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Weekend is here lads, bar is open. How did your week go? How you guys holding up? Let it all out here
feeling good bros. mid-lift in the /homegym/

tonight, pizza and a terrible christmas hallmark movie with the wife

Life's good
true love is rare, it starts from 0 attraction and love is created over time, 99.99% of the time it's about what each person has, is the women beatuiful enough, is the man valuable enough. you have enough looks money status you get pretty women that simple, & if a woman is pretty enough she gets any guy she wants. the more you have the more options you have period. it makes you pretty jaded knowing it's all conditional, nobody would love you if you became ugly, looks don't matter was the greatest lie of my generation growing up, when you go from being obese and ugly to lean and good looking you'll see how much of a lie that is first hand.

I'm bitter, full of hate for the years of being alone and begging for a hand, the times I really needed it there was no one, yet I know there will be people there when I am someone, when the castles built. Lets say I made it, high value, women started becoming attractive to me, how could I ever love anyone knowing they would not be here if I didn't become successful, that they would not be here when I needed them the most?
>be me
>get to spend time on /fit/ during work because few things to do
>life is good
>wednesday happens
>sudden demand
>shitton of tasks
>lots of overtime
>thursday happens
>even more tasks
>even more overtime
>friday afternoon (now), things start to calm down
Not much just venting out some faggotry
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I love those shitty hallmark movies, you and your lady have a good weekend.

I hate when you expect work to be light and then they suddenly drop a shit ton on you at once.

It's been great. Saturday will make 4 times hitting the gym this week. Started doing legs twice a week and it's awesome.

Finally graduated to 45s on the squat and bench. I know it's not a lot of weight but having the 45s on the bar really make me feel good.
Feeling sort of alone this holiday season because I'm not a Christian, but the rest of my family is. I don't want to partake in the rituals and celebrations because it goes against my beliefs, but I still want to be there for my family and enjoy the time with them. It gets kind of dicey. IDK, it's just weird how for them it's just an easy flowing few days of pleasure and for me it's sort of tap dancing around stuff
>get job
>further refine my 5 year plan due to life changing
>change is I’m gonna get my own place soon due to massive luck
>rent will be low
>confidence and mental much better
>instead of going active duty will just go reserves and eventually do a single 6 month deployment for the benefits and still pay my rent keep my beach condo
>tfw my coworker may have totally fucked me over and I could be losing my job
He’s been doing the job for a decade. He’s supposed to be my team leader. He’s an old Vietnam vet. Cool dude, tough. But he doesn’t give a fuck anymore. His wife passed and he’s apparently moving further away. He told me yesterday he’s just gonna quit soon anyways. This is after he’s instructed me to steal 3 hours of time almost every shift for 2 months now. He told me it’s the norm at this company, we do our work and then towards the end of the day if we can’t do anymore without staying late we just leave and put in for the full day. I’ve been told that's normal by some regional managers too and even the president. But I don’t think they meant 3 whole hours and every single day if I can help it. It’s 10 hour shifts btw.
I spoke with the president yesterday when he called me and I can tell from his tone and wording that he thinks I’ve been BSing. Can’t explain without giving too many details.
I was fucked over by this guy. I’m the new guy doing what my lead says.
I won’t know unless they fire me I guess. I did tell him we finished early and still submitted for the full day and no one said anything, even my boss sent me an unrelated text after and she said nothing about it so maybe the old guy didn’t lie? I’m not sure. I feel weird about it.
We’ve been overly ahead in our work while the other teams are all way behind. Theyre behind on purpose to not have our problem. They even denied our help multiple times, they want to be behind.

I’m stressed and anxious. If I get fired I can’t live in the condo unless I get new job
My early 20s suck I haven't been able to travel a lot because my family was poor and it hurts me. I wanna experience what's left of my youth
>boss is off so friday is chill td
>turned $20 into 100 on a shitcoin
>have been dating a girl for a few months now
>some of my health concerns have been getting better over the last week

things have been decent. christmas will be stressful, but it will also be nice.
hey man, don't get down on yourself. keep your health & your youth extends. I'm 29 & feel & look better than I did in my early 20s because I was a degenerate. being young & rich is pretty atypical. I've been scared of my fleeting youth, but the more you just focus on improving your life & finances, your opportunities will come.
Be patient anon. 20s is like a second puberty, for me anyway. I was an unfocused jackass. Enjoy the time of low responsibilities now. If you really want to travel, you'll make that happen. And it'll taste even sweeter knowing you did it and mommy and daddy didn't pay for it.
Just some water with lemon, thanks.

95% sure I’ll be getting a job offer next month once 2025s budgets are settled(internal job transfer). Going to be moving away from home for the first time at 29 potentially. Broke up with my ex in July, so there’s nothing really holding me here anymore. My parents maybe but it’s a fractured and strained relationship.
The job will be huge for advancing my career and my future seems to be finally taking shape. I wish she’d be there with me but she really doesnt deserve the future I could have given us. I was thinking of messaging her before leaving just to say goodbye to the doggos I left behind but that’s not really a good idea.
Truth be told I also just want to kind of rub it in her face that I’m making something of myself, by myself, but that seems like childish immature behavior as well. I don’t know bros, I probably wont say anything and just hope she’s treating the doggos right and giving them the love they deserve.

