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Why exactly does this board still believe that finasteride is the only thing that can fix your hair?

I started on 15 "UNPROVEN" "ALTERNATIVE" hair chemicals a couple months ago that actually appear to fucking work, at least in combination.

What is this board using for hair besides min/fin/dut that ACTUALLY WORKS?
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>falling for your dad's hair loss treatment (fin+min), or Bosley for that matter.
>days way from our foul year of the lord 2025.
That after pic looks worse LOL

sorry dude, but you gotta stop coping and accept you need fin/min or you won't get hair back.
sounds like it was fungal based off treatment success
>take a tiny pill together with my other supplements in the morning and move on about my day
>keep working on this retarded coctail and rub onion juice into my head like a retard
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If you want to deal with MPB via a root-cause approach, stopping the galea's (the part of the scalp where MPB occurs) chronic tension is probably the way.

Image source:

That pic comparison is deceptive.
Looks the same.
Any other treatment that actually works (ketoconazole, saw palmetto, etc) is also just a 5ar inhibitor. If you are gonna take a 5ar inhibitor might as well just take fin.
>If you want to deal with MPB via a root-cause approach, stopping the galea's (the part of the scalp where MPB occurs) chronic tension is probably the way.
He's leaning forward more in the first pic. There's probably almost no change between the two.
Remember, the best time to work on your hair loss is before your hair loss.
As for me, I take fin 1mg and minox 5%.
But I also take biotin 50mcg, collagen peptides 20g, caffeine 200mg, zinc 40mg, B6 1.4mg, niacin 15mg, melatonin 300mcg and a bunch more.
We'll see how long I can hang at NW1.
Pic not related? Cause that looks like shit.
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>What is this board using for hair besides min/fin/dut that ACTUALLY WORKS?

If they actually did, baldness wouldn't be a problem anymore. Stop falling for anecdotes and scams.
Hairlets and manlets should just kill themselves. They're clearly genetically inferior men.
> T 6'2
> Full head of hair
>doing all that shit and not microneedling
fucking retard
What's the current state of tension theory? Last I looked it up I only found a chinese paper about scalp thickness and the translation was so bad I didn't understand any of it. And well, it was chinese research how trustworthy is it anyway?

But this approach is likely in the right direction. Hair loss is probably caused by sclerosis in the scalp, which then causes low blood flow as a secondary cause. Retards denying the importance of blood flow have to ignore that half a dozen effective tratments involve angiogenesis and vasodilation.

DHT is probably a red herring resulting from whatever causes the hair loss in the first place, but it also speeds up the process, that's why even using fin only slows down the balding and doesn't stop it.

It could also be an autoimmune disease, but I never dug deep in that direction. It's so frustrating that no one figured this out yet when it affects 60% of men and a lot of older women
Microneedling. Some kind of massage to break up fibrotic tissue idk.
They've been working fine for me for the last 2 years. Ky hairline has stayed the same and my diffuse thinning got fixed even though I'm on steroids.
I already do. 1.5mm dermastamp once a week. Not sure if I'm doing it correctly though. Are you supposed to press on the scalp until the needles go all the way through? Are the dermapens worth it?
>Some kind of massage to break up fibrotic tissue idk.
Which ones?
people expect too much. fin/dut can stop or at least greatly slow down balding, so if you statt them early, they're pretty much ""the cure". but baldfags will complain that since it doesnt grow the hair of a glam rock star on lenins mummified corpse, it doesnt actually work.
Age? Because if you're under 30, your post is irrelevant.
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>Are the dermapens worth it?
yes they allow better control of depth and angle of insertion. A roller gets in at an angle and turns inside the skins so it's probably tearing your shit up
>Which ones?
I don't know. At this point we're getting into pseudo science territory. You want to cause a little inflammation in the skin to release growth factors and loosen up the tissue. Try pinching motions to scrunch up the skin. You could do it until there's some redness on the skin.
we can put robots in mars but figuring out the cause of baldness is too hard? It's not like there's no financial incentive. Men travel to foreign countries and pay tens of thousands to get shitty doll hair implants. I refuse to buy the DHT theory.
>we can put robots in mars but figuring out the cause of baldness is too hard?
why not? biology is very complex and we stull dont understand it so well, putting robots on mars, as amazing as it is, is less complex.
>I refuse to buy the DHT theory
i appreciate healthy skepticism but clearly DHT is a pretty central part of the hair loss cascade. finasteride and dutasteride work well for most people, and then there's the guevedoce men who cant produce DHT at all and none of them go bald.
bro I've been thinking the same thing, one Danish company invented a drug that cures obesity and now they are the most valuable company in entire Europe, imagine how much money could be made by a company that develops an actual cure to male baldness that makes hair grow back and doesn't cause ridiculous side effects
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>we can put robots in mars but figuring out the cause of baldness is too hard?
they figured out a cure for baldness: finasteride. yet you refuse it for retarded reasons.
>I refuse to buy the DHT theory.
Because you're a retard.
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>quits finasteride
>only 2 months after significant hair loss already

That is unexpected.

