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>took a week off lifting
>come back
>bench press goes up 5kg
He was right...
thanks for sharing
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>took a week off lifting
>arms got soft again
I’m having a mini all in phase and I’m going to the gym two weeks straight hitting pr’s. I have little pains here and there but nothing serious. Will this fuck me up long term? I just got addicted to the results and I’m having some time off work and sleeping long hours. Has anyone done it?
It always happens to me as well but it's just because you and me don't plan for deloads, so when it happens on accident you get the gains from it. His frequency recommendations are absurdly low for natties and for hypetrophy.
He worked out 20 minutes and spent the rest of his day reading muscle mags and philosophy. He knew his shit. People use his (based) met stage or his end of life shit to try to say he never knew anything but at his peak he was paid like $750k per year for his articles, that was a lot of money back then
I did 1000 days in a row once, it probably was overdoing it but my fitness and strength was pretty insane. Personal life and career not so much
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>Hallo, Mikey
>Can you hear me Mikey?
>Your belly looks fat.
>Did you hear me Mikey? You trained your abs too much.
>I'm just trying to help you
>Whatever you do, don't become an alcoholic and give up after one loss. I'm not competing next year so you will have a chance against Zane and Platz.
>Mikey, can you hear me?
both weren't much compared to today really, it's amazing how far drugs have gone.
Look at Mikes shorts compared to Arnies tho kek, also Mike was 5'7 and barely shorter than Arnie there wtf
Fucking nothing now yeah
post yfw "heavy duty" simply states to stress the muscle sufficiently to trigger growth then provide ample rest and recovery to repair the damage and then adapt with growth

literally the most scientific approach and 100% correct everything else is simply experimenting to find the quickest most effective stimulus (one all out set, as the ideal) and the most effective rest period extended until gains were made through trial and error
its unironically the reverse for me
tfw my body wants to be dyel
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We've always known this, deep down
Yeah I think the basic principles are totally sound
The problem was that everyone on both sides of the debate are keen to take it to extremes
Anti-mentzer guys are like "yeah bro just do one set every three weeks, it'll totally work"
The principle of
>put maximal growth stimulus on target muscles
>rest until supercompensated
Means finding out how to do that FOR YOU, and since individuals vary in recovery capacity etc., there is no optimal magic number, it requires experimentation and feeling and effort
But everyone would rather just talk shit
I'm wondering if you're going to use this newfound knowledge to improve your gains or thwart them. Every once in a while I see somebody who's training with a bit of volume and they take something like a week off the gym and they come back stronger and then they get it into their head that Mike Mentzer's ridiculously low volume routine is the secret and then they don't make any gains.
You're probably training with like 10 or 20% too much volume, not 80%. Don't start training 30 minutes twice a week because you're just taking things too far in the other direction.
original arthur jones / mike mentzer routine was to workout full-body, 3x a week.

not much different from how people train today desu
The last set of every lift in Starting Strength is implicitly to failure - you try to make 3x5 but often you'll only get 3 or 4 in the last set and fail, then when you do make the 5th you haven't failed so you can go up and repeat again
Bill Starr's pre-SS 5x5 was more explicit, because it was 5 ramping sets, where only the final set was at the top weight, so it was obviously the one main set that really mattered, and the other sets were really just warmups for it
>put maximal growth stimulus on muscle
>without overdoing the stress and needing too much recovery or risking injury
>start at 1 set because that's the lowest you possibly can, try it, and experiment
>if/when 1 set turns out to not be enough, up volume, perhaps by adding extras like rest-pause or dropsets
It's pretty simple and nobody can say it doesn't make sense
is two rest days a week enough, bros?
Training in dragonball is the opposite of what Mike preached. They train all day every day without any rest days. It's closer traditional Asian martial philosophy, which makes sense since dragonball was inspired by Chinese kung fu movies.
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> train for 6 months eat a shit ton of protein
> bench goes down

rope when ?
Imagine if Mike knew about sensou beans
Real. I started doing full body every 5 days and I'm lifting more than ever
i actually do this regularly every 4-6 weeks or so, take like 1-2 weeks off and then come back in

but i've also been on "trt" for 5 years
I think the biggest problem with Mentzers ideas is not that they are wrong, they are objectively correct.
The problem is most people just aren't capable of going to true failure in a set, and most people dont actually know what failure is, they mentally fail before they physically fail.
what kinda "man" needs his testosterone replaced kek
How do you actually reach failure? How do you know you've reached it?

Yesterday I was benching and my arms could not push the bar any further, so I had to dump weights on one side. Was that true muscular failure?
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"need"? kek
Mentzer's idea failure is not just being unable to complete a rep, it's being unable to even safely control the weight on the way down. It requires a spotter or drop sets to go beyond the first failure to complete the concentric.
also Mike's idea of warm-up sets were clearly heavy enough to be considered working sets for most people so the whole "1 set" theory is kind of fucked considering that
>bringing up starting shit in 2024 almost 2025
shaking my fucking head
No they weren't it was 1 set about 25% and one about 60%
True failure is hard to attain and as another anon said it's usually achieved with help.
If I held a gun to your head and threatened to blow your brains out you probably could've mustered the strength to finish that rep, true failure is where you literally physically cannot.
It's pretty easy to do when you only have one set, no reason to hold back
That’s called a deload, and they’re scheduled in every program
It's a perfectly adequate program for beginners and it's better than the science lifting with cable lifts because it teaches noobs the most fundamental aspect; intensity and grinding progressions over time on no bullshit lifts.
You may now continue to seethe at this indisputable fact.
>only my meme program made by a fat guy in the 90's has progression
lol. you're in a cult

Maybe he's thinking of Dorian Yates, but even if he is that's not particularly true. Doing a set of eight reps with three plates on incline bench press before going to failure with four plates for like six or seven reps, that's a middling level of difficulty with the 3 plates cmon
I liked that out of all the body builders, he was very active in interacting with his audience. Haha, he would even like shill certain PEDs to them.
I do one set exercises and take a week off every month, it's been the best fucking routine I've ever done. Plateaus don't last long and the gains come easy. 10shitters got tricked into wasting tons of their precious time. I'm super productive during that week I don't have to worry about lifting too.
Skipping the gym entirely for a week is not a good idea. If you need to reload, still do your workout but with like 50% the intensity. You should stimulate your muscle on a regular basis even if you don't go all out. Never normalize the idea of not going to the gym.
All that does is blow out your nervous system. Gains come from recovering from the damage you do to the muscle, which isn't related to how much you blast your CNS trying to get it to contract.
>If you need to reload, still do your workout but with like 50% the intensity.
That's right. You gotta make sure to simultaneously avoid making gains while also avoiding recovery.
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>Take a week off lifting
>Gym twink caught AIDS
that fucking traitor
This is always the case for me. I don't get how people can feel stronger after a week, if I don't lift consistently, I feel weak as fuck.
So how much do you bench?
dont actual stats repeatedly show that training to complete failure has almost the same gains as training 1-3 reps away from total failure?
ive never once seen data on the contrary(that total failure has any noticeable benefits)
The benefit is that people don't train nearly hard enough if they don't go to failure often. You have to push your limits to know them.
he's a metznigger so less than a plate

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