I get this is now being memed around but this is literally my dream physique. How do I attain this naturally? How long would this take for a new lifter?I fear sarcastic responses but I’m genuinely curious and willing to learn how to be /fit/
>>75612898It took me like 1 1/2 years.
>>75612902Can you explain how? What kind of lifts? How long to bulk? Assuming you’re being serious and want to help a noob
>>75612898Powershit like a big, dumb fatass.
>>75612908Why even comment?
>>75612898After a certain point things just stop being memes and it's just spam. This image has been posted so many times it's just tired and annoying at this point. I wish people would actually come here for advice or to give advice or to discuss actual lifting or nutrition but instead we get these garbage threads and these endlessly reposted images that just aren't funny or entertaining anymore.
>Powershit like a big, dumb fatass.
>>75612987Left looks stronger, sexier and healthier.
That guy is just hot. Not something you can replicate. It's mostly genetics. Lift as much as you can but don't do it for aesthetics or you'll go insane.
>>75612898>these armsYou either need to roid for this, or be a gnome.Those are unachievable natty.
>>75613028No it doesn't. Both are ugly btw.
>>75613049If you saw his fat face you would burst out laughing.
>>75612898I am built like picrel, believe me the novelty of the size does not last. Yeah you look nasty in hoodies/jackets but its a nightmare when shirtless in teh mirror. I was always shilling for muh bulk but again i have come to regret my actions.
>>75613058are you actually suggesting those arms are not natty? with that fucking belly the dude is rocking? be for real. I bet he's like 5'9 and 200 lbs.
>angle frauded pump pic is goal physiquejust dirty bulk and learn to pose like an egirl faggot. guy is fat as fuck in any other lighting and angle.
>>75612906literally just the big 4 and plenty of meat and plant protein, eggs. it’s a dirty bulk physique
>>75613061the fuck you doing in a bodybuilding thread then dipshit?
>>75613068I feel the same way. I have a very similar build since I'm bulking to hit lmao4pl8s on the bench but I can't wait to start cutting again. My face looks fats and I hate stuffing my face with food. This type of physique makes sense to have as an aging man in his 30s not a young men like me.
Don't get this fat because you will regret it. You most likely lack the frame and the muscle insertions to achieve this in the first place and you will just go SS riptoe mode and lets face it, most /fit/ anons are just GDE's. Take the leanpill and just do a bro split.
>>75613101>Don't get this fat because you will regret it. You most likely lack the frame and the muscle insertions to achieve this in the first place and you will just go SS riptoe mode and lets face it, most /fit/ anons are just GDE's.kek this is some dyel need with 13 inch biceps guaranteed
>>75613073This is true >t. angle frauding fat
>>75613028t. gay man
>>75613063post it or yours i could go for a laugh
>>75613899So wanting to fuck a hot, sexy man in the ass is gay now? This nu-/fit/ is just bunch of faggots apparently
posting dadbods
>>75614058Peak dadbod physique, achievable in 6 months of wii fit + zumba
>>75612898What weight would I want to be at 5’10 (5’11 with actual sleep and gravity being cooperative) to look like this? SBD of 405/285/475
>>75613028>Perfect lighting, doesn't show his face.Hmmmm
>>75612898What's hilarious is that low-T 37 year old balding man children who weigh 230 and haven't even looked at a weight since high school gym class will advertise themselves as having a "dadbod" but this is what women mean when they use the term.
>>75612908nooo you have to heckin stay 102lbs to keep your abs and stay functional!!!
>>75614429kek abs on a dyel is funny
So is anyone gonna give an answer or are you all just time wasters?
>>75614617didn't you know? nobody on this site actually lifts
>>75614617go eat a steak and hit the gym instead of sitting here waiting for a complicated magic bullet answer