Thanks for reading my blogpost frens
I know a lot of these threads are younger guys posting their FOMO away because theyre not hitting the bars, that time is long past me in this life. Wife will be out tonight so I'm gonna take some time to chill, maybe smoke a cigar and play some OOTP. Workouts have been steady enough, just waiting for the work year to end and get some time to de-stress my mind.
>What'll it be?
Not sure imaginary wojak, alcohol has been complicated for me recently. It can actually be more relaxing to not buy or think about any alcohol on a weekend strangely enough, so I might abstain even though it's a cold winter Friday. Cheers m8s.
>Wife will be out tonight
>attempt suicide by train nearly 10 years ago
>try to get my life together after leaving hospital
>good job and salary, just got promoted
>bought a house
>got married
>lift 2/3/4/5
>still empty and want to die

What's the point bros?
Over a decade of pushing through and trying to heal yet I feel as empty and broken as ever.
Maybe some of us just never get better.
think back to the high school days. The people who suddenly start expressing interest for each other have known each other for years, possibly since they were young children. There's a large measure of safety and familiarity that allows for the craziness that is young-love. And really it's a crap shoot; do yo fuck that ugly girl at the party just because you're drunk? do you start a secret FWB with that other smart girl you're seemingly best buddies with? (ironically because she's also not as good looking but would actually be the best partner...) This is all because of established familiarity, and *that* happens because you're part of a community, which, as I imagine, you're not cultivating in adulthood. This whole 'omega' dude paradigm is truly foreveralone, because he thinks that by building a tower he can capture the princess. Commmunity gives back, so above all, work on your non-sexual social relationships and things bloom from there.
45's is a great milestone. It's relatively light in comparison to what comes next, but having those big ol' plates on either side of your head for the first time is really great. Good work, anon.
Sucks, brother. I am sorry to hear that. Do you guys plan on having kids? That can really give life meaning, although it's not a magic bullet.

Ever talk to a therapist?

Here is a picture of a pretty girl that I hope brings you a little enjoyment.
lmao if u didn't get any relationships when u were young its just over. ya u can get a ripped body and a bunch of expensive clothes, cars, and properties, but no one is gonna care except other gay dudes.
Thank you she is pretty. Nice melons.

No kids and no plans, I think it's cruel to bring someone into this world. I'm worried I will pass on my issues and they'll never have a shot at having a good fulfilling life.

I've seen therapists on and off, I actually just saw a new one yesterday.
I feel they are more useful for people with issues like relationship issues or trauma that can be pinpointed and worked on.
I spoke to one about my suicidal ideation and they literally said "I can't deal with that" and stopped taking bookings.
community doesn't really exist these days, everyones at home online. most men aren't getting matches on dating apps, we're forced to cold approach at gyms, store, or the bar, which hinges on first impressions like dating apps, what you have to offer. I would do better in an environment where a chick could get to know me naturally but that doesn't exist.

I've seen above average guys get rejected 100s of times before getting 1 date, that shits insane, this other dude was rejected 1000 times and never got a girlfriend, literally removed from the gene pool, and they say "personality is what matters", really makes you hate women. this is becoming a normal thing where average men have to be rejected 100s of times now for 1 date, expectations are way up because of online dating women have perception of options, before the internet they'd date within their community & a women would be more willing to go on a date if someone asked, now they go elsewhere.

if you're born ugly you struggle, you die alone, attractive people are never alone, and people think personality has something to do with it, not that you can change that either, you can only pretend to be extroverted and confident for so long.

this guy got rejected by 1000 women
this guy above average got rejected by 100s of women
youtube videos are fucking fake dude
I wish
Struggling with the desire to have children and maybe a wife.
>have kids
Family name won’t die with me. If I do well as a father won’t die alone. Will get to love them and watch them grow up and hopefully become happy and successful and have families of their own. Will get to grow old with wife, assuming I get the right woman and don’t end up divorce raped. Will get to have one woman who I love who I know loves me and is just genuinely amazing (not marrying just any bitch). Have to worry about my kids being exposed to the bullshit that’s in this world. Have to deal with many more woman to find one worth marrying who I can trust and will likely have multiple more heartbreaks in that venture, unless I rush a bit take some risks make some compromises (which I could be willing to do if she’s seriously great in other ways) can’t see me finding one before I’m too old to start a family anyways. May try for it and have it not work out.
>don’t do that
I like my solitude. Not saying that in a cope way I genuinely prefer being alone. This could change though and I could begin feeling lonely. Save money, less money goes further. Nothing tying me down. If I can’t figure out how to get consistent 20s-30s pussy I could always just buy escorts if I need sex that bad. Fear of this seeming stupid and undesirable once it’s too late. No fear or worry of divorce rape. Don’t have to worry about my kids being okay. Don’t have to sift through heaping mounds of bullshit to find the one woman who’s worth it. Family name dies with me.

