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>row row row your boat
>gently down the stream
>merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
>life is just a dream

Are there back exercises which are better and more complete than this?
>inb4 do several exercises
Yes yes but if you had to pick ONE
Complete FOR THE BACK?
Thighs etc don't count
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What's our thoughts on the dual handle attachments for these vs single handles? I feel like there's more ROM for the individual arm cables and it feels comfier but I'm not sure if there's a downside
That song speaks of a great primordial truth. Life is but a dream. Your boat is your vehicle to experience the dream of the stream of life. The rower who guides the boat is your spirit. Do so merrily, for it will soon awaken.
literal meme exercise when done like in the pic. try putting your knees at the footpads instead. no swinging. 2 sec pause at navel
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See Thomas Cole's "Voyage of Life" paintings
rack pulls mogg these at higher weights.
use dumbbells
Traps look better than lats.
I agree it's cringe because the cable machine has cardio-tier weights for rows
But a proper row machine is still the best option, no need to put extra strain on your lower back if you already deadlift and squat
>life is but a dream
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Freeweight bb rows cuz it trains spinal erectors and traps for some reason I don't deadlift cuz I'm not gay.
Based reflection.
Yeah I do it like you described.
Sounds good, I'll give it a try.
Stop doing wide grip rows. It's commonly said that wide grip rows bias the "upper back", but apparently the only muscles in the upper back that are biased with a wide grip/flared elbows are the rear delts, teres, infraspinatus, and supraspinatus. And rear delts can be easily trained in isolation with reverse flies, while the rest don't contribute significantly to back thickness (let alone width).
Meanwhile the traps and rhomboids (the upper back muscles that actually create back thickness) aren't affected by grip, and are instead only affected by scapular movement. Which means if you want to target those muscles, you just need to protract your scapula during the eccentric phase of rowing, and your grip doesn't matter.
And if your grip doesn't matter, you should use whatever grip allows you to row with the heaviest loads, which is a narrow, neutral grip.
There is more ROM, but the extra ROM gained is when the muscles are in a shortened position, which is less hypertrophic than the rest of the ROM. So the extra ROM isn't actually that valuable.
And the downside is that it's less stable than a solid metal attachment, so it won't allow you to put the muscles under as much load.

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