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Because when people say "muscular", they picture Mr. Olympia open division competitors, so they say they don't like it, but they expect men to not be muscular and simultaneously look like D1 athletes.
They don't, a lot of women prefer dad bods
Would you ask a fish for fishing advice?
not a good comparison
men are pretty upfront about what they like
>the dad bod
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Reminder that this is what roasties said is a dadbod.
Panzer commander Norwood running Operate Zitadelle on this dood
Nah, some may be like that, but realistically most women who are into "dad bods" pretty much like a guy who is a seasoned natty lifter right after a clean bulk.
And they unironically believe men become like that by carrying kids and groceries around...
He's got at transplant, he's fine now.
Because they don't think the athletic lean physique is muscular but it is.
This is the male equivalent of the bimbo with fake ass and fake tits.
This. Women want a body that looks like you workout without looking like you workout. Basically builtfat if you're tall or "athletic" if you're not.
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when they say that they mean Mr Universe level roiders, meanwhile they think this is a "dad bod" with minimal training
Post her body
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...I'll allow it
Curated picture. She's fat and you can tell she used to be even fatter. Her legs and ass are very flabby as demonstrated by how the soft mass spreads over the bed.
Also, her panties are tying around her back making it look like her body has more of a pear shape than it actually does.

Obviously I would, etc etc, but this is one of those bitches where after you fuck her midday she's laying in bed and you think, "damn, this bitch actually looks nasty".
>"damn, this bitch actually looks nasty".
This is why I wait until the 3rd date. Gril who looks great when you meet her sometimes looks different staring at her sober on that second date, especially after getting to know her a little. If she tries to put out on the first or second I'm out of there too. Sometimes they get uppity when you don't make a move for that long and self-filter for me.
It's a good comparison as pertains to women. Even if they would be willing to tell you how to catch them they wouldn't actually know else they'd stop falling for it.
Cope bro, she's pretty hot. Yeah, she could lose a few pounds and is using angles and a bikini to maximize her shape. But she has huge tits, huge ass, and relativity small waist and arms. This type of body is dangerous as it's mostly a by-product of youth. If she doesn't start activity trying to stay in shape, she will balloon up.

All of that doesn't excuse her initial retarded argument. Those dad bods require just as much time in the gym as any "gym bro physique" they would deem unattractive.
shit test.
Dadbod bros I like what waits for us.
>Cope bro, she's pretty hot. Yeah, she could lose a few pounds and is using angles and a bikini to maximize her shape. But she has huge tits, huge ass, and relativity small waist and arms.
Sounds like you are non coping. She looks like shit. She has fat arms she is hiding with angles, her waist only appears thin because she has a horrible shaped fat ass and shitty thighs, her tits are just mediocre and she clearly has clown makeup and filters on. This is a 4.5 larping as an 8.
So basically 3 years of intensive diet and training,lol.
Lol, she thinks those pics are not obsessed with the gym. Holy shit women have it so easy when it comes to physique, they have no idea how long it takes to build that kind of frame. Just dumb retarded children is what all women are.
She's fat, figures smfh
Nah, photos of women especially on social media are going to be the most insane angles with 300 retakes. AKA never look like that in real life. You can tell she is fat because of how big her legs look when smushed against the bed. The angle is probably hiding a lot of belly fat as well. Notice how she moves her head upwards to hide the double chin. I've seen loads of tricks from fat girls, she does every trick in the book, even the super close to the face photo in her avi
Women lie about everything
Desperate fag
Yep. Satanic creatures. Should all be gassed or oppressed, or both.
yea if she does the pose at the end of the bed trick shes rancid
the way most women see roided guys is the same as the way most guys see women with big lip fillers, Botox, fake tits and Brasilian butt lifts.
Because they're thinking of obvious tryhard muscular men not chad who makes it look effortless. They have to think you're just genetically like that, not that you spend hours a week doing some antisocial shut in hobby because you don't measure up naturally.
Because if they told you what they liked then they would be vulnerable. Women are inferior to men in every single metric, and so in order to have an advantage they must use obscurism, intrigue and two-speak to hide the truth and misdirect us. Women are the jews of gender
What if it's a jew woman?
It's not a lie. They like the muscle but not the man. They see you shirtless or get an accidental feel of how hard any given part of your body is and they're like holy shit I wish my boyfriend who's normal and doesn't scare me was like that.
women as a generalization are not in tune with their shadow or in other words they deny dark realities within themselves
Fertile women like naturally strong men. Roiders only attract fags and infertile bisexual dykes.
4pl8 bench is
I fuckin hate jews
is this image suppose to be depressing or comfy?
they don't lie about it when a hot muscular dude is in front of them, they lie about it when they are virtue signaling with other women or reassuring their skinnyfat partner/orbiters
Just like men they all have their own type.
Not every guy likes BBW, or as /fit/ calls them curvy or thick.
Most women in the real world prefer skinny men over dudes that work out.
Most dudes that are out in public with their gfs are skinny, lifting is counterproductive if women is what you're after
It's comfy, refer to the Gondola collections
Jewish women are Satan incarnate. There is a reason judaism is a matrilineal identity.
stay based brother HH 14
>Most women in the real world prefer skinny men
that's because skinny men vastly outnumber muscular men and because being muscular is far down in the list of "most important traits to be able to get a gf", but in no way does this mean that being muscular is counterproductive to getting women. It's still a desirable trait, most women don't care much but some will be decidedly more attracted to a fit guy than to his skinnyfat equivalent while the opposite is hardly ever true (and when it is you're usually dealing with low quality women like fatsos)
>I prefer a real woman with curves
>of course I find your tattoos attractive
>haha, she's a bit of a handful but she keeps me on my toes
>look, yes she stopped shaving, but you know what's sexier than smooth legs and pussy? Body confidence.
>stretch marks are sexy! I said what I said
>of course I wouldn't prefer you with bigger boobs. Why, were you thinking of getting them enhanced, because that's totally your choice and I'd support your decision? No? Ah... Well, good, because as mentioned I think yours are perfect as they are
If men were ACTUALLY honest about what they like:
>most women peak at 14
>tattoos look shit 90% of the time
>if in doubt, lose weight, fatty
>septum piercings are boner killers
>if I can see your nipples or pussy lips through your clothes, I'll fuck you but never respect you
To men, women appear to lie about everything. But, it isn’t lying. Not really. Women are so capricious and non-committal that they dither and have no real intellectual foundations or principles. They are like children who change their minds day to day and don’t really know enough about themselves to state a preference.
And then you let go of the diet to create a small "dad" pouch but keep lifting, yes.
Most women are very retarded.
They just lie for any reason
why is her name Lolita, is she fucking stupid?
Am I skinny or am I muscular by female/normie standards? Somewhere in between I guess?
Skinny fat.
kek ok
Do you lift?
More than (you)
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Its not that women lie about not liking muscular men, its that they are telling the truth about not liking you.
Skinny af. There's people into that look (/fa/ goes crazy about it, for example - whether you want 300 pound virgins to be attracted to you is a different matter), but nobody's going to mistake you for a gymrat.
Makes sense, the bulk shall continue.
Really? What are your lifts?
Who cares who women date. The only thing that matters for what women are attracted to is who they fuck on the first date/night. Because that's the guy who doesn't have to jump through hoops not the boyfriend

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