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/fit/ - Fitness

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Can you just spam forearms every day with no rest to get optimal growth?
This kid on YouTube apparently trained to failure for 300 days straight and his arms blew up.
You'd need a lot of drugs, and even then it isn't advisable. Looking at his muscle shape and quality even putting size out of the calculation, that's definitely not natural. He could have gotten the same or better results training normally with the same gear.
lmao purple chud
It makes sense to me.
You know those tradesmen who have giant forearms from working in construction all their lives? They don't do huge heavy 5RM forearm curls or progressive overload. They just twist and hammer shit all day every day. And they have huge hands and forearms because of it. Why couldn't you follow the kid's routine and get similar results?

I think I'm going to try something similar as a New Year's resolution of sorts and report back.
yeah its nucleus overload
what exercises did he do? program?
This guy clearly photoshops his pics and/or uses other trickery like angles and focal length to make his forearms look that big. They look decent in his vids but nothing too freaky.
Buy an ad dude
Yes. Forearms, shoulders, and calves can be trained every single day. They recover much faster than other muscles
this guy is a genetic freak, what works for him does not work for everyone.

Also Mark, get a fucking life. You are just boring with nothing to do, nobody to talk to and obsessing over fitness because its the only thing you have to do and talk with others about. It not good
training (actually training) something every day will always inevitably lead to tendonitis
>genetic freak
not in a good way though
he does shrugs with 40lbs on each hand and gains a disproportional amount of muscle from it
kind of pathetic
what a fucking stupid and pathetic reply and way of thinking. Peak brainrot
>Gained forearm size but developed vision problems
I guess it's true, excessive amounts make you go blind
Best forearm exercises?
Jerking off 2 cut guys at the same time
Roger C is a gem single-handedly bringing Belgian (blue) BVLLs to the forefront of the public consciousness. Him and that HoI4 guy who looks like agent 47 are my favorite Belgians.
>Super Chud
>Super Chud Mark II
>Super Chud Mark III
We absolutely progressive overload. One day you need to put your whole body into turning a wrench with a 3 foot lever and next time you do it without the lever. Some time later you're not putting your whole body into it and eventually you don't even bother with the wrench. With the hammer you'll start beating at a certain rate and as you develop you're getting more work done with it in less time. Exactly like progressing in the gym.
>his arms blew up
He just got fat.
According to this guy it's wrist flexions
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billions must chudmaxx
strong as a fucking bull, handsome, like a young sam hyde
I'm doing some of the exercises he has shown, but my arms hurt a lot after the workout.
Not my wrist, but around my inner elbow, its sore, not physical pain. Is this normal? I'm using a 135lbs band and I don't have a lighter weight than 10kilos for a plate.
I do it Mon Wed Fri. started a few months ago when rehabbing some golfers elbow and I've expanded to doing wrist curls, extensions, and pronation with weights. Some growth, but the definition and density increase is insane.
your muscles are stronger than your tendons. so you need to heal up and lower volume. work your way up to those weights.

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