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I've been doing neck curls with this thing but it's obviously become way too light. How can I add weight to it over time? I prefer this version of neck curls much over stacking plates on your forehead.
fill it with water instead of air
Wouldn't it spill? I don't want to waterboard myself while training?
>not torturemaxxing
Literally put a towel on your forehead, lie on a bench or your own fucking bed, hang your head off of it, and do neck curls with weight plates resting on your forehead.
There you go, adjustable resistance and no need for a single weight device.
Auto-waterboarding after the bench press is a /fit/ tradition.
Dang, I'm sorry
Tried it but definitely prefer the ball variation
>How can I add weight to it over time?
disregard ball
get a cute wife pregnant and have her sit on your face
What are you doing them for? If you're just doing them because of the "neck pill" lol

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