thoughts on these? will they help reduce joint injury?
they'll weaken your wrists over time.
>>75608206if you have to ask, you dont need them. build your grip strength
>>75608206If you have joint injuries, you're lifting too often and/or too hard. I used to deadlift 3x a week and my knees were dying. I reduced it to 2x a week and they were still dying. Then 1x a week, and now my knees are fine.
>>75608206They’re great at the end of a high volume workout or if you end up compressing a nerve in your forearm. I use them to save my grip for work.
>>75608206My sister got these as a present for Christmas. Don't use it unless you're a woman or a fag
They are meant to target muscles that need more weight/reps than your grip can handle. Also to keep you going between splits throughout the week.For example, you do arms and grip day 1. But have more splits that involve grip the other days. So to not ruin your recovery, these help out.Strengthen your wrists with other exercises if that is the issue.
>>75608459well I'm blasting roids so my muscles can lift more than my joints
>>75608564I would use these for sets heavier than natural human capability if I were blasting roids. If I needed them for sets natural men can lift freehand I would start over natty until I became a real man and then start roiding.
>>75608206I use them for deadhangs because y'know the whole point is decompression.Ain't helping shit if I'm just further fucking up my elbow tendon by death clenching.For lifting though?Jeez dude if your grip that weak you probably need to focus on other things.
>>75608206They are fine, if you enjoy butt sex with other men
>>75608206Pretty much mandatory after a certain point for hitting deadlift volume without fucking up your hands and thus fucking up the rest of your training. PRetty much every strong deadlifter uses straps for volume work.
>>75608206Why OP? So you can give your boyfriend softer handjobs?
>>75608793>retard that can't hold himself onto a bar gives lifting advicestop posting about lifting
at what point do straps become acceptable assuming you do other lifts that work grip? I want to put it off for as long as I can but I know eventually you need to start using them if you actually want to make lower body gains and not be limited by your grip
>>75608206learn how to hook grip dumbass
>>75609027always. stop reading social media or caring what retards think or say. If you're doing lat pull downs (back exercise) and your grip is failing you before your back days, you're only hurting yourself by not using straps.
>>75608951Victim weight.
>>75608206What size dumbells you use? If they aren't massive and you don't have wrist joint issues then ypmou're missing out on forearm size and strength gains.
>>75608793Yeah... that and grip strengthChrist, how fat are you?
>>75608206You didn't lift the weight
>>75608206they are awesome if you want to try them and they work as good as straps. ignore the children itt also why are they so obsessed with being gay?
>>75609511Well your MOM says my COCK is pretty FAT.
faggots itt act like these are the worst thing in the world, but wear a belt when they bench press and wear 300 dollar "gym shoes"
>>75609484I am 200lbs with a +110lbs weighted pull-up. So now you have two choices;>admit that you are 300lbs+ death fat>admit to being a faggot>all of the above (most likely)Straps are useful for very many things, hanging on to a fucking bar is not one of them
>>75608206those are the gayest things I have ever seen in this board
You are basically only as strong as your grip naturally allows you to be and you are more likely to get injured if you try to get around it too much. If your wrists get achy when doing bench or oph or similar movements, then you have to adjust the technique. Also if you want better forearms and wrist health in general, set up a bucket of rice and follow along a youtube rice bucket routine of your choice. It includes not just making fist or rolling, it also includes opening your wrists which is good.
>>75608206Normal straps (padded) are all you need. Also you can put them on loosely so you're still doing most of the gripping
>>75610635What about using gym chalk. It doesn't improve your max strength but it improves the available strength by eliminating the barbell potentially spinning in your hands and sweat. Less time to setup also.
>>75609511>>75608951>why yes I weight 130lbs how could you tell
>>75610668Kek doesn't everyone use this? I went to a public gym once and I couldn't even bench press, the bar was so greasy my hands just slipped sideways. At my home gym I never even touch a bar without having chalked hands so they're not greased up
>>75610683In some gyms you are not allowed to use it and it might not be mandatory to any movement but it does help with deadlift. And pressing movements too because the bar can have your or someone else's sweat or grease or whatever, and if you press anything overhead it can give you confidence too.
>>75610672read the reply chain, fatty
>>75610779I’ll rape your twink ass and make you call me daddy.
>>75610732Use it anyway, pocket chalk. People touch their greasy faces and then the bar and they just get them covered in grease
>>75608206>I've got weak pussy handsIf you can't lift the weight you literally shouldn't be using it. Your body has built in failsafes to keep you from wrecking yourself, golgi tendon organs, and they run throughout your whole fucking body. Even in the tendons of your fingers.
>>75608206i got some because I fractured my radius and grip strength on my left arm i fucked but I still don't really use them because I'm trying to build it back up... But if I am going to do some forearm exercises and i want to really focus on form/hitting back i will throw them on
>>75610683Yeah literally this, or shitty commercial bars with no knurling. Sucks trying to OHP or bench with those bars, deadlift aside. I use liquid chalk.
>>75612072Also, is there a version of this for push exercises? My dumbbell bench and shoulder press form gets fucked because of my injury. I am targeting forearm to hopefully get strength back so I can even out but in the meantime the lack of strength/pain from the break is causing some weird issues and limiting me quite a bit. I'm learning that machines are my friend because they have a fixed path but I would still like to do dumbbell work.
>>75612086Yeah, wrist wraps.
>>75612137i want like a full brace with a shelf to set the weight on
I need them for hanging leg raisest. griplet
>>75609484wouldn't being fat make you more of a victim?>worse cardio so you can't run as far as other people or last as long in a fight>more likely to get injured just by standing up or trying to walk up stairs>can't pull your own bodyweight up an elevated surface>more plappable, encouraging rapists to target you>weak looking, encouraging bullies to target you>people assume you're undisciplined, meaning fewer career and business opportunities, meaning you're more likely to be in poverty and around desperate and or crazy people who are looking to hit an easy lick>fat fingers have more trouble fitting into a trigger guard or otherwise operating a firearm >being fat makes you breathe more loudly, alerting predators if you're trying to hide from them>more likely to have sleep apnea, which makes it easier for people to suffocate you in your sleep, and means you have less energy for fight or flight during your waking hours>in a survival situation where there is no food and there's a risk of starvation, instead of drawing straws to sacrifice a person to feed the group, they will just pick you because you have the most fat on your bodythe list goes on.