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is it cringe if i make a home gym setup while i'm a rentoid? i found a very good deal for 375 eurobucks that includes a straight and curved bar, dumbbells, and weight plates, and the whole deal is 120 kg in total. see pic related.
>I found a good deal
I hate poorfags so much.
>is it cringe if i make a home gym setup while i'm a rentoid

i'd skip the foam tiles completely, you can lay carboard under your equipment
those bench stations suck btw but if you do get one go second hand
It’s cringe to convey yourself as such a retard. Buy your gym and when you move GUESS WHAT…..takeitwithyou.
Does jewrope not have craigslist?
Holy nigga just go to a real gym, home gyms are non sense.

Dont you actually want to train with high quality shit and have access to a wide variety of good shit?

I have a home gym that is 100X better than what you posted, I have a real home gym, power rack, barbells, plates, adjustable bench, all top of the line stuff, but guess what, I still go to the gym 99% of the time instead of training with my home gym because real gyms have dozens of different cables and machines, dumbbells, and all sorts of different contraptions which allow to have a way more fun and variety filled training life
yea not to mention you know, interacting with other humans.
desu home gym is only if you have a 9-5 a wife and 3 babies and can't waste any time at all.
otherwise drive your retard ass to the gym.
no need to make an antisocial hobby even more antisocial.
>I hate poorfags so much.
i think it's better to spend 400 eurobucks once and own your equipment and save 2 hours each time commuting to the gym.

thanks for the input

>Buy your gym and when you move GUESS WHAT…..takeitwithyou.
sounds good, but i don't have a car to move everything with me, but even then there are moving services that i can pay for.

>Does jewrope not have craigslist?
we do, but i don't have a car, and nobody wants to deliver equipment for me. also, buying new, i know that weight plates won't have coom stains or corrosion on them.

>Holy nigga just go to a real gym, home gyms are non sense.
hmm, maybe you're right. the closest gym to me costs 25 euros a month and takes 30 minutes commuting to it. also, i work weird hours, so i'm going to be going there around 8-9 pm.
you dont need high quality shit thats the thing
the only argument for gym is certain machines
I will end you
Sar you lift dried cow turds attached to glued matchsticks
for real though the closest gym to me is trash and the other one charges like 300 a month whats a good equipment to buy?
>good deal
>shitty sand plates
Enjoy sand on floor and in eyes
all u need is a bench and 2 adjustable dumbbells

> t. homegymer
>i don't have a car
>standard bar
>plastic/concrete plates
I would rather do calisthenics than use garbage equipment like that.
>home gyms are non sense.
Spoken like a true poorfag.
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If you insist on a home gym, dumbbells. If you have the space add a pull-up bar, a bench, and some foam mats. But dumbbells alone cover a lot especially if they go beyond 50lbs.

But yeah, real gyms are a lot better. I will add that the convenience of dumbbells at home mean that I can work out every day which is alright for smaller stuff like bicep curls and shoulder flys. Save the heavy lifts for the gym.

Adjustable dumbbells for starters. Look around, I only got these because of a sale nearby.

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