't stop until they go to prison or die. These women benefit from being weak and feminine in their youth and becoming hideously obese at ~28, so their daughters won't be strong either.

tl;dr: Without forceful intervention, we will never see women that are as strong as men
Almost all women go through life without realizing this until their teens or even 20's. Then they'll try play wrestling, jujisu, grappling etc or just get fucked by a guy who's physical and tosses them around a bit. Instant realization, bit of fear, soaking wet.
kek this
according to evolution incels, women are the superior being since they managed to live on easy mode
This is actually a really interesting question. The answer is no that won’t happen but theoretically yes. I’ll break things down a bit
>feminism /pussification of men
So, there’s plenty of species even mammalians (non apes) where the bitches are stronger than the dudes. Current society has been shunning all forms of masculinity, promoting being a weak man (who then suffers and is hated /mistreated for being weak lmao). While also promoting women doing whatever the fuck they want and defending that and also enabling it and protecting them from any form of accountability. Even going so far as to feed woman delusions such as that they can be stronger than a man or they’re somehow dominant. The reality is very simple. See below
The reality is we both have our natural roles. Women are better than men at caring for children while they’re young, being soft and emotionally intelligent. A woman’s strengths and role and burdens are to play on emotions, carry and bare children, care for those children, be the man’s support/anchor/escape from the world. An example is crying to get her way or not be blamed when she does wrong. Way back when she would have yelled and cried if a rival broke into the cave. This helped (hopefully) make the rival feel guilty and bad while also alerting her man. The man’s strengths and role and burdens are being physically stronger, be the first to die, fight off danger, remaining more composed and level headed, provide food etc.
Wtf why didn’t it post..
>why it COULD but won’t
Society allows it. This world men built is allowing women to get away with trying to be stronger while men are, generation by generation gradually weakened. No true danger to reset things. It stands to reason things will continue until it’s women who truly are stronger. Also usually the strongest most low inhibition high test men tend to die young due to the low inhibition (car wrecks fights drafted and die in war etc).
However shit will hit the fan eventually and things will revert. Like a pink farm pig that escapes the pen and over a few months gains 150lbs grows tusks and a thick coat of bristles, men will return to how men are meant to be and women will (much faster lmao) revert back into suddenly being soft weak feminine things again. Nature will demand it.
If SHTF and all taht survived were weaks, men with tits and low test only good for making more people and masculine incompetent women larping as dudes. It would take 3 generations to go back to normal.
The weaks would most likely kill our species off anyways before that happened. They’d try to be political make it some virtue signal matriarchy bullshit and inevitably we’d go extinct.
If however we made it to just 3 generations, 45-60 years, the 3rd generation would be strong enough (and mentally sound enough..) to force the weaks out and then make a better world.
So it just wouldn’t happen. Boy would grow into normal men and girls into normal women and things would reset before women ever became actually physically stronger. We aren’t hyenas.
>things will revert
the global elite will never allow this to happen. Like you said, guys are getting weaker by the generation, but that's by design. Women won't want to sleep with pussy dudes (or at least not for long), so they'll be available and childless for the sons of rich people. Eventually we're probably going to see a return to harem/concubine culture
Your what
If you take the long view, there has been a many-millenia struggle for power between the warrior-caste and the priest-caste. Recently the merchants have become important too. Technology decreases the relevance of the warrior.
>Technology decreases the relevance of the warrior
So the reason I think everything is so fucking gay vs becoming the numale (priest caste) simping at every turn to be part of the "new" feminized society is because I'm genetically disposed towards that caste?
I'm not even ugly or socially inept. I haven't had problems with women. The second alternative would be easy for me and arguably more profitable in most ways.
I just truly loathe this culture and day dream about different scenarios which usually can in one way or another be distilled down to the archetypal tale of the hero's journey.
Nice marmot
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Yet they don't have the foresight to see how that could backfire on them.
>2 years of and free labor and thousands of dollars
no because it has to be naturally selected for you fucking idiot, that would only happen if weak women were unable to reproduce.
following natural selection, women would become weaker and more feminine because they would in par attract stronger males and have more children
meanwhile r*dditors get vasectomies
According to Darwin's Theory, Homo Feministicus will be extinct within a few centuries because every population that puts a premium on women with advanced educations tanks its birthrates to sub-replacement levels.

