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is this real?
How do I trapmaxx like that?
>another r*ddit post
all fields. disregard any brown retards below this post that will inevitably bump this thread further
why not post the source hmm?
Checked SPBP
Kill yourself OP
Unlikely. Doesn't seem like he's on gear either.
So it probably took more than a year or those are two different blokes.
It's very doable but here's the thing, the right pic is not as impressive as you think. The man discovered overhead lighting.
Google winstrol before and after. Same type of body
Yes that is very much in line with what you can achieve in one year. The amount of muscle is not impressive at all. This really goes to show that being lean does make you look bigger
/fit/ thinks this is impossible because you all got tricked into thinking aiming for 1/2/3/4 is the way to achieve this.
you are brown and dysgenic
Perfectly reasonable and realistic one year gains. He's probably a bit on the short side which helps a lot. Just actually try in the gym and get enough protein and sleep.
bumping out of spite
Man.. I was really hoping to see pics of a dude named Winstrol who did an epic natty transformation.
IDK, but I want it to be real because then maybe, maybe I have a shot.
typical 1st year gains when you actually train for aesthethics
powersharters left bewildered
How do you train for aesthetics?
its not the same guy lol
Isolations with full effort, properly tracking stats and improving on them without increasing rest periods
You'd drop compounds entirely?
nta but compounds are far too emphasized for most lifters. Don't drop them but don't exhaust yourself on them and then skip isolations either, which a lot of guys do. Bench is great, squat and deadlift in moderation. Remember your curls, your delt work, your tricep isolation.
No but I wouldn't let them sap energy. For example on an upper day do a nice bench press but then properly smash out some pec flys and tri press down (etc) too. Not just going through the motions. Both are important but IMO people focus way too much on the compounds to the point where they're basically working on a skill vs really hitting every muscle in the body
I do basic compounds of bench, squat, deadlift, bb rows, and OHP, but also have added Lateral Raises, Bulgarian Split Squats, and Hammer Curls. Hammer curls have been scarily easy for me to progress on compared to other lifts
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be born with high trap insertions
This is realistic for extremely noobie gains if you’re dedicated and under 6’.
His arms are like 13” in the after, he just stayed lean and added 20lbs of muscle, which isn’t that much for such a low start as a teenager/early 20’s male
Either swim or carry/hold heavy things
If he trained for aesthetics then why does he look like shit?
OP's picture also includes a "before" image for your consideration, retard-anon
The muscle gain is realistic, it's how he inverted his shoulder:waist ratio that is weird.
Wtf, how big and long are his traps? His arm length too, like that fucking alien at the end of romulus.
He probably hit puberty.
he can't escape shouldercelism
>if you’re dedicated and under 6’.
What if I’m over 6’? Is it over?
1/2/3/4 is an ancient meme

If you care about ACTUAL fitness and meaningful strength, it's

> 0pl8 BODYWEIGHT LEG RAISE with your feet touching the bar (spinal flexion)
> 0.5pl8 BARBELL UPRIGHT ROW OVER HEAD (upward pull)
> 1pl8 OHP (upward push)
> 1.5pl8 WEIGHTED DIP (downward push)
> 2pl8 BARBELL ROW with full scapular protraction and retraction (horizontal pull)
> 2.5pl8 WEIGHTED UNDERHAND PULL UP until the chin rests on the bar (downward pull)
> 3pl8 CLOSE GRIP BENCH PRESS with a small arch (horizontal push)
> 3.5pl8 DEFICIT ZERCHER JEFFERSON CURL (spinal extension)
> 4pl8 ATG HIGH BAR SQUAT (vertical squat)
> 4.5pl8 DEFICIT DEADLIFT (hinge)
> 5pl8 LEG PRESS (horizontal squat)

0/0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5/5 is:
> beautiful
> simple
> succinct
> actually a good measurement of general fitness