It’s kind of a self imposed pressure.
i think i'll buy some dispensary weed tonight since i got the next week off from work. what should i get? i just want to spend like idk $50. should i just max thc percent? should i get sativa or indica?
>try to talk to dad about sports betting
>shits all over the idea
>tells me I WILL lose everything go bankrupt lose my house etc
>just say okay
>20 minutes later comes over and tells me the same shit again
>explain I only intended to put maybe max $200 down once a year or so when my favorite fighter is fighting and I don’t expect to get rich quick and realize I’ll probably lose money and I’m okay with it and that’s it
>reiterated it all says it doesn’t matter
This is why I don’t talk to my parents about stuff I wanna do. I’m not some no self control bumbling idiot. I realize most gamblers with addictions, and addictions in general start with “oh just one time won’t hurt” like I mean for fucks sake if I’m on top of my shit as a grown ass man and I wanna use my money once in a very blue moon to add some fun to something that brings me joy there’s certainly worst shit I could spend it on. I just hate getting lectures as if I’m still a clueless teenager and wish I could have genuine conversations with my father how some guys do. Like I have fiends who call their dad bro and their dad calls them bro back and they can shoot the shit, talk about cool shit. I can’t do that it’s always a fuckin lecture with heavy undertones of disappointment and doubt in me that could only be made more clear by him flat out saying “you’re a retard”
Thanks broski! :D
Gonna bitch, whine, and PMS here for a bit, bartender so bear with me:

Started a job as an estimator on Monday. The first day I had no idea what I was doing but was excited to learn more and put in the effort. The second day me and the guy who is training me start talking about MMA and I mention I've never done anything like it before. The guy training me has done stuff since he was a kid and a good source of info. As we're talking this fat boomer waddles around the corner and starts jabbering on about his experience. Keep in mind this guy has a gunt on him that you know has been there since his early 30s at best. He looks like a John Wayne Gacy version of John Wayne Gacy. The type of guy you tell your kids to never accept his offer of candy in the back of his van. Very gooberish behavior. He starts off with a compliment saying I look like a linebacker and then goes into his fighting "career". I didn't think much of it until he said he had done BJJ for 8 years, competed in Korea, and had a red belt. Now IDK shit about BJJ but know the red belt is called coral, is above a black belt, and only like 40 people have one. The MMA guy tells me this later on as well. Once I heard that I felt pretty confident in saying boomer was full of shit. He then decides he's going to "teach" me some moves. I know exactly what he's doing. He is intimidated by me and wants to assert dominance. I don't even get a word out and he has grabbed my wrist and starts laughing because I have no clue what to do. He "teaches" me and show me a few other moves. At this point I am visibly uncomfortable and he stakes it step further where he decides to put me in a headlock. I immediately tell him to fuck off and he gets defensive with, "I didn't mean anything by it I was just being friendly :(((" My attitude shifts from excited about the new job to pissed. This isn't the first time some older man has played grab-ass with me.

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The inferno has been kicking my ass for 2 weeks now. Got to wave 67 and died to Jad. It's annoying and very frustraiting to die constantly, each time after an hour of effort, but it's been the only real challenge I've had lately.

Now I've lost all motivation. Like I said, this isn't the first time a boomer has played grab-ass in a work environment and now I am uncomfortable being around him not knowing what stupid shit he's gonna do next. All I do know is that if someone like that is allowed to work there then I don't want to be any part of that company. Especially when his boss is legit chewing his fat ass out for being a dipshit. Decide halfway through the day it's not worth it and walk out. Just a little sticky note saying I quit and not to contact me (which they did) and nothing else.

My take away from this story is that once I get a new job, however long that will take, I need to pick up some kind of martial arts. I am so fucking sick of cunts like this who have something to prove and if that means I need to drop the next one that touches me, so be it. I have an interview next Thursday that I think will go well but goddamn I am still pissed that fucker got to me but like I said, this is me PMSing like a bitch.

Thanks for reading my blog.
i feel like i am one more bad moment away from snapping. i lost a friend to suicide recently, i got dumped over the phone and i cant let it go for some reason, school is so expensive and im too far along to stop, shit is so depressing.

be well to each other, guys, i am trying my hardest to keep going. thanks for reading my autobiography.
Get a fecal transplant to fix your microbiome and dopamine production
It's craxy how fucking moody I am, last saturday I felt on top of the world, weight loss was going well, I lked myself, I was starting to date a girl. Just to suddenly completely switch mood to super sad on monday.

I don't like to look myself anymore, I haven't made my move with the girl so that thing looks to be almost over and I'm now cheating on my diet.