You know who Darwin has pegged as winners right now? Homo Amishen and Homo Mormonus. The future belongs to dudes who tune out contemporary maladaptive norms and have 12 kids.
If only the strong ones are able to breed then yeah, but there's not much selective pressure for that. In fact there's very little selective pressure for women at all other than surviving long enough to get pregnant and successfully give birth.
evolution without a fundamental blueprint is mathematically impossible because of chaos theory
it would take trillions of years in attempts at every possible protein combination for each individual celular part
dna is obviously decoding info from an impossibly compressed system of information stored on literal atoms
>According to Darwin's theory
Please anon, elaborate
>because of feminism
Also, that tiktok, how brain dead are these people?
Arent most girls taught when theyre tweens/teenagers that like, any man, after puberty can kill them with his bare hands if he rly wants to, how tf did she just realize this?
I was genuinely surprised when people were taken aback when Megan Rapinoe played soccer against some 14 year old dudes and lost
I was like wtf
Ofc, they are bigger and stronger than she is
Wtf did they think was going to happen?
It's a weird mix of "Any man can and WILL rape/kill you!" and "you are STRONG, POWERFUL and can DO ANYTHING" that leaves this vague sense that they should be worried about men but the idea that they can fight off a gang of dudes if they really try.
There was this chick at muay thai today. Weighed maybe 50kg sopping wet. Kicks similar speed to Jonathan haggerty though. Fucking quick.

That said, I'm 6'4 and 90kg. I'm confident i could eat one of those kicks on the way in and easily take her down purely with weight.
This is so sad. All that time, energy and money could have been dedicated to lifting
>Because 90%+ of modern humans reproduce
What? Maybe back in year 2000 this might have been the case. In 2020s something like 50% of at least European stock people don't reproduce. Men might get a chance after turning 40yo, women not that much or they might just barely fertilize their last egg in a laboratory to get a single child.

The 50% of people who reproduce, let's still compare to European stock and leave out browns from this. The people who reproduce are genuinely religious people with mid to even high IQ or the 80IQ sociopath people who don't give a shit or who at least don't have any career prospects so they don't miss out on anything pushing 5 children while being on gibs their whole lives.

So the natural selection we will see is we will have really religious and probably racist people (the non-racist ones will more easily have mixed babies) and then we will have people who if not outright evil, will have little to no capacities to plan ahead on anything because they have been on government gibs for 3 generations and both their genes and upbringing represent that.

So all the normal mid range average European people will not breed because reasons. Of course there are possibilities that complete idiot 80IQ sociopath parents (in a single motherhood household) will produce a genius or that the genes will even out, but the chances are slimmer.
She fuck a china dick kek
As an indian guy im jealous
this cannot be real
It's nice to see more saar is jealous about not getting china dick.
She’s old. They were in an open relationship. She has fake booba.
She’s not even a real redhead.
What’s her appeal?
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It's God's intention for women to be the weaker sex.
Unironocally true.
>women get as strong as men
Yes but it will happen because men no longer need strength to survive. Not because of natural selection either, you're literally programming your DNA throughout your life to create traits for the next generations, and it's such a complex program that it knows your lifting at the gym is fake. Your son will be weaker than you because of what you programmed into your DNA and because his upbringing will require less strength. The only way around it is to live a life where you actually NEED strength for survival.
Women only have rights because men are nice enough to allow it. Think about it, let's say we revoke all women's rights today. What the fuck they gonna do?
Evolution promotes traits which increase birth rate. 'Strong an brave' in women is inversely correlated to birth rate, thus the current crop of these are, quite literally, going the way of the dodo.
Natural selection works _always_.
Pound for pound women can be just as strong as men.
>There was this chick at muay thai today. Weighed maybe 50kg sopping wet. Kicks similar speed to Jonathan haggerty though. Fucking quick.
We will soon hear of her championship, right? Liar.
>God's intention
Simp for retards.
Evolution is a certainty in a system with rules.
Idk. I'm not worried about it. I've got bigger fish to fry. I'm testing out some ideas about manlets getting as strong as men.
No. Women have lesser proportion of muscle to overall body mass. Maybe if you equalised over bf% it would make sense, but I'm not certain.
Either way, men's implicit disregard of their well being in order to get shit done would dominate regardless.
no it can never happen because we have a difference in nature, this is what is hard for people to understand, you can have small adaptations but a men will never transform into a gorilla thats just retarded same applies for difference between a men and a women on average
>What is bone density
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this, if anything we are slowly but surely evolving backwards and we'll eventually end up looking like pic related but brown
You will never be a *real* woman. :^)
>Women are better than men at caring for children
Didn't bother reading the rest of your post
Feminism is failing because of evolution, the more feminist a society is, the less it reproduces.
How could homo erectus procreate when he only got gay boners
Well, if humans were a solitary species then yes, weak femoids would get killed and only the strong ones would be selected. Unfortunately though, men (simps) will stay around and protect them so even weak females can still pass on their genes easily.
>mathematically impossible
So God did it
>God did it
I mean, you could argue he set it all in motion but when it comes to selecting dog breeds I think that’s a short term example of evolution that Humans are able to manipulate themselves. We are gods according to the Bible after all, so it would make sense that we have that sort of authority and power in this life. Though I don’t think most people would say God has any hand now in how Humanity develops physically, only we do and we’re terrible judges looking at how globally we are more unfit and unhealthy than ever before despite all of our knowledge.

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