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>Post body on /fit/
>Don't get insulted for physique
This is how you know you have made it.
Weird how you didn't post your body in this thread. Probably because this is a situation you made up.
he did
Yeah, except that he didn't.
>post body
>fat guys say you're too small
>small guys say you're too fat
>someone accuses you of roiding
>someone else thinks you don't even lift
>most arguments against you stop
>one guy continues insisting that your physique makes you even less credible because you coast on genetics
>another guy calls you genetic dead end
>a few gay fags make you uncomfortable
>a schizo gets so mad that he uses your picture to shitpost
>you get overwhelmed and forget to keep lifting and then it's unironically over
I don't want to post body anymore.
It’s funny how we can tell you’re fat by this post.
I just explained how I get the whole range of opinions because people are too dumb to see things for what they are and they just see what they want. You haven't even seen me and you already have an opinion lol.
I got accused of roiding and being a DYEL in the span of 24hrs. I can conclude with this that may physique looks good.
Could be worse, you could have been called brown
I was lol. I just didn't mention it because it's not relative to my point.
I did.

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