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Women with big asses can twerk to stay warm?? Every day I am in awe of the human body
Doing weighted dips I always get mires. I don't think it's anything special, it's BW + 25 Kg dips, so just a bit above lmao1pl8. I fucking love dips bros, they are so fun.
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had a fling with a japanese girl in tokyo, i miss her dearly
Fucked this girl today. She been miring my body according to her friend but afterwards she only commented on my cardio. Cycling is paying off big time finally
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Can you please post webms 1-4 an maybe more?
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Why grandma mad dogging bro for hugging his daughter?
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granny is a whore
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Please respond wtf?
saaaars post the webms
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gimme butts (in gymwear)
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>cheating leggins
>all for a merely passable ass
Do mires from ex gf matters? She came back from her phd studies and she told me that my hair looks amazing and it's rare to find such a hairline in 2024
I'm a fucking autistic sperg shut-in. am I mire-able? 2023-2024 photos are about a year apart
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One time, a girl looked at me and I caught her looking, she totally wanted it.

Another time, a girl looked at me and I caught her in the mirror looking, she also wanted it.

Also another time…
Got a bbw mire last night lads
>hitting some leg extensions
>5” inseam shorts, quads are popping out
>notice a really thick bbw standing near the machine I’m using
>not normally into big girls but this girls ass and tits were literally insane
>go up to her
>use my classic opener
>hey, I know you from somewhere, aren’t you dating Chris?
>you might have me confused, I’m not dating anyone right now
>oh my bad, either way I’ve seen you around here a few times and you’re looking great
>oh thanks, you’re looking good as well
>anyways, are you waiting for this machine? Do you want to work in?
>she works in with me, keep chatting her up about school and Christmas and basic shit
>she’s watching me do my set
>wow anon you have really big legs
>at first I was just flirting for fun but I’m starting to get really horny at this point
>hey we should get a workout in together
>she’s down, get her # and snap and head off to my next exercise
>snapchat her a bit after, she’s showing heavy cleavage
Fuck bros I didn’t want to be plapper but all I can think about is pumping into her. I’m gonna try and fuck her for sure
Impressive transformation fren. Looking good. If you want mires and/or find a partner you have to leave the house though.
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>sitting down waiting for the bus to arrive
>went to the gym earlier and still some pump
>playing with my phone to kill time
>out of the corner of my eye see a set of completely naked legs walking up to me, not even shoes on
>look up
>some crack head woman wearing nothing but underwear sits down next to me and starts eye fucking me
>get up and walk away swearing
/fit/ did not prepare me for this kind of mire. What the fuck, bros.
Crazy bitch fuck china dick
I get a lot of mires
on point
You look so much better dude. Keep it up. Big masculine jaw, good stubble, nice eyes. Would mire/10

>Pair of slutty dressed gym thots working out
>We end up back and forth following each other around the gym as we change lifts
>pause my music for a sec and hear them saying "He's something else" and giggling
>Unsure if they meant that in a good or bad way
Choosing to take it as a mire because fuck being negative
>BW + 25 Kg
what kind of DYEL gym cares about this
They were definitely miring bro congrats
Most people can't even BW dip
They hate seeing men happy.
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I don't believe you. I can't remember a time in my life when I couldn't do 10 full ROM bodyweight dips, including before I started working out.
Not the guy you replied to.
>I don't believe you.
You don't have to. I've seen many people only being able to dip because they use momentum and bad form. Lots use machine assistance, even. Few people can do them with proper form in a controlled manner
What's your bw anon?
wtf I'm pretty sure I'm in one of these webms
[spoiler] Nice ass [/spoiler]
I don’t believe that, I could do 7-8 BW dips when I was a 190lb untrained fatfuck
>t. 5’10
NTA but I could do it since I was like 260lbs, I think it comes naturally to people who bathed a lot growing up: climbing out the tub in a dip-like motion, perhaps.
i want to be the size of a lego figure and get shoved up a girls ass while she works out.
whats with all the voyeur fags lately? is it the influx of indians and they know the women they film are disgusted by them
Highschooler at my work said I had "The Flash build." Felt nice especially since I've been on a huge weight loss journey (lost 40lbs. in 3 months) and finally look somewhat decent.
>doing hand stand pushups in stretching room by self
>shirt falls up wards exposing my abs
>front desk girl walks in, pauses and I catch her staring
>she leaves
>finish work out
>as I’m walking she waves and says good bye
this adds up. most people can't do a single pushup and dips are basically a harder version to push ups
not the way you think, anon
i think i went to one of these fitness conventions where every woman is in full-on sloot gymwear ttire
>>use my classic opener
>>hey, I know you from somewhere, aren’t you dating Chris?