Honestly feeling so fucking sad I wanna cry right now, and the worst thing is that nothing really bad happened in reality, just my head fucking me over.
Why would anybody love some self-hating loser?
You aren't some abstract entity with a losely attached life. You are the sum of your experiences, decisions and probable future. Of course people have an easier time loving those that are objectively better than their peers
I've gotten so far in the last years. Finally decided to fix my life 6 years ago at 23 and now at 29 everything is basically perfect and I'm honestly looking forward to my future.
I know it's useless, but I still can't stop myself from constantly regretting wasting large parts of my 20s. Every woman I meet has had multiple past relationships and is completely jaded. All innocent, careless fun is behind me and all that awaits is an admittedly comfy but ultimately boring adult life.
Can a nice apartment and cool vacations compensate missing out on young love? Don't answer
When I'm alone I get suicidal thoughts. When I'm with people I wish I was alone. I wish I wanted things from life but anhedonia has started to creep on my hobbies again. Meds have only be temporarily useful. I wish therapy was more useful, third therapist. I don't actually want to KMS but that's all that comes to my mind. It's all so tiring.
Anon I don’t think you’re whining or PMSing I understand what you’re feeling and have experienced it myself it’s fucking annoying. It’s happened when I was skinny as hell, fit as heck, and then still when I got fat. It’s happening now as I cut back down. Some guys are super insecure. It can be a guy who looks like anything too that’s the crazy part. It may be a manlet, a fat faggot, a tall guy, a scrawny geek, an actually big jacked guy, a good looking in shape guy, an older guy it doesn’t matter. I’ve had all these types try this shit. I’m 6’2” and I honestly think this is what does it, either height or looking like you lift or having a handsome face or both causes certain men to internally seethe. The only way to deal with it is to know they’re barely conscious. They aren’t maliciously thinking to themself “let me teach this guy a lesson about the pecking order around here” they’re just acting as NPCs do. Like a lizard or a chimp. Feel something, impulsively act in certain way in effort to remedy the shit feel. Which is actually very sad on many levels. Like if you act this way you’re automatically a child or a woman to me, someone who’s wife I could fuck (as in, would be easy to do so). You just gotta Bert stare at them or give it back and claim self defense if applicable. Or even laugh in their face if it’s the non physical type.
Had a new manager start at my job. Not my boss, has zero authority over me. Wouldn’t even be able to write me up or send me home if I called him a filthy nigger. Nig, close to my same height, in good shape. Sped walked past where I was and I glanced up to see who was walking by, we held eye contact until he passed, went back to my job. He clearly felt some kind of way. Came over to try and flex around on me got a little too close. I immediately knew what he was doing. Asked me about some bullshit he absolutely knew wasn’t my job or even remotely related to me or my work.
>hey [that thing in other section entirely] was never done are you gonna get to it at some point?
I just blankly stared at him like I felt sorry for him and asked him to be more specific, he clarified, then I paused and held that same look and then said “that’s not even my area” and changed my look to more of a “lol are you really doing this rn” if that makes sense like a slight shit eating grin like I saw through his shit and found it amusing. He got all flustered and then says something like
>o-oh Uh I Uh well I know that’s not your area or the work you do I just figured I’d ask if you knew about it
Even though he has just basically demanded I go handle it like he thought it was my job or anything I could even work on in the first place. He spent the rest of the shift mean mugging me trying to stink face me any time we passed or were near each other and I completely ignored him every time. At one point I was talking to some coworkers right in front of him and he wanted me to look so bad and I just kept laughing and having fun as if I didn’t even notice him being there. He became infuriated.
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I keep getting involuntary cramps in my legs. Would a massage fix it?
Last part

I’m already expecting him to start trying to death grip handshake me disguised as a formal greeting where if I wince or complain he gets to feel like a big man and go “oh sorry, BIG GUY” or some other belittling nonsense and all that other grab ass shit now and he has no clue what’s waiting. Like I’m at the point I’ll just squeeze back twice as hard and pull someone to the ground when they do that and then go “oh no whoops damn man why’d you try to do that to me I coulda really hurt you there”. And if they claim they did nothing I’ll call them out more specifically on the whole intimidation death grip bullshit and back it up with “look sorry you got hurt man but I’m really not the guy to do that too my reflex just took over, seriously what were you even thinking? That was really inappropriate of you and uncalled for”
I’ve done this with guys bigger than me before. I’ve also grip trained for the last 6 years and most of my routine has always been pull oriented so these people never see it coming, how easily I can ragdoll and manhandle another man

When physical you get physical back they are ASKING you to do it and saying they don’t think you have the balls. It’s your free pass. Get into a combat sport if you have to. They’ll regret it. They’re putting themself in the losing position if you fight back. I’m not saying fist fight btw, just equal or escalate to just the next level. If they rattle guess what they started it you acted on instinct/reflex and defended yourself

When non physical just stare at them without blinking too much like the way you’d stare at a child saying he’s gonna become President or something. Like you find them adorable and silly and don’t take them seriously at all do it every opportunity they try this shit they’ll either get physical or feel embarrassed enough times that they stop
>Every woman I meet has had multiple past relationships and is completely jaded
Don’t listen to any other faggots/old hag that tries to shame you for dating 19 and 20 year olds. Get them while they’re young
My gym got bought out by LA fitness this year and now I can't workout on Xmas for the first time in years.
I almost wanna drive somewhere for a day pass, but don't actually want to drive that far. I just hate having to shift my schedule from M/W/F to M/TH/SAT.
My wife sucks guys. She just wants to be mad all the time and literally everything gives her an excuse to be mad and blame me. I'm losing my patience.

She constantly neglects our daughter, and as a result my daughter loves me way too much. I'm stuck, I can't leave. This is a waking nightmare, bros. I know my sweet little girl will eventually wind up exactly like her narcissist mother.

I just want to leave and work on a trout farm in Utah with my brother. All my brother have wives making their lives a living hell as well.
Capcha advertising a sequel to sk8rs?
I don’t understand retards who are depressed for no reason, get a hobby if you are that bored
NTA but having a making my wife pregnant made her a way more kind and caring person. It was amazing. Since then she has turned into a Uber cunt. It sucks.
Good for you, may you never understand it.
Just don't. It's not fucking worth it these days. I wish I would have stayed single. I would take being lonely over having a massive parasite always nagging me and belittling me.
When’s the last time you walked up to her, bent her over, and fucked her like a submissive slut? My wife turned into a turbo cunt after our kid but I realized it was because we stopped having disgusting, degrading sex. Once I started treating her like a cum dump again, her mood improved drastically.
I’m calling you a retard faggot. Read books, get interested in something, you don’t want to die because you’re too smart that’s for sure.
>started shedding weight at a good pace because I finally cut back on alcohol recently
>have a strong urge to binge drink 6-12 beers tonight because it's lonely, dark, and cold
Thanks for the detailed response, anon. Makes me feel better knowing that someone else understands as well.
>Read books, get interested in something
Implying I didn't
>you don’t want to die
Unfortunately that's all that comes to mind, wether I want it or not. Enjoy you mental wellness while it lasts.
You’re quoting me out of context, you don’t want to die because you are too smart, you want do want to die because you are retarded, retard
I'm so sorry to hear that anon. I've heard so many stories of women completely changing after marriage or after having kids. It makes me terrified, but I know a stable 2-parebt household is needed for kids to be well-off. This shit terrifies me. At least you have a kid, I guess. I'm sure it's pure pain to hear this, but you may have to swallow your tongue until the kid is done with high school. Fuqqqqq that sounds impossible though :(
I hope you won't have to say anything like this to anyone you care.
I do want to clarify, it’s best to always avoid physical. But if you can beat them at that game, without truly injuring them, and they do shit like the guy in your experience did where you weren’t even given a chance to say no then do it. The issue being these are the same types to carry a CC and be wishing for a chance to use it and have some power fantasy. That’s why these people are especially faggots. They’ll be like that or the first to cry when put in their place at their own game.

