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>ask my mother to keep an eye on what I eat so that I feel pressure to eat better
>she tells me that she shouldn't have to and that I need to take personal responsibility
are people not meant to help each other? what the fuck does 'personal responsibility' even mean anymore when people say it? 'personal responsibility' has just become a buzzword now for not helping someone
Your mom sounds based.

You're trying to eat better but the only way you'll develop those habits is if you do the hard work yourself. If she's just constantly nagging you like
>No, sweetie, that soda isn't good for you
Then as soon as she's not around, you'll down an entire bag of Cheetos.

"Personal responsibility" is you being responsible for your own success. Your mom can put a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food on your plate. She's not letting you starve or kicking you out onto the street, but you alone are responsible to take yourself from good to great.
fake because a mom like that wouldn't raise a loser
She's right
Your mother is right. She cannot eat things for you, only you do that. You alone decide what goes in your mouth, and you need to accept that.
nah its some broken clocks right twice a day shit i bet
shes a lazy bitch herself so she raised a lazy bitch son and now he's asking her for something and cause she's a lazy bitch she doesnt wanna deal with it
dude stfu seriously stop being a fat fag and don't call your mom a bitch on the internet
Anon, my mother is almost 400 pounds and has been in and out of the hospital over the past 5 years.

I train 4-5 times weekly with cardio and try to eat right. She has mitral valve prolapse, sleep apnea, diabeetus, and cataracts. She's going to die a fat person's death and there's nothing I can do about it.

People make their own choices in this life. Make yours before you can't anymore.
you're a manchild
>muh personal responsibility
>what do you mean children from dysfunctional families and orphanages tend to be criminals more often?
>btw now that you became famous for something and you're now receiving an award on TV, I would like you to thanks us, your parents, for your success
>what do you mean we helped you with nothing!?


>be László Polgár
>get a theory that parentage does indeed mean a lot when getting children to become good at something
>shack up with teacher with an idea raise chess masters
>actually do so
>end up with three daughters being some of best chess players in the world, with one them being the only woman to reach top 10
Holy shit, she's your fucking mother, talk to her instead of running to your hugbox on 4chan seeking validation, you nigger
I've tried this anon, it doesn't work. Your mom/gf/roommate/whatever doesn't give a enough of a shit about you, only you can do it.

You have to throw away all the unhealthy food in your house. That way, even if you do binge, it will be on healthy food. I promise this is the way.
That's exactly the kind of parent that raises losers, believing it's all deterministic and if you're born with the right genes you're gonna make it on your own is a great excuse for being a lousy mother
Asking for help and guidance is okay.
Asking other people to do the work for you isnt and that's what it sounds like is going on here.
>Asking other people to do the work
Holy retard, doing the work in this case is planning a diet and cooking the right meals, all anon asked (I believe) was for his mom to watch him when he falls into temptation and eats trash
Enjoy being a fat piece of shit you lazy fat piece of shit.
Women don't take responsibility nor accountability in things, not even with their children. OP you're a faggot that should have known better.
Shut up commie
Enjoy being a 75 IQ nigger
there's a lot of population and generally culture in the west at least is extremely individualistic so others are seen as low in value and thus helping is done seldom, even among family members
The broken clock is correct at this second.
Don't rely on you mother for this.
Teach yourself how to cook until you can make all your own meals and enjoy them without sugary sauces, and you'll start losing weight just from that and gain a lifelong skill.
And I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but don't drink soda.
>but you alone are responsible to take yourself from good to great.
That is where dads come in. They push you to from being just well fed and okay in to doing things that don't just keep you alive but enhance you and your future.
You will have to deal with that yourself.
Such life.
Take her advice to heart and stop helping her.
>'personal responsibility' has just become a buzzword now for not helping someone

Why don't you stop helping yourself to those big macs and coke
Losers are based on looks how your parents raise you is meaningless as long as they don’t physically abuse you
Take care of your own problems you entitled piece of shit.
>are people not meant to help each other
You are meant to help your mother as an adult, not expect her to keep treating you like you're still 6. Grow up already.
to be fair shes not wrong but not cool
It's because you're being a lazy, fat fuck. It's like asking someone to remind you to go to the toilet because you keep pissing and shitting yourself.
No one wants to take the mental energy to constantly think about you, on top of all the other stuff they do.
On top of that, she knows you will blame her when you inevitably fail because "she was supposed to watch what I was eating!". Shifting blame is fat person behaviour

He came already blame her for shitty parenting if he got fat as a kid. Reminder that most normies are fat retards who go by the same personal responsibility crap.
Maybe that's the reason to not actually rely on her for anything.

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