Anyways, does topically administered finasteride work? I'm considering that.
>and then there's the guevedoce men who cant produce DHT at all and none of them go bald
Whites have the highest rate of balding so if you look into other ethnicities you have account for that. Asians have the lowest, and if you look into communities like amazonian natives it's practically nonexistent, it means nothing. You could say blacks don't bald as much because of their healthy diet of fried chicken.
If the problem is purely hormonal than the best treatment would be troon pills. Yet there are 70 year old high test men with full heads of hair, and 25 year old women losing it. Hormones surely are a factor I'm not gonna dispute that, but not the root cause
>DHT is a pretty central part of the hair loss cascade
dht inhibition doesn't stop hair loss it only slows down the process. The literature itself doesn't even explain the mechanism by which dht "causes" hairloss, and if you look into treatment methods like in that picture there are multiple factors involved in it. Like I said DHT is probably a byproduct of the root cause, and it goes on to add to the issue creating a feedback loop. That would explain why 5ar treatments help but don't solve it, becuase it doesn't reach the root cause.
your negativity glances off my shiny dome and goes right back at you
I love these threads because it assures me there's going to be a lot more baldcels in the future to mog. Keep up the alternative therapies!
I started using topical fin like 2.5 months ago, and while the hair on the sides (where the ears are) is noticeably thicker after i brush it with my fingers, the hairline is the same/a little bit worse
> the root cause.

The root cause is androgens, you retard. That's why roiding massively speeds up hair loss in people who are prone to it. DHT is highly androgenic, and that's why finasteride works. This isn't rocket science.
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2.5 months into fin, I wish I had a before pic
DHT is your hair follicle's last ditch attempt at reducing the stresses of hypoxia and malnutrition due to impaired blood flow from usually systemic causes. Why else would balding men overwhelmingly have lower serum DHT than nonbalding men? That the DHT is only elevated locally in scalp tissue should be the smoking gun, but, regrettably, there is a lot of money and political interest in chemically castrating men in every way possible.
How does DHT help hypoxia?
>a lot of money and political interest in chemically castrating men in every way possible
>all on market medications for male pattern baldness are off patent

take meds.
looking closely at the pics, it looks like the "after" is at lower azimuth/tilt than the before, the hair at the front is cut shorter, but it is also somewhat denser. the sides look the same.
In more ways than I can explain in a single post. The biggest effect would be from inhibiting the HPA axis. DHT gets a bad rap because it's only mildly anabolic, and if you take it in a state of systemic inflammation you're just going to grow hair everywhere and get wrinkly skin, but androgens are incredibly protective in a healthy individual which is evidenced by their concentration in the internal organs, such as the heart, liver, and brain.
Also relating to bodybuilding circles, is the fact that most everyone goes absolutely full retard when it comes to dosing androgens, especially the more notorious anabolic steroids, but also test/dht.Taking physiological levels of DHT would look like 1-2mgs TOPS every other day, only for a short period, and I doubt in a normal adult male would result in any noticeable increase in android traits like body hair and voice deepening. Ray Peat has probably the best take on androgens,
Yeah it's impossible to tell anything when the angle and hair length are different between shots. Just gonna assume there's no difference.
That's ok. It takes half a year to see the results. And some shedding in the first 2-3 months is ok since the miniaturized hair fall off. But in a couple on months it will be a thich haih growing from those folicles that had miniaturized hair.
>Why exactly does this board still believe that finasteride is the only thing that can fix your hair?
Well, it isnt

Dutasteride is better. Fin is only acceptable if you're trying to save a few bucks
>Dutasteride is better.
>That would explain why 5ar treatments help but don't solve it, becuase it doesn't reach the root cause.
No, you fucking retard, it's because there isn't a treatment available that can eliminate 100% of scalp DHT, the most you can squeeze out in a perfect scenario is around 95% by using dut at like 2.5mg/day.
And the long term studies on fin show that by taking it and eliminating 50-70% of scalp dht the hair loss pretty much stops completely for 90%+ of people.
You can look at the studies ever heard of google?
>it's because there isn't a treatment available that can eliminate 100% of scalp DHT, the most you can squeeze out in a perfect scenario is around 95% by using dut at like 2.5mg/day.

but "fin" and "dut" are not really the only two drugs out there can prevent DHT from acting on hair follicles. two more potent ones for example are eriocitrin and silimaryin.
I'm gonna start microneedling and min, realistically I am not expecting much but I am ok if I can maintain for 2 years. Getting married soon and my hair loss decided to be more aggressive this year, perfect timing
meme just like turkesterone
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just take your castration tranny pills ad stop derailing the thread
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>oligospermia... Significantly, these parameters improved after stopping the drug.