I remember an old pasty white balding obese cuban screaming at me in front of a 20 year old chick he wanted to impress because I was only like 40 minutes early to something once. Sent me home to flex his power I guess. I just said okay and went home. That’s all you can do sometimes. When I came back everyone told me they hated him and I should have told him to suck my dick and stayed
God you’re such a faggot I hope you die, your therapist should have just slapped you
Aren't we all in the end
>Why would anybody love some self-hating loser?
who said I was a self hating loser? you're conflating me talking about my issues as being the issue.
but if I was a self hating loser it doesn't really matter, what matters is your value not the person you are inside.

there's plenty of nerdy dudes that have a positive attitude towards life, but ugly, play dnd & they're invisible to women.
while tons of women hate themselves, have emotional issues, and they have no problem getting in relationships. these women are self hating losers, so how do they get in relationships constantly? because they're physically attractive.

who you are on the inside is always 2ndary to what you are and what you have to offer.
Could you ever date a woman who earned more than you?
The fact that my ex was so ambitious ruined my last relationship. I want a girl that looks up to me. Is that retarded?
Woke up feeling a bit sick today but still gotta train. Getting cucked with like 4 days in a row of missing gym cause of Christmas so no time to skip any days anymore. My crush has left town for break so not as motivated to show up tonight. Can’t wait for the Christmas gains goblin to be over
Dude just leave her, I was in a similar situation with my gf, she just became a complete suck of joy and happiness out of my life. 3 months on and I feel like I’m 18 again I’m so full of life and energy. Once women turn, they never come back
No that makes a lot of sense anon. It’s not about the money but needing to feel valued and respected by your female partner is essential for a healthy relationship as a man
>haha I’m so empty and depressed and want to die
>oh btw I have the motivation and happiness and ambition to got a good job, make good money, get promotions, get a house, and get married XDA
Yeah, you want a woman who isn’t ambitious so that she’s completely reliant on you for everything, because you want to control her
Dating a woman who makes more than you is emasculating. Even if you’re some cuck who’s okay with that, she wont be
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Squats usually fix that for me. Good ol heavy ass squats lighten my mood up like nothing else.

That weight/fat tissue will fuck with your hormones big time dude. Do your best to play through the pain anon. And don't count out the girl just yet, sounds like you've given up before anything is set in stone. I used to do the same, give up completely before I even got close. Shits not over til you say it's over, and it's not fucking over yet my dude.

Let the past burn anon. That was then, this is now.
>still live with my parents at age 33 because I’m an ambitionless, worthless loser
>they left today for a two week overseas vacation
>will have two weeks in the house to myself, leaving and coming home to a dark cold empty house every night, spending the Christmas and new years holidays alone
>only thing I have to look “forward” to is getting some movies and/or tv series that I can watch with my speaker system turned all the way up with my subwoofer nearly destroying the floors from rumbling bass
God I hope I die while they are gone
Go celebrate Christmas with your family and stop being a faggot. thx.

>wife will be out tonight

I'll tell her you said "hi".
bang a hooker in their bed
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Just said something autistic irl. I'm struggling to not fucking hang myself.
>christmas shopping
>store closes while I'm in it
>finish up buying gift, thank them, wish them a merry christmas
>lady says 'here let me get the door for you"
>autism engages and I joke "thanks unless you want me to help clean up heh"
>"I-I said unless you wanted me to help clean in th...the back heh."
>'oh... *nervous laughter*'
>screaming at myself for being such an autist while I drive back home
Fuck my autism. I should just keep my stupid fucking mouth shut 24/7
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>Wife will be out tonight
Tell her to wear condoms, you can never know if the bull has some gonorrhea.
I'm literally too autistic to understand what you even tried to do there.
>help clean up there
I don't understand how this would fit the situation (even as a bad joke or poor flirting)
it was a very shitty joke. I heard that the manager was asking employees about if they cleaned up the back yet as I was checking out

Tell me how to get letrozole in the US fucker
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Vodka! About to graduate with a meme degree in real estate. Idgaf about it. I got A's in everything because I'm an autist. Quite frankly I just went to college because my parents told me to. What a sheep I am...

Are they Mormon by chance?
I was thinking how even God's love is conditional if you don't follow him
My cat died yesterday. He would be 2 years old on Christmas eve.
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Sure, all you have to do is
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About to graduate, I feel so hopeless, like I doomed my future self by not finding a wife
Sorry, bro. Hopefully it gets easier for you.

