how the hell do you fix this shit? and no I'm not a baby.
>>75610478stop being indian
>>75610481I'm not indian schizo
>>75610484then why do you have your head tilted while asking retarded questions? sounds indian to me
My french grandma always said having the fan on would give you thisI didn't know it was a real thing I thought it was just some made-up illness to go along with the made-up cause
>>75610777Fans seem to have some weird shit around them. Nips think you'll suffocate if you leave a fan on over night. Gooks think the same but go so far as to have a standard automatic shut off feature in all fans for "safety"
>>75610777I mean, I did sleep with a fan on sometimes when I was a kid
>>75610905probably a consequence of "sudden infant death syndrome" aka babies being murdered by their mothers. around the world there is all kinds of bullshit that all goes back to this. murdering mothers will come up with some bizarre cope for how or why the baby died that definitely did not involve them suffocating it with a pillow because they are post-partum depressed and regret ever fucking their husband.
>>75610478Practically impossible.Hang upside down, pull on your neck, work on your posture, turn your head the opposite of what you think will help, lots of yoga, magic mushrooms, electric therapyIt's really really really fucking hard to unfuck a neck, my life is hell
>>75610478you have to be 18+ to post here
>>75611073Couldn't you just inject botox in it if it's stuck in contraction? Or is it physically shorter than the other side
>>75610777I have something similar to OP, but not as pronounced. I also have my shoulder permanently stuck raised, like I was shrugging. I slept with a fan from ages 18-29. I can imagine that my shoulders are risen to trap heat near my head, and I imagine OPs condition could be from tilting the head into/away from the fan.I really should try to quit, but I sleep so much better with a fan blasting my face
>>75611065Don't think so. It's a concern for adults, not just kids.
>>75611417No idea. It's a central nervous system stress disorder king fuckery 9000, magic mushrooms can give you a CHANCE at doing yoga and releasing your shit and starting over, but this is deeply embedded into your mind and body at this point and its just basically impossible without it being a 24/7 thing you work on for the rest of your lifet. fucked up neck, wish I had the nuts to kill myself
>>75611617But if it's stuck in spasm botix forces muscle relaxation. Like it's not a psychological trick. If you inject botox into a muscle it will relax, the end.
>>75610478>and no I'm not a babythats something a baby would say
Just stretch. That's what they have you do for babies. Bend your neck left and right like you're putting your ear to your shoulder. Hold this position and alternate back and forth several times, slowly increasing the time you hold on each side.The biggest problem with babies is that they don't have the presence of mind to correct themselves, so they'll sleep on their stomachs and turn their heads in the wrong direction and the torticollis persists. Do you sleep on your stomach? If you do, try turning your head the other way when you sleep. If this doesn't work, try sleeping on your side or back, always aiming to have your head naturally turn or shift counter to the torticollis, even slightly. With time, I imagine you can correct this. Consider seeing a doc if you are unable to even stretch.
>>75611624Yeah okay but you arent solving any problems youll just have half of your neck muscles not work, giving you basically the same fucking problem
This seems like it could work
Easy my guy. Look into pandiculation.
>>75611065KekSIDS can be real though, babies will bury their faces in bedding and just suffocate without attempting to move. I suspect they don't have the same flinch/spasm reaction to CO2 that adults do.
>>75611673>methinks the baby doth protest too much
>u wot m8?
>>75610478i used to get this once a yearFor me, the cause was actually pic relatedBasically, go to a physiotherapist to check if you have it (very common due to shitty posture of people). Then go do isolations for your serratus and your lower traps
>>75612038buddy has it and gets regular botox injections every few months. really helps him so consider it at least
>> that Dr Lee?