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>stop drinking water
>drink water
You're right, anon, just go with soda instead of that useless water that only makes you bloated. Maybe even beer, cuz it has all the nutrients required for living.
Yup. Soda and beer. Water is for dumbfuck skinny fat dyels with fat stomaches
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Exactly! Finally someone who gets it.
I just ate 3 costco cookies
How do you feel?
i want a 4th cookie
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Did you do it, anon? Did you attain... Transcendence?
soda is 95% water
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i went and got mcdonalds instead

i think i have diarrhea
Truly one of the /fit/ posters ever conceived.
>get to roughly 15 percent bodyfat
>have abs one day
>dont have abs the next
fuck me sideways
stupid water bloat
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I’m obese
Big water did this
I really just want all /fit/bros to know that i love them to death (except demoralizers) and all of the laughs that this board has given me.
You all make my day better :)
>hardly ever drink water
>”duuude water is le good for you”
>start drinking a gallon of water a day
>immediately gain like 8 pounds
water? more like Hjew0
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best thread
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i like water
I hate frogs so much it’s unreal
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I skipped breakfast, had a chicken sandwich, did cardio and minor lifts at the gym got gome and had more chicken, carrots, celery, toast w peanut butter, and some fruit but i still ordered wendys at 10 pm
I would shamelessly carry a gut if it meant my chest, shoulders, and arms, and back were that huge and defined. My metabolism won't let me though. I eat as much as I can and drink milk all day. Sometimes it's so much that I vomit. Even if I don't my body is sweating and spazzing out all day and night to burn the calories. I'm calling it. Metabolism is real and I'm giving fatties a pass (if they're strong).
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Wagmi bro i hope so in 2025. I know not all will make it but just gonna push thru it. Enjoy your holiday christmas and new year to all my /fit bro

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