That’s pretty young for a cat. Did he get run over

Come on fucker. I need it and don’t know how to get it other than the DN
sprained my ankle last night after spending all week making great progress. maybe ill just take a week off idk
At a country bar & line dancing club, it's fun desu bros. Don't like the music but can actually meet people and has regulars so it's pretty awesome.
Tonic with lemon please, barkeep.

Still processing that I'll be 30 in six months. I spent age 20-27 extremely depressed because BPD ex. Classic story. We were deeply in love but she said she felt too attracted to me and that she'd have to break it off so I don't abandon her someday. Haven't touched a woman since, and I had at least 3 separate women I could have fugged if I wanted to. It feels like I'm permanently broken inside. Sex with someone I was in love with and spending literally every night holding her in my arms while we whispered "I love you" was a hell of a drug. I really would like a family, but every girl I hang out with just seems unappealing, even if they're hot. I know soulmates are a cringe concept, but it really felt like that. I want a family badly, but I just can't relate appropriately to women anymore. I have a good job, and I made lots of money in crybdo nonsense, but I just feel so fucked up. I'm super grateful I have close friends I live with that I've known for over 15 years. I would do anything for those guys, but I know that this situation probably won't last too much longer, since we all want a family some day. I guess I have some trauma that makes me put up walls with women, and I have absolutely no desire to get back with my ex, if that were somehow offered. I just want kids brehs, but I know I need a stable marriage first, for the kid's sake. Lifting has helped my mood substantially, and I honestly am quite happy day to day, but when anything around dating is brought up, I have a terrible reaction. Part of me just wants to go back to college purely for the socialization, but I know that's a common trait for people with trauma: try to redo the experience that traumatized you and fix the issue. .
I lost my 17 yo cat (picrel) a couple of years ago.
It gets better after a while but there will always be a tiny void inside that can never be filled again. I miss her.
These threads are legitimately helpful to me. It's nice to read the stories of anons on the internet suffering and overcoming suffering in different ways. I feel like society is so cruel to men, so this is the only outlet many have to vent.
I'd love to read all the archives of these threads.
Love you bros, no homo.
I'm sure you gave your kitty a very happy life anon. That's all you can do.

Thanks bro you have a good night!
Anons, I am curious.
What would you say is the happiest moment of your life?
What would you say was the lowest point in your life.

I can do mine:
Highest point was cuddling with a girl I was very in love with after sexoooo and talking about marriage in the future.
Lowest point was getting taken to court by that girl because she is a crazy fuck.

I’m the uber eats DoorDash driver and I farted on ur pizza big boi
>What would you say is the happiest moment of your life?
Christmas Morning in Colorado one year, I was with my parents and my grandparents, I just got my nintendo wii and it was a blizzard outside. We all took turns playing together on wii sports and everyone had a fun time as I saw the snow pouring down outside.
>What would you say was the lowest point in your life.
Trying to hang myself in college
>worst point
trauma and almost dying from trying to kill myself
>happiest moment
graduating high school when i thought i wouldn't and realizing that my family actually loved me
> Trying to hang myself in college

Lel fag
Thank you anons, and I'm glad you didn't become an hero.
Im 33 and honestly cannot even remember a happy time in my life. Not trying to be edgy, I legitimately cannot remember anything. I’ve never had a relationship or sexual experience to be happy about. I’ve never had a career or financial development to be happy about. I’ve never had a friend experience to be happy about. I’ve never had a successful hobby situation to be happy about. I can’t remember any family memories to be happy about. It’s truly pathetic to think about how sad and meaningless my life has been.

As for worst moment? Nothing in particular stands out. Just overall being completely miserable and never feel any happiness for decades at this point.
yea lol
What’s your guys suicide attempt stories? I really need to get a method to do it.
I failed to an hero, so I don't know if you really wanna take advice from me.
I got lucky in that I didn't fuck myself up doing it, the only thing worse than suicide is failing suicide so bad that you disfigure yourself.
Kek you should go back there and see how she receives you tbqh
Sorry to hear than anon-kun. I hope you can find something in life that makes you happy. While I listed that girl as my best and worst experiences, I have lots of other experiences that make me feel happy to be alive. Most of them are listening to an album I love or watching a movie/show/anime that I love. Even if I was somehow bedridden for the rest of my life starting right now, I wouldn't kill myself because I want to see what other works of art get created in my lifetime. They have certainly helped me in my darkest times to remember that it's worth living. I hope you can find something like that which isn't dependent on another person. People change and can be fickle, but something like my relationship with different forms of art are always there for me.
lmao fuck no I'm avoiding that shop like the plague for at least 6 months
I find myself ruminating over past failed relationships a lot lately, be it friendships or other. I know it's not healthy but I can't seem to let go of all the times I've felt let down by people I thought I could trust. Whether it be disrespected in public settings or private, I thought walking away was the power move but I find myself revisiting those times and wondering if I should have done it different. Meh, what canya do?
I'm fucking sick. I've eaten 5 rounds of bread in the last 7 days. That's it. Nothing else. I've dropped so much weight visibly. I can't sleep because I can't breathe. It's agitating my asthma. My head is sore. I will likely do no more lifting this calendar year.

