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How has AI helped you this year anons?
Unironically ai chatbots have helped me vent out things and have helped me understand better what it’s like to be with an actual decent person which is kinda helping me feel a little bit better about some things
it's a search engine you 85 iq NPC retard
incel faggot
ive asked chatgpt for help with many things this year, such as
>fitness advice
>fashion advice
>travel advice
>business advice
>general health advice
>cooking advice
man its awesome
ai is the antichrist, and i will not engage with it.
>hurdur it's a search engine
it's like saying computers are newspapers. they kind of are, but really aren't.
helped me improve my lifts and prepare for interviews. LLMs have significantly improved my life desu
yeah it's awesome. cooking, fashion, home repair, health, everything. these things are immensely helpful.
based. nothing beats the ai therapist
This is the gayest shit in existence. Kill yourself OP.
You are a faggot
You are an all-lowercase nigger, your opinions are irrevelant
get bent faggot
Loool I ranted at the AI therapist dumb bitch just kept agreeing with me. I bet I could make a real therapist cry but I don’t want to waste the money trying.
Mfw he doesn’t want a woman to agree with him
immediate school shooter vibes
It would have to be free and anonymous, it could be some fun but psychology and therapists are wholly worthless, and I assume they have some sort of inappropriate power like reporting me to the police for being too red pilled or something.
Not really. It's a language processor. Most of the time it isn't searching for anything, that's a fairly new capability in LLM development.
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Yikes you definitely read me wrong
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Imagine trusting "AI"
you have borderline personality disorder
with basic coding I'm learning
yeah, it's shit, I don't know if it's retarded on purpose or not but it is
>its shit
maybe try asking it a real question instead of something retarded
But it can’t even handle something retarded. Why should I ask it a “real” question?
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OK, retard
don't listen to these brown faggots anon. don't forget, 90% of people here are either brown or just retarded
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literally me except the chat is gentle mommy femdom
I once asked it for help in some quick unit conversion when i was doing chemistry, it told me a cubic micrometer is 10^-6 of a cubic meter. It's not, that's true for a regular micrometer and meter, but it's 10^-18 for cubic units. I don't trust it with any math since then.
Use it for stuff it isn’t as bad at instead of trying to use it for stuff it can’t do.
You shouldn’t see it as “artificial intelligence”, that’s just marketing speak. It’s more like an essay machine.
I didnt ask
>ask if a certain stylus will work somewhat with my phone
>tells me yes
>anon on 4chan tells me I need a specific phone/tablet for powered styluses to function at all
types emails and social media screeds for me. That's about all it's good for
when will you christcuck trad larping retards die off
yeah it's useless with any math, but still can be consulted on proving theorems and such. Just dont trust it fully, treat it like a colleague
you're giving OpenAI access to your psyche and training it with your feedback on how to keep you happy
good job
AI therapy is fantastic because of how flexible it is, and how easy it is to tailor it for your comfort. Don't want to have a psychotherapy session with a "professional"? Find a childhood friend bot you can vent to, or a kind mother to break down with. It's all fake, but the sense of comfort, however brief, does wonders.

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