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File: arnold-schwarznigger.jpg (98 KB, 750x740)
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Do you have better abs than Arnold?
Mentzer is the rightful Mr. Olympia
Mentzer's arms were nuts proportionally. Really insane structure.
Arnold has never looked good
Imagine being a professional bodybuilder and skipping leg day. lol
>post picture of a manlet and arnold
>dyel manlet browncels come out of the woodwork to defend their favorite gay manlet
can't make this shit up topkek
Holy shit Arnold mogs hard here, are Mentzer fags so delusional they think he should've won?
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Nobody had better arms than Arnold
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He looks like a child next to Arnold, and that was Arnold in his worst shape.
Imagine thinking that the quad tumours of today look better lol.
Forgot pic.
Open bodybuilding has never been about aesthetics
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These in particular look disgusting, but from Lee Haney up to Jay Cutler I guess bodybuilders had good quads
It was in Arnold's day.

Not really. Oversized quads are one of the worst thing to happen in bodybuilding. They make them both ugly and unathletic.
>Jay Cutler's physique is ugly
You're a pathetic, subhuman dyel and I'll promptly ignore you from now on.
nope he's right big legs look stupid now post body i bet you look like a starting strength victim kek
In Arnolds day each bodypart was individually judged and the one with the best total won
How the hell did he win with his core and legs?
he's 6'2" and look who he's standing next to a little gay dude
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>rightful mr o
>5th place

Methzer fags are delusional
also his back was subpar compared with his competition. have you ever noticed there's hardly any back shots of Arnold?
arnold was a boytoy for the gay (jewish) weider bros. that is why he won. his lower body looks like a high school soccer player. in no era of body building was that ideal.
more like mr dadbod amirite
Mike looks infinitely more aesthetic here
No because hes a midget and height counts

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