does this work?
>it's rare to find such a hairline
Do not go back. She rode the cock carousel.
No, anon
>old lady at work says good morning
>she said i look way more swole lately (not this exact words)
Same day
>coworkers from the other department are tasked to load some shit into a van
>we are all office workers
>they spend workdays eating cookies, candy, sugary drinks and sugar coffee
>always talking about getting into gym but they never do, they just either laugh it off or starve themselves
>see them pushing cart around carrying shit thats not even heavier than the cart, huffing and sweating
>i ask them if they need help
>tall, and borderline anorexic single mom who feeds herself out of fried cheese and chicken nuggets quickly asks me to carry the heaviest things directly
>pick up "heavy" box
>its not even 20kg, i literally could throw it easily to someones head at mid distance
>carry 3 "heavy boxes" to the van, no mouth breathing required
>homosexual feminine stupid faggot male from that department mutters "come on anon, make that gym count"
>gay faggot tries to pick up "heavy box"
>he gets insta gassed but manages to do it just out of not being laughed at
>watch them load van
>they arent able to sustain repetitions of picking shit and tetris it into the van
>have to help them several times
>boss is there, enjoying the view, shes into fitness too and shes laughing the hole time
>fags leave and dont even say thank you to me
>female boss says the most deep hearted "good job anon"
These fags and women are always joking about health and diets, and they saw the devil in his eyes that day. They are high studied people with superiority complex and i proved i can bruteforce my way into anything, several times, for years, being it strenght or ability wise. Im unmoggable. Im necessary. I made myself unexpendable. Im a man in a world of fags and women. I made them all my bitches. They are all scared of me.
You seem like a loving person with a good and healthy view of the members of your community
I choose who im going to be nice to. Im not stupid, i dont slave for nothing in return, and i help who can benefit me. Its a work environment, you need to make allies to fight your enemies. People ive chosen, values me and does anything for me. Basic bitch becky who acts like gods gift doesnt get shit from me because she contributes nothing to my work. Learn2social, anon.
a tall lanklet complimented me when i was doing 5pl8 diddlies (i'm a pretty small guy)

that's about all in 5 years of training
Yes, anon, that's right. I'm socially incapable, that's it.
After looks 1000x better. I wish I had hair like that man. Good jaw line
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As OP also says mires we gave

> know a guy from the gym
> talks to everyone
> needs to workout more but it's okay because he makes everyone a bit happier by having a chat

> notice he never does any free weight compounds
> ask him to spot me one day when I'm lifting light
> he seems suddenly interested in benching and asks me to spot him while he gives it a go
> chatty brah wobbles all over the place but gets the hang of it

" come on man you can do it, great form, great strength"

> encourage him on every lift and coach him to not lift like a tard

" Wow anon I never had the confidence to do that before. I really appreciate you spotting me. I'm gonna start doing this more often, dya mind spotting me when you're around?"