So next time you hear someone mention 1/2/3/4 - just say "try 0/0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5/5 pussy"
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Yes, its possible.
My picrel is me.
You will notice in both my pic and OP's, however, the majority of the progress came in the form of losing body fat, not necessarily gaining muscle.
To a normie, both I, and the dude in OP's pic, look great, but to /fit/ and to me today, we both look like DYELs.
Great progress dude, looking a lot better. How does June 2024 look for you?
Lmfao based as fuck
The difference is he gained a significant amount of muscle and lost fat, you gained a realistic amount of muscle considering the loss of fat.
OP pic had 0 fat to begin with, what do you mean he lost fat? He only gained muscle.
It's called a lean bulk. You bulk and become lean simply because your fat amount stays the same but you gain muscle so the total body fat % actually drops by bulking.
Damn that's actually really good progress
Tallfags are slower to fill out but have higher end potential for strength and aesthetics
1 year transformations for tallfags will rarely look impressive, but after 3+ years you will gigamog manlets and normies
i demand a fibonacci or golden ratio strength standard for athletic movements ie calisthenics, running, sprinting, jumping, throwing etc.
Yeah there definitely needs to be a cardio component in there
Heavy shrugs. I shrug 2p+ for 10x3 and my traps burn for a week after.
> 0/0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5/5
kino. I only wish it went left into the negative numbers too
>> 0pl8 BODYWEIGHT LEG RAISE with your feet touching the bar (spinal flexion)
> tfw almost touch the bar yesterday but left quad cramps up
> tfw haven't even reached 0
This summer, I plan on doing a greekbro-split. Do something like
>jumping day - high, long, hopping, bounding
>sprint day - 15m, 40, and a few 100m
>throwing day - throw a kettlebell in a shotput and discus style
>running day - maybe some 400m, maybe something like 5-10km
>wrestling/boxing day - might just join a martial arts gym and fuck around lol
nothing is real on the internet
>> 0pl8 BODYWEIGHT LEG RAISE with your feet touching the bar (spinal flexion)
>> 1pl8 OHP (upward push)
I'm so close

>> 5pl8 LEG PRESS (horizontal squat)
I think I've done more but those machines are all different
Tbh until a really high strength level just improving strength gives you more power than training power directly. I would just run for cardio but really even that is unnecessary if you wrestle/box.

Until you can squat I think 3.5 plates and have corresponding other lifts - just lift and do martial arts. It's gonna give more return by building that base
The picture on the right is a perfectly reasonable natty physique. Going from Noodlearms McGee to the pic on the right in 1 year natty is completely unrealistic unless the kid had the most fortuitous puberty imaginable.
I have been thinking of this. I'm thinking in the new year I might run a real simple pure strength program, something like PttP. Winter is barbell season.
All these elite lifts and then 5pl8 leg press lmao.
>1 year transformations for tallfags will rarely look impressive, but after 3+ years you will gigamog manlets and normies.
Thank you anon. I’ve been working out for a year and my gains aren’t really much but I feel like I’m building a good foundation
He's still pretty dyel so I'd say possibly yes, but I don't think someone who looks like left has the genetics to actually put on that amount of muscle in a year naturally
>added 20lbs of muscle, which isn’t that much
Kys dude
depending on the machine it may be hard. Maybe pendulum squat would be better
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> no rotation
>>1pl8 OHP (upward push)
>>4.5pl8 deficit deadlift
I know this is a meme made by someone who doesn't even lift, but good heavens at least try to make it a little bit realistic?
> 1pl8 OHP is unrealistic
LMAO at the DYEL.
Protip: 1 in 1/2/3/4 is literally 1pl8 OHP, which is preserved in that system
>>>4.5pl8 deficit deadlift
>I know this is a meme made by someone who doesn't even lift, but good heavens at least try to make it a little bit realistic?

None of these are "unrealistic" but yeah for it to be more proportional you would have 1.5 OHP there
Holy fucking low-IQ morons, I mean the proportion is completely retarded. 1pl8 OHP is a joke compared to a fucking 4pl8 squat and anyone who actually lifts knows that, plus it's completely out of line with the whole aesthetics autism since it's basically proposing you should have dyel shoulders and "tumor" quads
This meta stuff is very homo. Just increase weight and or reps and fo us on different muscle groups by eyeballing and feel.
Yes, i'm a brown retard. Thank you daddy
>ignores the second half of the sentence, which includes a qualifier, in the context of whether or not he's natty
Can't tell if you're a genetic failure, roidtranny, or just illiterate but yes 20lbs of muscle first year of lifting is possible natty for untrained teenagers.
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>eyeballing and feel.

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