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/fit/ - Fitness

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>tfw poor thirdworlder
>home gym is unaffordable because everything is so expensive
you have internet but you don't have a long stick and two sacks?
two bricks and a broomstick like larry wheels did
tree for pullup bar
you can do prison workouts
not only poor, but also retarded, it seems. Can't you pullup on a tree and curl literal rocks?
But I want actual quality weights, not some improvised shit that will fuck up my body due to not being optimized
Also, calisthenics is a meme
fucking cringe boyo you don't need a whole power rack and 500 lbs of weights in plates to get a good body. get yourself a pull up bar. 40 lb weights. and a yoga matt for abs and push ups. thats more than enough to get yoked.
Fix your shithole of a nation instead of pestering white people.
>you don't need a whole power rack and 500 lbs of weights in plates
That's exactly what you need. They built the pyramids in ancient times and now people are coping out of basic fabrication of 200lb structure and a simple tool with like 4 moving parts. The fucking state of this world I swear.
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>quality weights
are you also the kind of retard who thinks 1kg of steel is heavier than 1kg of feathers?
>calisthenics is a meme
okay, you're an absolute imbecile. kys immediately
being a retard is your problem, not your financial situation
saar a kilogram of shit weighs the same as kilogram of steel saar
1000 hindu squats saar
tantric kuniyaga punjabi rama dama long ding dong in the vagane and a gay haircut saar
Your race wasn't meant to invent nice things, that's why you have to steal them from others
there's so many cheap chink gym equipments though
1kg of steel is better than 1kg of feathers for exercising
If a couple dumbbells and a barbell are too expensive where you live rn, then you've got more pressing matters to worry about.
>i dont believe in calisthenics
literally and unironically NGMI

have a nice day
>he failed kindergarten level physics
steel is heavier than feathers retard
> poorfag
> is a total autistic retard who isn't interested in making things work
Every. Single. Time.
Why is the "i have to start out with the best possible equipment" mindset so prevalent in sport hobbies, and lifting is probably the dumbest one to have it on
You can get as far as anyone with cheap iron plates, a rusty spinlock bar, and any given rack and bench. But you do need those things. Bricks and broomsticks don't add up to a stable 300+ lbs and calisthenics makes nobody big. The thirdie anime everything is possible you don't have to do things right fantasy itt is fucking stupid.
>kindergarten physics exceed intellectual abilities of your average /fit/tard
imagine my shock
Autism + neuroticism of shitters conditioned for inaction.
the old school strongmen used newspapers, with what i guess would be slightly toxic ink at the time to strengthen the grip.
I recommend the pullup (personally the chinup) as arnold did
the farmers walk/carry using two bags and anything
what about junkyard/scrapyard they through away weights, what about criaglist facebook marketplace or they have garage sales where you are.
I dont know your labor laws but a physical job they can pay you and you might get gains
>calisthenics is a meme
you can jog and run you can even sprint, but it does burn calories maybe too much
handstand and one handed pushups
What combination of plates should you get to start with? So far I got:
>1 pair 1lb
>1 pair 2lb
>2 pairs 5lbs
>2 pairs 10lbs
>1 pair 20lbs
Still looking for available 45's but not sure how many should I get
Nigger, how poor are you? I'm in huezil and pay around 25 US dollars a month for a gym and that's only because I got the most expensive plan that allows me to lift in all locations. Homegym is a meme anyway, 99.9% of people who start exercising at home give up in a few weeks, lifting is difficult enough - don't make it even harder by limiting your exercise options and progression schemes.
That's up to you to find out. Go to a gym for one day only as a free trial and try some weights there.
Steel is specifically heavier than feathers, dumbass

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