> catch him smiling to himself for the rest of the gym session
So how was he at giving head?
go be a jew somewhere else
Where'd you meet her?
Movie name: Two legends in a gym
This is amazing and how it should be, more often.
anyone else do terrible on dating apps but good irl? like i get 4/10’s liking me and only match with alt/fat bitches when i decide to be less picky, it’s infuriating.

meanwhile irl i get attention and mires from (hot) women and they react really well to my flirting. i’ve been told numerous times i have this certain look (which they can never elaborate on) and that i give off mysterious vibes. i guess it doesn’t translate to pictures, but it fucking sucks because an app would be so much easier i see so many qt’s on there
> be me way back then
> mildly athletic in high school but not really much to speak of
> after college I lifted maybe once every couple weeks and spun my wheels
> fast forward, become a married 31 year old dad of two
> starting to become pretty skinnyfat
> “I gotta fix this, I don’t wanna be fat”
> unironically read the sticky on /fit/
> start counting macros and calories, 500 cal deficit
> start doing PPL 3-6 times per week
> start seeing results within a month
> male coworker says “wow anon, you look pretty good”
> keep going
> one year later
> at work retreat, whole company is there
> take my shirt off at the hot tub with 20+ coworkers present
> “holy shit anon, you’re jacked”
> “anon are you taking steroids”
> “anon, remember earlier at the hottub? Coworker and I were secretly talking about how fit you look, good job”
So fucking worth it. I mog all my coworkers, all my wife’s friends’ husbands, and I’m currently at 15% body fat and planning to get down to at least 12%.
Most of the mires have been from men, which I don’t care for as much, but at least people are noticing. Feels good /fit/bros. I’m planning to lose a little more fat, then start doing a slow bulk, and then cut again to get shredded for next year’s company retreat.
bumble, we meetup in nakano
>Most of the mires have been from men, which I don’t care for as much, but at least people are noticing.
don't care
tell me about the wife and kids mires
that's the good stuff
Dating apps are pretty honked, pretty much every man’s perceived value is lowered on there. Times are tough
The app/phone pictures can't contain us bro. It's like looking at a picture of the grand canyon vs actually being there. We radiate light that cannot be picked up by the phone. You gotta take it all in at once. The majesty. The prestige.

The dating apps can't show what we truly are, which is an experience.
>teenager at the zoo: "damn dude, you're jacked"
>wife tells me that her (married) sister compares me to Reacher and Thor
>changing partners in sparring at MMA, the woman I pair with drops her jaw and stares up at me for a few seconds
>changing partners for no-gi BJJ, the guy I'm approaching sees me and says "goddamnit. alright, get over here you Jack Reacher-looking motherfucker"
>changing partners in MMA, the guy I pair with says "damn dude, why are you so big?"
>woman tells me I look like Thor and Benedict Cumberbatch had a baby
>walking outside in a tank top with my daughter, a kid on a bench with his dad says "daddy, he looks strong."
>walking out of the gym with my earbuds in but turned off. pass 2 young women and 1 says to the other "he looks cute" - makes me wonder what I'm missing with headphones in all the time
>after walking around a crowded downtown at night, my wife asks me if I get the impression that people look at me a lot. I say not really (honestly), and she said that guys were double-taking a lot
>walking into the gym, a woman leaving yoga stops me and says I have fantastic hair (I have since cut it short, shoulder-length was a hassle to take care of)
>my 2yr old daughter calls me Buzz (her favorite media character)
>anyone else do terrible on dating apps but good irl?
I was around for the tail-end of the golden age of dating apps, as well as when they went downhill, and I can tell you it became far far harder for guys to get laid using them over the years. During this time I was becoming more attractive in every conceivable way (income, bodyfat, muscle mass, job, education, etc), so I'm sure it wasn't me. I shudder to think how bad it is now.
>>my 2yr old daughter calls me Buzz
I am whatever is the strongest/biggest character they see at the time
>They see Thor, King Triton, Hercules, Gaston, Larry the Lobster
>That's daddy!
Best mire of all.
Disgusting, yuck, this is so fucking gay. Liking women is gay. I wanna fuck with men, i want to fuck with guys. Cocks. Women are disgusting and gay.
Low stakes opener that lets you know if she’s single
Wedgies are uncomfortable, yet women voluntarily run around in essentially permanent wedgie mode.
fuck being negative seems kind of negative
I was hanging with some friends I haven't seen in like 3 weeks and one friend says I'm getting swole.
>go to bestman's birthday party
>other bestman
"Looking hot Anon"
>another guy friend
"Anon... you got big!"
>another guy friend
"Damn Anon, you're buff"
>some male acquintance
"Last time I saw you you weren't that big, Anon"
>female friend looks me up and down, averts gaze right away
>at some point I talk about how I've been cutting on booze almost 100%; friend's wife says
"Yeah I tell Anon to lower booze as well, he would look better if he did, more muscular and all" (mimics biceps flex and quickly glances at my arms)

