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/fit/ - Fitness

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Is collagen supplement worth taking?
noticed 0 difference except acne that appeared as soon as i started taking tjvjtg that shit
If more people start taking this dhit then it’s only gonna get more expensive so I’ll say no.
I saw they have it in Lidl for 7 euro. It was sold out and even put up a sign saying they are working on restocking it. Shit must be in demand. I'll try it if I see it again.
>Shit must be in demand
Artificial demand created by shills like OP just like the pajeet ashwagandha farmers of last year
Acne is a hormonal problem like bald. Of course collagen won't help you.
didn’t do anything for me in 6 months except made my nails nicer. skin and face didnt change. get on tret if you want to save your skin
1. depends on age.
Collagen is the first limiting amino acid which is why it's conditionally essential.
As we age we digest less collagen, which compounds stomach issues, which compounds digesting less collagen.
2. 6 months is not enough time if you're collagen deficient.
You'd see improvement to the things, but tendons/joints take years to recover.

Hell using your own treatment plan
takes 9 months, each layer of skin takes three months to develop. So literally you were missing an entire 3 months of supplementation to really start noticing anything.
I’m convinced it’s the reason I haven’t lost my hair while my younger brothers and cousins on my mom’s side all have
If you want your hair to stop thinning, cut caffeine
Caffeine impedes collagen synthesis
If you're actually, legitimately high testosterone, that will counter caffeine s negative effects tho
Only thing I noticed on it was that my nails got way stiffer, and my hair grew way faster. I went from shaving my neck every 3 days to shaving it every day
Do beef broth powder instead. You get the collagens but also protein.
Why so many people reccomend adding collagen to your morning coffee?
It makes your skin a bit more supple at the expense of your hair and nails growing at an annoying rate, and gives you runaway hairs. I have to clip my nails weekly and hair every 2 weeks. I'll also get random hairs thay grow in places hairs aren't supposed to grow, and they grow unlimited. I'll pull a 2" hair off my ear that I didn't notice for weeks, or one off the middle of my neck, a random eyebrow hair once grew to like 3". I guess the body is just looking for something to do with all the excessive collagen.

It didn't help with joints at all and I actually do have several joint pain areas, especially my finger which I recently broke. Not helping it heal because it's been swollen and can't do full ROM for over 2 months. If you're gonna take it for skin, I recommend just using a topical collagen so you're not having to deal with the runaway hairs and having to cut hair/nails so often. Or taking it once a week, it's the new fitness fad diet to take excessive amounts of collagen but you already make it from protein. To get the benefits without the downsides just take a small amount, but it isn't going to do shit for your joints even if you megadose it in my experience. You can also just eat chicken skin, sardines with skin, the skin around eggs under the shell (best source), or bone broth. Those are all very high sources of collagen without having to worry about taking Chinese drywall dust thinking it's a legit supplement.
Collagen has 0 effect on nails and hair. That is called keratin.
Go Ray Peat mode and just have gelatin with everything instead
I bought a decent one for 30 bucks.
instantly noticed a difference after just a couple days.
ymmv, if you are like 20 you probably wont notice much. id say its worth taking 22+ onwards to delay decay
>depends on age
>6 months is not enough
i noticed improvements after just days. more smooth skin on arms, legs, knees, elbows. also my nails grow way faster
There was a good thread on /pol/ a couple weeks back, anons talking about quercetin, coq10, nac, collegen peptides over powder (collegen powder is destroyed by stomach acids etc). Buytarine etc.
collagen peptides come in powder form
You're probably getting enough collagen if you're eating real food most of the time at most meals. Body builders are probably the only non-vegans who don't eat like trash who'll run into these issues because they'll do something stupid like eat too lean only focusing on muscle meats without skin or connective tissue, or worse get the majority of their protein through suppliments. Just eat like an adult and actually track that stuff.
Is 820 total test and average free test considered "high test" here or is free test what matters?
Free test is all that really matters in terms of what your body can actually use for muscle building purposes.
Nobody in history has ever needed this. You don't need this. It doesn't do anything. It's promoted here all the time. Just stop it.
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The same reason people promote this garbage - because it's a fad, An attaching a fad to a ritual that everyone already does makes it seem like it's easy to do and legitimate.
>collagen thread
>everyone immediately starts talking about skin and hair
Bunch of fags ITT
Collagen is to help tendon regrowth after high volume lifting
And yes it does work. It helps your joints repair as well. Use it before any workout and it will disperse itself where needed via bloodstream

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