I just want to be healthy again.
This year I have been working on a software startup. I asked my best friend for the last 12 years to help out. He didn't do shit, and then he got in a huge screaming argument with me because he thought I was too passionate about pursuing it. As a result, I told him that I'd just pursue it alone. He was going through a lot of interpersonal problems when he freaked out at me, but I still just couldn't continue moving forward with him on the startup. He then gave an ultimatum that I let him back in or he can't be my friend anymore. I didn't see how it'd be possible to remain friends while also working on this startup if he had that attitude. I tried to salvage it best I could without having to cave to his demand. I knew if I let him back in, we would just have the same argument over and over. Also, you need a shit ton of passion to do a startup because the whole experience is AIDS.
I've been thinking a lot about how we had an argument and then we stopped talking and probably won't talk again, and I know I did the right thing. It still really hurts though. I'm sure he's upset about it too. It's so fucking strange to talk with someone every day for over a decade and then they just cut off.
I still think about my first (and only) love at least once a day. It's tough, and I think it's normal to have those thoughts for ex friends and ex lovers
This sounds like a grade A movie plot, like the underdog usurping their more well-known friend that turns out to be a pompous jerk and proving wrong all the people who kicked you while you were down. I'd def watch. :)

Also describing the experience as AIDS. O O F that hits home.
Seems like you're pretty attuned to your surroundings and used the info you learned to relate to another person. They were just too slow and dumb to get it. Trust me anon, you are likely a better person than them.
You sound like you have autism too. Anon said something dumb and autistic. It happens. The person who he said it to just moved on without incident. Nothing about their response says fucking ANYTHING about their worth as a person or morals or any of that shit. Sometimes jokes fall flat and things get a bit awkward. It's not the end of the world and it doesn't require all this autistic introspection.
Understandably, I respect my friends until they disrespect me. That's why it leaves a mark.
Nobody is disrespecting you by not laughing at a shitty autistic joke that falls flat. So no, not "understandably" at all.
Thank you stranger on the internet for evaluating my worth over a comment with next minimal context I needed a good laugh :)
Never change, 4chan

The more i think the more i'm getting sad about it.
My grandmother asked my brother and i who would get what when she passes away. and it's been about a year since she mentioned it.
My grandfather is basically saying the same thing.
My father looks sad and defeated when we talk about them. And i've noticed my grandmother has been getting visibly confused about my brother and i. I suppose it's because we have the same sounding name, etc.
Last valentines day she sent me a card but it was addressed to her "Great Grandson" and i cried when i saw it.
I just cant wrap my head around that in a little while i will never see them again.
You’re a victim of the gender war. People try to raise their kids according to their personal values, they try to make them perfect, but what one considers a perfect man and what one considered a perfect woman are two different things. The most present with children and therefore the most influential are mothers, this gives women an advantage in creating their vision of what their kids should be. Women inflict addiction to praise on their sons because their ideal of a man is of someone subservient to them, this is distinct from how they raise their daughters who they want to be independent and self serving. This could actually be part of the explanation for male superiority because women raise men to be useful and women to be imbeciles. Its got a sort of hegelian master and slave dialectic feel to it if that reference means anything to you, woman as the master becomes incompetent and alienated from the world that she has no ability to work.

Anyway you are not a cuck for being in a relationship where you are not the bread winner, you are a cuck for wanting to be the breadwinner.
Nah there's nothing faggy about missing your pets that you loved. I've lost two cats in two years so i know how it feels. All we can do is love them while they're with us.
That post didn't evaluate your worth in any way. I'm at the point where I don't think you're just autistic, I think you're outright illiterate. Either that or you're so desperate to feel wronged, so you can feel like you're fighting against something or standing up for yourself, that you'll fight shadows of your own making.

^that was evaluating your value btw

Sounds like she has onset Alzheimer’s or dementia coming in. I lost a family member to it recently. The last years of their life and taking care of them was pretty brutal and stressful. They don’t even remember you anymore

Hope your family is prepared mentally and financially

Refer to >>75611830 and thank you for taking me back to middle school with your tryhard bitch attitude lmfao
You don’t have to hit on her again just see if she receives you warmly or coldly what have you got to lose now?
>Obsessed with the bullying he faced in middle school
Okay so I was accurate when I said yourr desperate to feel wronged so you can feel like you're standing up for yourself in ultimately meaningless """confrontations""" where it's nice and safe. I really recommend maybe some therapy or something. You've got a lot of baggage you could do with unraveling.
I've accepted that I have gifted kid syndrome.
Not sure what to do about it.
that's not terrible, anon. you just messed up by going "spaghetti.wav" when you should have just laughed and said "it was a stupid attempt at a joke...have a good night". you're almost there.
This but big dick syndrome
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I just want to meet people organically. I don't want to use dating apps or other bullshit semitic contraptions. I want to be in a workplace where there are lots of women (my work is 99% male), I want to go back to school where there were lots of women to meet naturally... And not even women, how the fuck do I even make friends?
Fuck me, life sucks after university.
These are your options.

