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pls help, im beginner
They're OK. Incline bench curls are the king
They’re all good man. Pick 2 of 3 that you like doing and do them. When your strength plateaus on one, just switch it out for a different one. Wam bam thank you ma’am
They are good for isolating your bicep muscles, but like >>75610457 said, you should also do incline bench curls, and even some dubmell concentration curls so you can work some of the other muscle groups in your arms. :)
only if you're preaching Christ
Jesus عليه سلام has no father
They're bicep curls. Literally any fucking variation works as long you go hard enough. There isn't much you have to do to grow your bis. Just be consistent.
okay, but when i reach the top most (max concentric position) in preacher curls, it feels like shit cuz i get 0 tension on my bis.
no, they are shit. i got up to a decent weight over years with full ROM and i got bigger biceps when i dropped them for incline curls. they are fucking dogshit
I like to squeeze with my shoulders so I can get the outside part of biceps because if you're cucking ypur form on that at that little dick ass weight you probably won't see any kind of progress any tike soon.
Dude lower the thing and kneel up on it on one knee
What are you talking about retard
Just do standing and adjust your shoulder and elbow brace, dumbbells suck and should be avoided entirely
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>preacher curls?
>snap it
Lower the elbow pad and put one knee on the seat and lean back from there if needed, I like to engage more of the forearm and outside bicep by leaning forward more and do strict biceps closer in and forearms together because it's the same weight.
I just like to spam heavy standing bb what kind of gains benefits are there with dbs besides like hammer curls(i have dbs and a horiz-grip bar) and I simply get stronger faster with barbells.
strength gains don't always equal size gains. Dumbbells can be used for muscle imbalances or greater range of motion
I like db shoulder press and some og mudbone curls but dude you have to clean the weight up every time that's like 1-3 reps
>are preacher curls good?
no >>75605303
>so you can work some of the other muscle groups in your arms

the triceps? :)
No wonder that thing gets impinged
but they don't retardo botardo gpt, u are simply aggravating tendons, fucking them up with ur retarded movements, i explained it clear enough:
>no >>75605303
I honestly don't get it. What the fuck is with beginners (particularly Indians) and bicep curls?
Not a single one mentions the huge risk of bicep tear with it..

Pic related is very similar, but has a much better tension during entire ROM.

Don't egolift with any of these, aim for failure around 10-12 reps.

Do both arms at once and feel your entire body kick in to lift, feels amazing.
well i do bot gpt, u're just ignoring it lol >>75612593
no, no curl is good for biceps lol
what the fuck am i supposed to do for biceps then? just push ups?
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>no curl is good for biceps lol
imagine using up a cable station just to do some fucking curls, LMAO
>what the fuck am i supposed to do for biceps
literally any back movement uses your biceps in some way
Take your fucking meds, OD on them.

Try it out. Should give you a slight pump first set.
ignore everyone else, do machine preacher curls.
Really good but use lower weight than normally unless you want to tear your biceps
They're pretty good what makes biceps difficult to grow is loading vs their strength curve.

Their strength curve is how much strength a muscle can produce at given point in its range of motion. For biceps it's weakest at full extension and strongest around 90 degrees. Preacher curls cut out the hardest part of the range of motion which is why you can usually feel like you can go to a much more complete failure. Which is great for the fibers that are recruited in the middle of the rep but less so for the ends. So you either need two exercises for biceps or use something like a nautilus machine since they have cam loading mechanism that try to match the strength curve of muscle it's meant to work.
repping shit is retarded, period
so u can shut the fuck up bitch bot gpt
>what the fuck am i supposed to do for biceps then? just push ups?
wtf, u own the place bitch bot gpt it's in painful detail right fucking here:
>no >>75605303
>no u gotta type it out again human
fuck off bitch gpt bot
any conventional biceps curl does not load biceps properly for many reasons but most importantly because biceps pulley goes like it goes, u're trying to rip it out of shoulder joint and it makes entire biceps sputter, jackhammer on elbow tendon without actually loading the muscle belly itself, that's why it doesn't grow from curls, that's why it's so common for roiders to have enormous brachialis but pitiful long head of biceps
yem remember to do them with max effort and as much as you can when you feel your bicep tendon add some more weight to really get those biceps to pop
if only pops them if you're not natty
>Try it out
I got better shit to do than hogging the cable station with some gay-ass curls
Haha, pussy.

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