>he's paying to lift heavy rocks in a room full of sweaty men and instagram whores
>>75610972I'm paying to strengthen my body and improve how I feel and look, and I don't care who else occupies the room as long as it doesn't interfere with my workout.
Yeah but I get to get swole!
>>75610972I lift so when WWIII is declared official and ZOG comes for me I can be like gorilla in planet of apes when he’s throwing shit at that helicopter and slipping over police cars.
>>75610972But I don't. I go do calisthenics at the park for free.
>>75610972Most people who go to my local gym are pretty cool.
>>75610972>not homegyming after covid NGMI
>>75610972I'm paying to get away from you like everyone else. OP is not allowed in my gym
>>75610972that is crazy because i saw a dude at the gym who legit looked exactly like this dude except he was with his girlfriend who had a perfect body and was dressed up in this pink themed everything...
>>75610972yeah but he is happy
>>75610972I'm mostly paying for the sauna
I'm going to the equivalent of Equinox in my country
>>75612456is it good the sauna? i got one at the pools i go to but never used it
Am I the only anon that actually likes it when the gym is full of thots?
Small price to pay for the total annihilation of Israel.
>>75612470Only gay men go to Equinox.
>>75612933I'm going there for free because i did some work for them