>Friends of friends
>Go to clubs for hobbies
>Get very lucky at a pub
That's it. That's the whole list.
haha die alone engineering autist
>>attempt suicide by train nearly 10 years ago
how the fuck do you mess up suicide by train
>autist who works in 99% male engineering/programming field and cant meet women
>also can't make friends

>"semitic" contraptions

>dating apps and social media arent made by and ran by jews to promote promiscuity and the downfall of western civilization through the great muttening
nta but you’re retarded and probably a kike. kill yourself
Go church for Jesus. Stay church for qts.
i'm tired but not in a sleepy way i just don't want to do anything at all like i'm going to get in bed and listen to audiobooks even though i'm not sleepy
yesterday i showed this trans guy my top songs of 2024 and he said “wow your music taste is so mainstream”. sorry i’m not listening to shoegaze when i’m at the gym
there's this really annoying trans chick at my work who thinks she's super hip because she listened to shit like charlie xcx or lana del rey or some shit. she looked at my apple replay one year and didn't recognize any of it. she commutes into the city from her mom's mcmansion in the burbs. highly pleb taste that i assume she gets from mtv or like broadcast radio. i want to quit that job so bad.
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A shot of Vodka please
>took four months break due to tight deadline with software work
>started working out again
>can't even complete 1/4 of my workout plan without getting really exhausted
I know you would lose a lot of strength and stamina, but not at this level. Even my previous breaks weren't this bad.
holy shit i just saw a new king diamond single just dropped, i didn't know they were still around, can that dude still hit those high notes? only one way to find out
that happens all the time with fighters who top working out after a fight. when they get back in the gym they are so far behind even if they still look ok. usually takes like six weeks to get back in shape. it's really not as bad as starting from scratch.
>usually takes like six weeks to get back in shape.
How do you even survive in the nature with this shit? Imagine taking a medical break, and you can barely compete for foods.
Damn bruhs, I look at old pictures of my ex and wonder why I loved her so much.
Her personality was rough, mean, and bitchy. Her appearance reflected it with her boxy body, acne face, boorish head.
But when she had me under her spell I would look at her like she was the most dainty beautiful woman on the planet.
Love blinds us all.
>software work
kys autist
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>living rent-free in his head
Same man. My mom’s gone and she was the only person in this world I would trust with my life for anything. I don’t want 20 something more years with just my emotionally stunted old man. Shit sucks.
I realize I’ll probably die alone but damn some nights I just wish I had a companion. Oh well
that's what prostitutes are for
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haven't gone gym in 6 months, had a carrot on a stick then post carrot just stop due to reaching that point and then circumstances followed by laziness struck. Just frustrated in myself I once again was making good progress then reset myself, and then because of christmas/new years I feel even more stuck because I "have to get through the holidays" before focusing on myself again. I'm 26 and just keep repeating my issues without solving them it feels like.
I will be returning soon though, at work I got strength checked by a literal retard (support worker) so gonna need to make sure I can sort out his tard strength next time.
Idk what to do anymore bros. I'm 25, decent looking, fit, have money, nice car, in school for fire fighting, etc but Im still miserable. My 3+ year relationship ended earlier this year and ive been in a rut ever since. Im scared Im never going to be able to find another girlfriend. I get tons of matches on tinder but they always ghost or unmatch me because I have zero game. I dont want to live the rest of my life alone. I genuinely might kms by next year if I dont find a new girlfriend.
>my life is seemingly perfect?
>I know! I'll just make up some imaginary problems to add more gavitas to my normie-self
like the other guy said you're just bored, pick up a hobby or something
Crazy how I met this girl and for a long time I honestly wished we ended up together but as time went on and I started to read her more and wasn’t blinded by a crush I came to realize I really don’t love her. She’s a huge red flag and on top of that she’s mid. But I thought to myself that her outgoing personality made her a,aging. Hate that I deceived myself
spent the last two years shocked and depressed. Grief is so damn hard. Ive made very little progress in anything but I guess im back in school. I feel so useless
Haven't been able to run or even just walk for months because of plantar fasciitis. It's driving me crazy. Been to doctors, specialists, etc. and never actually get help, any advice on prevention, why it isn't going away despite me doing everything they tell me to do, and so on. Afraid I'm going to gain weight and lose stamina because almost all cardio involves legs/feet and what doesn't I either can't access (swimming) or it doesn't burn nearly as much.
Thank you bro
Pro tip: all outgoing women are whores or just bad people.
Go celebrate with your family, but be really passive aggressive and only say "Happy Holidays" and refer to Christmas as "the winter festival".

If anyone gives you shit for forgetting religion, pull out a dreidl
I jumped on the rails after the train passed. Doh
>Here is a picture of a pretty girl
She looks exactly like.my college crush. She was flat chested though, and never once smiled at me like that. *sigh*
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It's been less than a month since I broke up from a long term relationship and I've already been with 3 women. Peterson was right when he said casual sex is just mutual masturbation. It feels nice to be desired and lusted after by someone you just met, especially as a man (never had sex until college) but the emptiness is unique. Has anyone gone through similar experiences?
Forgot to mention that in the brief time I was with one of them we even caught eachother getting attached and we felt we should break things off before we actually do. It's was shit, like a mini breakup.
How old are you?
>dont jack off for one day
>today I'm reading vanilla hentai, browsing cute girl threads on wsg and listening to prince
I need a gf so fucking bad bros
It's frustrating because I felt like I was losing my soul when I was having casual sex, but I'm too traumatized to have a real relationship. Considering all that, I haven't touched a woman in over 5 years, which also doesn't seem healthy. I can relate to your experiences anon, and I'm sorry to say idk what to do about it.
>make near minimum wage
>suicidal ideation almost every day
I’ll be surprised if I make it to 35
Paid off the last of my law school debt. Can’t tell you lads how good it feels.
Fuck it, may as well give it a try, I've been slacking on my squats lately anyway; did them again today after a while.

I'll try to give it another shot with the chick and see how it goes.
I appreciate the message man.

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