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/fit/ - Fitness

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>counting calories instead of feeling your stomach if it's full or not
Most people are too fat because their brain is defective and can't regulate satiation properly. Your advice is garbage as a general rule.
No it's because they eat processed calorie dense foods instead of whole foods.
Kind of and diet is an incredibly important factor but ultimately it's the brain of these people that predisposes them to overeat. The brain of obese people is genetically different.
Eating every time you don’t feel full is why people are fat
>The brain of obese people is genetically different
sounds like mom science
I almost never feel full no matter how much clean high fiber and protein stuff I eat. So I have to count. Like, my shit is so fucked up that even GLP-1 agonists don't work to curb my appetite. I have to be mindful of it. I'm not even fat anymore, but I easily could be if I didn't stay on top of it.
Skip to 53:24
It's almost entirely this. You've had a meal that wasn't too high in calories but left you feeling unbelievably stuffed after. And you've probably had snacks that barely felt like any food at all but were 500-1000 calories. Foods that are fairly large but not calorie dense are incredibly hard to overeat. It's the really dense stuff that makes people fat, particularly because that stuff also happens to be borderline addictive with their flavourings and sugars.
I count calories and have full control over my weight. People who go by how they feel ALWAYS have some kind of weight problem, either under or overweight. Usually they're obese but I do know one skinny fucker who's just massively ocd about what he eats.
I don't listen to faggot nerds making shit up thanks.
I have to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry doebiet
No. When I was fat I would literally feel like eating 24/7. And for meals it was always the more, the better. Now it's been 5 years since I lost the weight and everything is back to normal. I could eat a donut and feel full for hours.
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>not training your stomach to feel full right when you hit your calorie goal
>only a couple hundred hours from 2025
You can eat three pounds of carrots and it's about 480 calories.
>lifting weights based on the preconceptions of other dudes
Sounds pretty gay to me
I could never eat 5lbs of steak and 2lbs of French pastries a day
I just want to keep eating fast food steak/Asian beef and beer/liquor and I think the combination makes me stronger.
Sriracha mayo rice and some onions/sesame/brown sugar/green onion marinade beef to grill or cast iron is kind of too sick for a 1000 calorie meal in like 10-15min and no work.
No I mean soisauce
I spit on you peasant
I tried the whole
>just eat healthy bro, just eat X or Y bro, just put the fork down bro, just work out harder bro, tracking calories for pussies bro, dont be a pussy, just lose fat blindly bro

and I spent years and years stuck at 20-25% bodyfat

The moment I started counting calories I was able to get shredded within 6 months with ease

The way I see it, not tracking calories is like trying to get somewhere you've never been, without a map or directions, you're essentially blind.

Im just not one of those people who can "eat by feel" to get lean, most people aren't like that either, most people eating by feel keeps them at 20% bodyfat
counting calories is necessary unless you only eat whole foods
Counting calories is necessary if you want to change your bodyweight. If you like what you weigh you don't need to do anything so don't pretend to be an expert just because you look good (4u)

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