I don't feel DYEL among normies at all.
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>Unsure if they meant that in a good or bad way
always assume it's positive. Always
I never take photos so yeah i have no chance online. Never even managed to set up a date.
Never had a problem irl tho.
>On train
>Older couple sitting nearby with their grandchildren
>One of the kids asks “what’s that man?” referring to me
>Grandad says “he’s a man on the train, just like us”
>Then “He’s a handsome man”
>Then the Grandmother says “yes, he’s very fit, very muscular”

Another one
>Visiting family
>Sister says “omg your calves are so big”
>How did you get them like that
>Later we’re walking and she says to my dad “his calves are bigger than my thighs”
Do you know how many fat guys go to the gym and claim to be power lifters? It's at least 60% of my gym. Fat bald guys that only care about muh strength because they can't go one week without drinking a case of shit beer.
I never know what to say to girls in person. I always feel like I'm bothering them or misreading the situation, so I never say anything to avoid making an awkward situation. Any advice bros?
It usually doesn’t matter too much what you say; most of the time, the woman has already made her mind up before you say anything, and will either be receptive or be a cunt regardless of what you say.

That said, easy go-to things are e.g. complimenting her on her appearance, hair, shoes, sweater, etc., ask where she’s from, where she’s travelled, what she likes doing, what she thinks of the food where you live, what kind of food she likes, if she has siblings or cousins, the list goes on. More importantly is that you practice and get good at making conversations flow naturally by asking follow-up questions or interjecting with your own stories.
I hate asking people questions like I'm interviewing them
desu I don't even really give a shit and I just feel like I'm bothering them
then again I have no friends
grow out your hair and get as shredded as possible. fuck gains, just get as close to 10% bodyfat as soon as possible
But videogame jiggle physics are unrealistic, right
>old woman
>old latina woman
3 for 3 anon thats why. remember, disregard females acquire gains.
That’s where my last point about practicing and generally becoming a better conversationalist. The interview-style questions are basically just there as prompts because you are (or at least I am) too much of a sperg to talk to people without them.
This completely. IF she's into you then you can say whatever or ask whatever and she'll fill the air with anything. I didn't think it was true till it happened to me.
>in the gym just doing my shit when I notice a new girl bumbling around
>very cute but what I was actually interested in was her shoes, they were pretty cool I thought (like glitter vans)
>coincidently we both go to the water fountain at the same time
>we both lock eyes, smile and I just say "hey cool shoes.'
>20 mins later she's STILL fucking talking to me about literally nothing
>find out she's just in town for a few days as she's with her family and they're doing a roadtrip, she got a day pass
>ask her if she wants to actually do something so she's not bored with her family and I'd show her around
>she says sure
>pick her up , she told her parents we were high school classmates and it was a super coincidence we met up
>5 mins after picking her up fucking her roadtripping insides at my place
The biggest thing I remember about her was I took her to get Mcdonalds and she got a legit kids happy meal and told me she had a goal to eat a Mcdonalds in every state.

>catcpha ng0gr
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A guy with his girlfriend mired my Isle of Mann helmet at the checkout, told me he liked the triskelion design
in japan I think
>The biggest thing I remember about her was I took her to get Mcdonalds and she got a legit kids happy meal and

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>feel like Im interviewing them
>feel like I'm bothering them
That's projection. Your feelings aren't actual reality, you have no idea if they're bothered by you. By the way they respond (interested or short and dismissive) and if they keep responding, that's how you know they're bothering you. Don't cut yourself short before you've even made the attempt. People suffer most in their own imagination, I guarantee people don't see you as negative as you think
>traveling with family
>gets a Happy meal
>falls in love with the first guy with a car
Did you fuck a high schooler Anon? Nobody that I know travels with their parents after 16

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