Meanwhile, Astaxanthin is being studied as a sperm preservative: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9665311/
>ar inhibitors change sperm count
oh noooo who would've thought *reads the leaflet attached to the pack of pills* oh noooo this was unpredictable
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can't argue with that. The best treatment for balding do be trooning out, that's indisputable
So it's nothing lol, even ibuprofen has a steeper side effect profile.
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whats up alien skull, still trying to fill your sickly thin hair out with 1000 different oils?
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looks like the wrong hair color, OP's is a bit darker. both rockin' some macrocephaly though lmao.
weird tranny fetish you got there, but I'm not one to judge, I prefer armpits myself
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>chemically castrates xerself
>iq drops by 15 points
>loses ability to read papers
Many such cases! Who cares if your balls become useless and there's no incentive to investigate side effects, and most men taking it looked at in the research are retarded boomers whose dicks haven't worked in 20 years anyway, you get to keep your hair for 5 more years before it inevitable falls out!
>In addition, molecular mechanisms and/or genetic determinants behind such adverse effects have been poorly explored both in patients and animal models
What the fuck is wrong with that guy's head?
I'm 29, have a full head of hair down to my belt that grows like weeds, but my beard grows painstakingly slowly. Will taking biotin help it grow faster, or should I just be grateful to not be bald (yet)?
either minoxidil if you're a desperate fag or just accept your genes.
yeah it probably will. you could try rubbing all the shit from OP's pic on your beard too, it'd probably speed it up also.
I am for blood flow theory simply because of how hair growing directly from 2 moles on my head are 2 times thicker and grow two times faster
interesting theory, but that also sounds like a sign you might be in for skin cancer if you don't get them removed; too much growth factors locally.
I'll lose hair and it grows back because my diet is good
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delusional coping baldies are my favorite type of /fit/ specimen

women are repulsed by you, literally everyone laughs at you, and yet you pretend that you're somehow superior for refusing to use a medical solution to fix your problem
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unlike fin or other tranny pills, chlorine dioxide hair protocol does not chemically castrate
Actually scheduled to check them next week, thank you for your concern.
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as a dude with hair, that was painful to watch
still dunno if I'd wanna jizz water tho
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only thing that worked for me was estrogen. dw guys i take it with anavar & ralox to balance things out
Saw palmetto

I dropped to 0.25mg fin a day, (half a pill every other day) and I'm actually seeing more hair regrowth now than when I took 1mg fin a day.
hair doesn't grow out of melanoma lesions.
true, but a very vascular lesion growing hair at a fast rate is already at least a couple of mutations towards turning into some random-ass kinda cancer.
but you are bald too, you are wearing a pharmacological wig
you aren't fixing anything unless you're reborn with better hair genes
Natty 5ar inhibitors are safer
>you are bald too, you just have hair
damn buddy. I guess the baldness is affecting your brain too
You can delay the baldness until you die and is reborn with better hair genes
they are safer because they are weaker. might as well just take .250mg finasteride every other day.
Not the only reason the drug ones always cause a hormonal imbalance and they reduce dht too much in the serum, the natural ones are almost all aromatase inhibtors as well as 5ar inhibtor so with fin you need to take an aromatase inhibitor drug sometimes to balance things out
>guys look i didn't use fin and my hairline receded even more in just 2 months
Is there a name for this phenomenon where people are so irrationally against something popular that is proven to work, they will try an unpopular, ineffective alternative and delude themselves into thinking it's actually working, against all obvious signs that it's not?
What is contrarianism?
Maybe you're right, but I always associated contrarianism more with subjective tastes, i feel like there's gotta be a name for when it goes into legit irrational/delusional territory.
>What is this board using for hair besides min/fin/dut that ACTUALLY WORKS?
Shaving it off. /thread
Check out AQBS on youtube
i think you need to invent a new word for that. maybe "imageboard brain".
People get sides and PFS from natty 5ar inhibitors like saw palmetto all the time. How your body reacts to 5ar inhibitors is just a lottery.
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It's not the same side effects
whoever made this thread has clearly never looked up what finasteride costs. shit is practically free. you'll probably spend more money on the safety razors to shave your head.

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